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  • Smidt Fink posted an update 6 days, 8 hours ago

    s relieves pain and improves mobility. CT remains the first choice for percutaneous ablation. Fluoroscopy combined with ultrasound is effective for cases with soft tissue masses; fluoroscopy is also suitable for combination with vertebroplasty. However, further investigations are required.

    To determine if platelet additive solutions (PAS) decrease the occurrence and degree of platelet storage lesions, maintain platelet function, and extend storage time in vitro beyond 5 days at 22°C when compared to platelets stored in plasma only.

    Prospective, ex vivo experimental controlled study.

    Research laboratory in a school of veterinary medicine.

    Twelve units of canine platelet concentrate prepared from fresh whole blood donations.

    Platelet concentrates were aliquoted into 4 units and stored at room temperature (22°C) under constant agitation in either 100% plasma (control) or 35% plasma and 65% of 1 of 3 different PAS (Plasma-Lyte A, Isoplate, and InterSol) for 7 days. At days 0, 3, 5, and 7, samples were analyzed for presence of swirling, degree of aggregate formation, platelet count, platelet indices, glucose, lactate, lactate dehydrogenase, Pvo

    , and Pvco

    concentrations, aggregation via light aggregometry, and activation percentage based on flow cytometric measurement of surface P-sele canine platelet concentrate for up to 7 days.

    Many women with breast cancer (BC) hesitate to raise sexual concerns clinically. We evaluated a multimedia intervention to facilitate BC patients’ communication about sexual/menopausal health, called Starting the Conversation (STC).

    Female BC patients (N=144) were randomly assigned to either STC (20-min video, workbook, and resource guide) or control (resource guide only). Audio-recorded dialogue from patients’ next oncology clinic encounter was coded for patients’ sexual health communication. Self-report surveys assessed patients’ beliefs about sexual health communication, self-efficacy for clinical interactions, sexual function/activity, anxiety/depression symptoms, and quality of life at baseline, post-intervention, and 2-month follow-up. T-tests or mixed-effects logistic regression compared study arms.

    Women in the STC arm were more likely to raise the topic of sexual health (51%; OR=2.62 [1.02, 6.69], p=0.04) and ask a sexual health question (40%; OR=2.85 [1.27, 6.38], p=0.01) during their clinic eould have improved women’s willingness or ability to engage in sexual activity. Future studies should identify aspects of the clinical encounter most critical to improving women’s sexual outcomes.

    This study examined breast cancer survivors’ (BCS) views on the role of exercise therapy while they were working in employment during cancer treatment.

    Research was undertaken with five participants who undertook an exercise programme as adjuvant care during treatment for breast cancer. Four female and one male client, the only clients who met the criteria for study in the clinic, were interviewed twice each during a two-month period. Participants wrote diaries to supplement the interview data and provide prompts for the second interview. An interpretive paradigm was used to identify themes for analysis. A multiple coding approach was used to interpret the data. The study was conducted at a small breast cancer recovery clinic, situated at a university in the South Island of New Zealand.

    Participants reported that exercise was essential to their ability to work through the active treatment phase and provided positive effects on social, mental and emotional well-being.

    Exercise therapy is an important element of enabling to work during treatment, for physical, mental and social well-being. SO WHAT? Future research is required on support for employers to enable exercise therapy for employees; the needs of self-employed patients; tailoring exercise therapy for patients for whom social support is not a primary motivation; and the place of a clinic as a ‘middle-ground’ between social and emotional support and an exercise clinic.

    Exercise therapy is an important element of enabling to work during treatment, for physical, mental and social well-being. SO WHAT? Future research is required on support for employers to enable exercise therapy for employees; the needs of self-employed patients; tailoring exercise therapy for patients for whom social support is not a primary motivation; and the place of a clinic as a ‘middle-ground’ between social and emotional support and an exercise clinic.

    This study aims to test a hypothetical model linking various dimensions of organizational justice to the job satisfaction and nurses’ intention to leave the profession based on the theoretical assumptions of the Alexander model of voluntary turnover.

    A cross-sectional survey.

    This study was conducted on 317 inpatient ward nurses of six teaching hospitals in Tehran, Iran during 1 September 2017-14 November 2018. Clinical nurses were recruited by a multistage random sampling. Data were collected using structured questionnaires of organizational justice, job satisfaction, and nurses’ intention to leave. Data were analysed by structural equation modelling using Amos 22 statistical program.

    The structural equation model demonstrated adequate fit and the hypothesized correlations were partially supported. The findings suggested that the distributive justice (p<.001; β=0.24) and interactional justice (p<.001; β=0.44) could indirectly affect the nurses’ intention to leave the nursing profession via the t must be further emphasized by healthcare managers to increase the job satisfaction of nurses and their retention in healthcare systems. The findings indicated that fair interactions have a greater impact on job satisfaction and retention of nurses than procedural and distributive justice. The results of this study provide valuable references for nursing managers to increase the job satisfaction of nurses and their retention in healthcare settings.Energy storage is becoming the chief barrier to the utilization of more renewable energy sources on the grid. With independent service operators aiming to acquire gigawatts in the next 10-20 years, there is a large need to develop a suite of new storage technologies. Redox flow batteries (RFB) may be part of the solution if certain key barriers are overcome. This Review focuses on a particular kind of RFB based on nonaqueous media that promises to meet the challenge through higher voltages than the organic and aqueous variants. This class of RFB is divided into three groups molecular, macromolecular, and redox-targeted systems. Selleck MPTP The growing field of theoretical modeling is also reviewed and discussed.

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