Dalrymple Jennings posted an update 2 months, 3 weeks ago
ar. This study confirms that domestic water isolates are probably the source of AK infection. Advice about avoiding water contact when using CL’s should be mandatory.Dengue disease is a major problem for public health surveillance entities in tropical and subtropical regions having a significant impact not only epidemiological but social and economical. There are many factors involved in the dengue transmission process. We can evaluate the importance of these factors through the formulation of mathematical models. However, the majority of the models presented in the literature tend to be overparameterized, with considerable uncertainty levels and excessively complex formulations. We aim to evaluate the structure, complexity, trustworthiness, and suitability of three models, for the transmission of dengue disease, through different strategies. To achieve this goal, we perform structural and practical identifiability, sensitivity and uncertainty analyses to these models. The results showed that the simplest model was the most appropriate and reliable when the only available information to fit them is the cumulative number of reported dengue cases in an endemic municipality of Colombia.This study analyses the changes of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in a cohort of boys and girls aged 11 (n = 50) and 14 (n = 50). Physical activity was assessed with Bodymedia SenseWear Pro Armband monitor for 6 days in October 2013 and October 2016, considering 90% of daily wear time (21h and 40min). The initial sample (n = 160) included the children who wore the monitors at age 11 but the final analyzed sample included only those children from the initial sample (n = 50), whose data fulfilled the inclusion criteria at age 11 and 14. Physical fitness and somatic characteristics of the final sample (n = 50) were compared to a representative sample of Slovenian schoolchildren at ages 11 (n = 385) and 14 (n = 236) to detect possible bias. Changes in MVPA were controlled for maturity using the timing of adolescent growth spurt as its indicator. The average MVPA decreased more than one quarter (34.96 min) from age 11 to age 14. Children were significantly more active at age 11 than at age 14 (p less then 0.01, d = 0.39). The timing of puberty onset in girls was significantly earlier (12.01 ± 1.0 years) (p less then 0.01) than in boys (13.2 ± 0.75 years) (p less then 0.01, d = 1.35). There was a significant gender difference in moderate-to vigorous physical activity at age 14 (p less then 0.05, η2 = 0.12) and between moderate-to vigorous physical activity at age 11 and 14 (η2 = 0.11). After controlling for the timing of adolescent growth spurt the girls at age 11 showed significantly higher level of physical activity than at age 14 (p less then 0.01, η2 = 0.17). Early adolescence is crucial for the development of physical activity behaviours, which is especially pronounced in girls. The significant decline of MVPA between ages 11 and 14 in Slovenia are likely influenced by environmental changes since the timing of adolescent growth spurt did not prove as a factor underlying the decline of MVPA.Lake Lesser Prespa in Greece is a vital breeding habitat for the Dalmatian and Great White Pelican and a shelter for numerous rare and endemic species. However, eutrophication processes are distressing the lake system and the outbreaks of cyanobacterial blooms during the warm months may pose a threat to aquatic organisms due to the presence of microcystins (MCs). In this study we hypothesize that nutrients (eutrophication), nutrient-rich pelican droppings (guanotrophication) and warming (climate change) can affect the algal growth and MCs production in the water layer of Lake Lesser Prespa. Seston collected from three lake sites was incubated at ambient (20°C) and high (30°C) temperature with or without the addition of nutrients (nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P)), or pelican droppings. Results showed increased chlorophyll-a at higher temperature (30°C). GNE-049 in vivo N addition yielded higher chlorophyll-a levels than the non-treated water or when only P was added. The addition of both N and P as well as the addition of pelican dropping resulted in the highest chlorophyll-a at both temperatures. Notably, in the dropping-treatments, cyanobacteria and MCs were promoted while changes were evoked in the relative contribution of toxic MC-variants. Guanotrophication may thus influence the cyanobacterial dynamics and most likely their toxicity profile at Lesser Prespa.OBJECTIVE HIV-infected women on antiretroviral therapy have a higher risk of preterm birth than HIV-uninfected women in Botswana. To better understand the mechanism for preterm birth among HIV-infected women, we evaluated whether mid-trimester cervical length differed by HIV status as cervical shortening is associated with an increased risk for preterm birth. METHODS We conducted a prospective cohort study among pregnant women receiving care at the Scottish Livingstone Hospital in Molepolole, Botswana. Consecutive women referred for routine obstetrical ultrasound were consented and enrolled if between 22w0d and 24w6d by ultrasound biometry. Blinded to maternal HIV status, an obstetrician measured transvaginal cervical length using standardized criteria. Cervical length, as well as the proportion of women with a short cervix ( less then 25mm), were compared among HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected women. The acceptability of transvaginal ultrasound was also evaluated. RESULTS Between April 2016 and April 2017, 853 women presenting for obstetric ultrasound were screened, 187 (22%) met eligibility criteria, and 179 (96%) were enrolled. Of those enrolled, 50 (28%) were HIV-infected (86% on antiretroviral therapy), 127 (71%) were HIV-uninfected, and 2 (1%) had unknown HIV status. There was no significant difference in mean cervical length between HIV-infected and HIV-uninfected women (32mm vs 31mm, p = 0.21), or in the proportion with a short cervix (10% vs 14%, p = 0.44). Acceptability data was available for 115 women who underwent a transvaginal ultrasound exam. Of these, 112 of 115 (97%) women deemed the transvaginal scan acceptable. CONCLUSIONS The increased risk of preterm birth observed among HIV-infected women receiving antiretroviral therapy in Botswana is unlikely associated with mid-trimester cervical shortening. Further research is needed to understand the underlying mechanism for preterm birth among HIV-infected women.