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  • Nordentoft Falk posted an update 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    These results suggest that cortical temporal hierarchy in middle childhood is immature and may be important for an accurate representation of complex naturalistic social stimuli during this age. The cerebellum is known to contain a double somatotopic body representation. While the anterior lobe body map has shown a robust somatotopic organization in previous fMRI studies, the representations in the posterior lobe have been more difficult to observe and are less precisely characterized. In this study, participants went through a simple motor task asking them to move either the eyes (left-right guided saccades), tongue (left-right movement), thumbs, little fingers or toes (flexion). Using high spatial resolution fMRI data acquired at ultra-high field (7T), with special care taken to obtain sufficient B1 over the entire cerebellum and a cerebellar surface reconstruction facilitating visual inspection of the results, we were able to precisely map the somatotopic representations of these five distal body parts on both subject- and group-specific cerebellar surfaces. The anterior lobe (including lobule VI) showed a consistent and robust somatotopic gradient. Although less robust, the presence of such a gradient in the posterior lobe, from Crus II to lobule VIIIb, was also observed. Additionally, the eyes were also strongly represented in Crus I and the oculomotor vermis. Overall, crosstalk between the different body part representations was negligible. Taken together, these results show that multiple representations of distal body parts are present in the cerebellum, across many lobules, and they are organized in an orderly manner. Visualizing gradual changes in neuromelanin distribution within the substantia nigra is an important metric used to monitor the progression of Parkinsonism. This study aimed to identify the origin of the mismatch region between magnetic resonance transverse relaxation times (T2 and T2*) in the substantia nigra and investigate its feasibility and implications for in vivo detection of neuromelanin as a clinical biomarker. The relationships between neuromelanin distribution assessed by histological staining and the area of T2 and T2* mismatch determined by high- and low-resolution magnetic resonance relaxometry at 7T were directly compared in two normal and one depigmented substantia nigra collected at postmortem. In vivo feasibility of assessing T2 and T2* mismatch, clinically, was investigated using 3T magnetic resonance imaging. In the normal postmortem substantia nigra tissue, the T2 and T2* mismatch region exhibiting a linear pattern was strongly colocalized with neuromelanin distribution along the dorsal scontains large amounts of neuromelanin. Functional magnetic resonance imaging provides rich spatio-temporal data of human brain activity during task and rest. Many recent efforts have focussed on characterising dynamics of brain activity. One notable instance is co-activation pattern (CAP) analysis, a frame-wise analytical approach that disentangles the different functional brain networks interacting with a user-defined seed region. While promising applications in various clinical settings have been demonstrated, there is not yet any centralised, publicly accessible resource to facilitate the deployment of the technique. Here, we release a working version of TbCAPs, a new toolbox for CAP analysis, which includes all steps of the analytical pipeline, introduces new methodological developments that build on already existing concepts, and enables a facilitated inspection of CAPs and resulting metrics of brain dynamics. The toolbox is available on a public academic repository at https// In addition, to illustrate the feasibility and usefulness of our pipeline, we describe an application to the study of human cognition. CAPs are constructed from resting-state fMRI using as seed the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, and, in a separate sample, we successfully predict a behavioural measure of continuous attentional performance from the metrics of CAP dynamics (R ​= ​0.59). In everyday behavior, we perform numerous goal-directed manual tasks that contain a sequence of actions. However, knowledge is limited regarding developmental aspects of predictive control mechanisms in such tasks, particularly with regard to brain activations supporting sequential manual actions in children. We investigated these issues in typically developing children at early adolescence (11-14 years) compared with previously collected data from adults. While lying in a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner, the participants steered a cursor on a computer screen towards sequentially presented targets using a hand-held manipulandum. The next target was either revealed after completion of the ongoing target (one-target condition), in which case forthcoming movements could not be planned ahead, or displayed in advance (two-target condition), which allowed the use of a predictive control strategy. The adults completed more targets in the two- than one-target condition, displaying an efficient predictive control strategy. The children, in contrast, completed fewer targets in the two- than one-target condition, and difficulties implementing a predictive strategy were found due to a limited capacity to inhibit premature movements. Brain areas with increased activation in children, compared with the adults, included prefrontal and posterior parietal regions, suggesting an increased demand for higher-level cognitive processing in the children due to inhibitory challenges. Thus, regarding predictive mechanisms during sequential manual tasks, crucial development likely occurs beyond early adolescence. AEB071 research buy This is at a later age than what has previously been reported from other manual tasks, suggesting that predictive phase transitions are difficult to master. How are outliers in an otherwise homogeneous object ensemble represented by our visual system? Are outliers ignored because they are the minority? Or do outliers alter our perception of an otherwise homogeneous ensemble? We have previously demonstrated ensemble representation in human anterior-medial ventral visual cortex (overlapping the scene-selective parahippocampal place area; PPA). In this study we investigated how outliers impact object-ensemble representation in this human brain region as well as visual representation throughout posterior brain regions. We presented a homogeneous ensemble followed by an ensemble containing either identical elements or a majority of identical elements with a few outliers. Human participants ignored the outliers and made a same/different judgment between the two ensembles. In PPA, fMRI adaptation was observed when the outliers in the second ensemble matched the items in the first, even though the majority of the elements in the second ensemble were distinct from those in the first; conversely, release from fMRI adaptation was observed when the outliers in the second ensemble were distinct from the items in the first, even though the majority of the elements in the second ensemble were identical to those in the first.

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