Evans Mcintyre posted an update 2 months, 4 weeks ago
A Lorenz-like model was set up recently to study the hydrodynamic instabilities in a driven active matter system. This Lorenz model differs from the standard one in that all three equations contain nonlinear terms. The additional nonlinear term comes from the active matter contribution to the stress tensor. In this work, we investigate the nonlinear properties of this Lorenz model both analytically and numerically. The significant feature of the model is the passage to chaos through a complete set of period-doubling bifurcations above the Hopf point for Schmidt numbers above a critical value. Interestingly enough, at these Schmidt numbers a strange attractor and stable fixed points coexist beyond the homoclinic point. At the Hopf point, the strange attractor disappears leaving a high-period periodic orbit. This periodic state becomes the expected limit cycle through a set of bifurcations and then undergoes a sequence of period-doubling bifurcations leading to the formation of a strange attractor. This is the first situation where a Lorenz-like model has shown a set of consecutive period-doubling bifurcations in a physically relevant transition to turbulence.The interaction of drops and electric fields occurs in many applications like electrowetting, electrospinning, atomization, but also causes unwanted effects like the aging of high-voltage composite insulators. Water drops are influenced by electric fields due to the polar properties of the water molecules. The behavior of the drops depends on several parameters like the orientation and strength of the electric field, drop volume, and frequency of the applied field. In addition, electric charges can influence the behavior of drops significantly. However, the impact of electric charges, including the interaction with the drop as well as the electric field strength, is far from being well understood. BMS-863233 In this work, the impact of electric charges on the behavior of single sessile drops is investigated experimentally under well-defined conditions. The effects of the drop volume, electric field strength, field frequency, and electric charge of the drop are studied. The necessary amount of charge to change the behavior of drops, depending on the applied electric field and drop volume, is determined and different drop behavior regimes are identified. Depending on the boundary conditions, the drop oscillates with the same or double the frequency of the applied voltage. The different regimes are investigated for the first three oscillation modes. The obtained results will help to improve the understanding and to manipulate the behavior of uncharged and charged drops in strong electric fields.Control of generically scale-invariant systems, i.e., targeting specific cooperative features in nonlinear stochastic interacting systems with many degrees of freedom subject to strong fluctuations and correlations that are characterized by power laws, remains an important open problem. We study the control of surface roughness during a growth process described by the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) equation in (1+1) dimensions. We achieve the saturation of the mean surface roughness to a prescribed value using nonlinear feedback control. Numerical integration is performed by means of the pseudospectral method, and the results are used to investigate the coupling effects of controlled (linear) and uncontrolled (nonlinear) KPZ dynamics during the control process. While the intermediate time kinetics is governed by KPZ scaling, at later times a linear regime prevails, namely the relaxation toward the desired surface roughness. The temporal crossover region between these two distinct regimes displays intriguing scaling behavior that is characterized by nontrivial exponents and involves the number of controlled Fourier modes. Due to the control, the height probability distribution becomes negatively skewed, which affects the value of the saturation width.Large populations of globally coupled or uncoupled oscillators have been recently shown to exhibit an intriguing echo behavior [Ott, Platig, Antonsen, and Girvan, Chaos An Interdiscip. J. Nonlinear Sci. 18, 037115 (2008)CHAOEH1054-150010.1063/1.2973816; Chen, Tinsley, Ott, and Showalter, Phys. Rev. X 6, 041054 (2016)2160-330810.1103/PhysRevX.6.041054], wherein a system is perturbed by two successive pulses at times T and T+τ inducing a spontaneous increase in the order parameter at the given times. These two provoked increments in the order parameter are followed by an unprovoked spontaneous increment in the order parameter at time T+2τ termed as an echo. In this paper, the effects of network topology on the emergence of an echo are explored. Two principal network parameters, namely, average degree and network randomness, are varied for this purpose. The networks are rewired to increase randomness in the network connections using the Watts-Strogatz algorithm to generate small world networks [Watts and Strogat size on average degree. The echo size was found to be minimum at an intermediate value of the average degree. Lastly we consider the influence of dynamically changing links on the echo size and demonstrate that time-varying connections destroy the echo in low average degree networks, while the echo persists under dynamic links in high average degree networks. So our results clearly demarcate the class of networks that are robust candidates for exhibiting echoes, as well as provide caveats for the observation of echoes in networks.The Ising model exhibits qualitatively different properties in hyperbolic space in comparison to its flat space counterpart. Due to the negative curvature, a finite fraction of the total number of spins reside at the boundary of a volume in hyperbolic space. As a result, boundary conditions play an important role even when taking the thermodynamic limit. We investigate the bulk thermodynamic properties of the Ising model in two- and three-dimensional hyperbolic spaces using Monte Carlo and high- and low-temperature series expansion techniques. To extract the true bulk properties of the model in the Monte Carlo computations, we consider the Ising model in hyperbolic space with periodic boundary conditions. We compute the critical exponents and critical temperatures for different tilings of the hyperbolic plane and show that the results are of mean-field nature. We compare our results to the “asymptotic” limit of tilings of the hyperbolic plane the Bethe lattice, explaining the relationship between the critical properties of the Ising model on Bethe and hyperbolic lattices.