Chandler Holst posted an update 3 weeks, 4 days ago
The general form for τ(T,V) also illuminates why samples in different states (film vs bulk, high P vs low) trend toward the same relaxation behavior at high T.Achieving a low mean transverse energy or temperature of electrons emitted from the photocathode-based electron sources is critical to the development of next-generation and compact x-ray free electron lasers and ultrafast electron diffraction, spectroscopy, and microscopy experiments. In this Letter, we demonstrate a record low mean transverse energy of 5 meV from the cryo-cooled (100) surface of copper using near-threshold photoemission. Further, we also show that the electron energy spread obtained from such a surface is less than 11.5 meV, making it the smallest energy spread electron source known to date more than an order of magnitude smaller than any existing photoemission, field emission, or thermionic emission based electron source. Our measurements also shed light on the physics of electron emission and show how the energy spread at few meV scale energies is limited by both the temperature and the vacuum density of states.Coherence of superconducting qubits can be improved by implementing designs that protect the parity of Cooper pairs on superconducting islands. Here, we introduce a parity-protected qubit based on voltage-controlled semiconductor nanowire Josephson junctions, taking advantage of the higher harmonic content in the energy-phase relation of few-channel junctions. A symmetric interferometer formed by two such junctions, gate-tuned into balance and frustrated by a half-quantum of applied flux, yields a cos(2φ) Josephson element, reflecting coherent transport of pairs of Cooper pairs. We demonstrate that relaxation of the qubit can be suppressed tenfold by tuning into the protected regime.For pseudospin-half bosons with interspin attraction and intraspin repulsion, the normal phase and Bose condensed phase can coexist at finite temperature. The homogeneous system is unstable against the spinodal decomposition within a medium density interval, and, consequently, a normal-superfluid phase separation takes place. The isothermal equation of state shows a characteristic plateau in the P-V (pressure-volume) diagram, which is reminiscent of a classical gas-liquid transition, although, unlike the latter, the coexistence lines never terminate at a critical point as temperature increases. In a harmonic trap, the phase separation can be revealed by the density profile of the atomic cloud, which exhibits a sudden jump across the phase boundary.We analyze the magnon excitations in pyrochlore iridates with all-in-all-out (AIAO) antiferromagnetic order, focusing on their topological features. We identify the magnetic point group symmetries that protect the nodal-line band crossings and triple-point degeneracies that dominate the Berry curvature. We find three distinct regimes of magnon band topology, as a function of the ratio of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction to the antiferromagnetic exchange. We show how the thermal Hall response provides a unique probe of the topological magnon band structure in AIAO systems.Large N matrix quantum mechanics is central to holographic duality but not solvable in the most interesting cases. We show that the spectrum and simple expectation values in these theories can be obtained numerically via a “bootstrap” methodology. In this approach, operator expectation values are related by symmetries-such as time translation and SU(N) gauge invariance-and then bounded with certain positivity constraints. We first demonstrate how this method efficiently solves the conventional quantum anharmonic oscillator. We then reproduce the known solution of large N single matrix quantum mechanics. Finally, we present new results on the ground state of large N two matrix quantum mechanics.The competitive exclusion principle asserts that coexisting species must occupy distinct ecological niches (i.e., the number of surviving species cannot exceed the number of resources). An open question is to understand if and how different resource dynamics affect this bound. Here, we analyze a generalized consumer resource model with externally supplied resources and show that-in contrast to self-renewing resources-species can occupy only half of all available environmental niches. This motivates us to construct a new schema for classifying ecosystems based on species packing properties.Energy transport in one-dimensional chains of particles with three conservation laws is generically anomalous and belongs to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang dynamical universality class. Surprisingly, some examples where an apparent normal heat diffusion is found over a large range of length scales were reported. We propose a novel physical explanation of these intriguing observations. We develop a scaling analysis that explains how this may happen in the vicinity of an integrable limit, such as, but not only, the famous Toda model. In this limit, heat transport is mostly supplied by quasiparticles with a very large mean free path ℓ. Upon increasing the system size L, three different regimes can be observed a ballistic one, an intermediate diffusive range, and, eventually, the crossover to the anomalous (hydrodynamic) regime. Our theoretical considerations are supported by numerical simulations of a gas of diatomic hard-point particles for almost equal masses and of a weakly perturbed Toda chain. Finally, we discuss the case of the perturbed harmonic chain, which exhibits a yet different scenario.Using the quasilocal properties alone we show that the area spectrum of a black hole horizon must be discrete, independent of any specific quantum theory of gravity. The area spectrum is found to be half-integer spaced with values 8πγℓ_p^2j where j∈N/2. We argue that if microstate counting is carried out for quantum states residing on the horizon only, correction of exp(-A/4ℓ_p^2) over the Bekenstein-Hawking area law must arise in black hole entropy.We study the spin transport through the quantum spin liquid (QSL) by investigating the real-time and real-space dynamics of the Kitaev spin system with zigzag edges using the time-dependent Majorana mean-field theory. After the magnetic-field pulse is introduced to one of the edges, spin moments are excited in the opposite edge region although spin moments are never induced in the Kitaev QSL region. This unusual spin transport originates from the fact that the S=1/2 spins are fractionalized into the itinerant and localized Majorana fermions in the Kitaev system. Although both Majorana fermions are excited by the magnetic pulse, only the itinerant ones flow through the bulk regime without spin excitations, resulting in the spin transport in the Kitaev system despite the presence of a nonzero spin gap. GPNA We also demonstrate that this phenomenon can be observed in the system with small Heisenberg interactions using the exact diagonalization.