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  • Gutierrez Kearney posted an update 5 days, 8 hours ago

    Bioswales are used to attenuate stormwater pollution, but their long-term sustainability regarding sequestered metals is relatively unknown, and a clear rationale for prioritizing soil management is lacking. paquinimod order Impervious areas draining into four 14-year-old suburban bioswales were delineated, for which surface soils (top 10 cm; 72 samples) were sampled; soils from 4 adjacent reference sites were also sampled. Total and water soluble metals (Cd, Cu, Pb, Zn) were quantified, and the relationships between metal concentrations and drainage area characteristics evaluated. Annual metal loads were estimated using regional runoff data to simulate current and future metal concentrations; risks to soil biota were assessed by comparing metal concentrations to ecological screening levels. The drainage areas’ percent imperviousness (37-71%) and ratios of impervious drainage area to bioswale area (2.0-5.7) varied, owing to differing proportions of rooftops, paved surfaces, lawns, and natural soils. Total Cu and Zn ranged from 10.0 to 43.2 mg/kg dry soil, and 15.6 to 129.5 mg/kg dry soil, respectively. Across all bioswales, total Zn was positively correlated to percent impervious area (r = 0.32, p = 0.0073), the ratio of connected impervious drainage area to infiltration area (r = 0.32, p = 0.0073), and percent drainage area as paved surfaces (r = 0.46, p = 5.6 E-05), but negatively correlated to percent drainage area as lawns (r = -0.48; p = 2.4 E-05). Water soluble metal concentrations were orders of magnitude lower than total metals. Given annual metal loads (0.2-0.4 mg Cu/kg dry soil; 1.5-3.1 mg Zn/kg dry soil), replacing bioswale soils to constrain metal concentrations would be unnecessary for decades. Taken together, this study proposes a transferable approach of estimating, then verifying via sampling and analysis, bioswale soil metal concentrations, such that soil management decisions can be benchmarked to ecological screening levels.

    Children with refractory epilepsy (RE) are associated with increased mortality rate, nonfatal injuries, disability, and diminished quality of life. Biomarkers for the early prediction of RE is still an unmet need.

    Eighteen children with RE and six age-matched unrelated controls were included in this study. Plasma samples were prefractionated by the optimized thermal treatment before proteomic analysis using 2DE-LC-MS/MS. Bioinformatic analysis was carried out using STRING protein network. Immunoassay of unprocessed plasma was applied to confirm changes of proteins of interest. P-value<0.05 was considered statistically significant.

    Proteomic analysis (n=6 each group) revealed nine differentially expressed proteins, i.e., haptoglobin, S100A9, serpin B1, apolipoprotein A-I, apolipoprotein A-IV, apolipoprotein C-II, alpha-1-acid glycoprotein 1 and 2, and transthyretin. Western immunoblotting confirmed haptoglobin upregulation in the RE group. STRING protein network predicted the inflammatory cytokines, iomarkers may help predict the intractability of epilepsy in pediatric populations.A prussian blue nanocubes decomposition-assisted signal amplification strategy for competitive lateral flow immunoassay (PBNCD-SALFIA) was innovatively proposed to analyze aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) in foodstuffs. The signal was amplified on account of the PBNCs can degrade and fade under alkaline condition, which could weak the color of the test- and control-lines, thereby improving the sensitivity of the sensor. The strategy was technically-simple, just using NaOH as an amplifier can realize signal amplification in the competition assay. Under optimized conditions, the enhanced strip exhibited excellent specificity and sensitivity in AFB1 monitoring with a detection limit of 23 pg/mL, which was approximately 4- and 8-folds lower than those of PBNCs-LFIA (90 pg/mL) and conventional gold nanoparticles-LFIA (175 pg/mL), respectively. Taking the advantage of the color-fading, this platform revealing the lowest detectable concentration of 0.184, 0.368 and 0.184 μg/kg for AFB1 in corn, peanut and pumpkin seed within 58 min, separately, showing reliable results.Effect of air velocities, stepwise in-bag ageing and ageing time on the oxidative stability, proteolysis and digestibility of fresh and long-term frozen-stored dry-aged lean beef were studied. Increased air velocities and stepwise ageing regime had no effect (P > 0.05) on dry-aged beef lipid and protein oxidative stabilities and proteolysis pattern compared to control straight-dry-ageing. TBARS, protein carbonyl and free amino acids (FAAs) increased (P > 0.05) with ageing time. In-bag dry-ageing of beef improved its lipids and protein oxidative stability during long-term frozen storage compared to unaged beef. Improvement in beef protein digestibility was observed through increased release of FAAs and appearance of small protein fragments from SDS-PAGE in dry-aged samples compared to the unaged. The high lipid and protein oxidative stability of long-term frozen lean beef produced using stepwise in-bag ageing process suggest potential for the process to be used for producing dry-aged meat for export.Cheese represents one of the most complex food matrices, for the high number of factors contributing to the chemical composition, and so its evaluation represents an important analytical challenge. The present study describes an innovative and non-destructive analytical approach, based on hyperspectral imaging in the near-infrared region (HSI-NIR) and multivariate pattern recognition, to study and monitor the extent – spatial and temporal – of biochemical phenomena responsible for cheese ripening. NIR spectral bands characterising dehydration, proteolysis and lipolysis were individuated and studied by exploiting a representative sample set of characteristic cheeses. The information obtained was employed to develop score maps based on principal component analysis (PCA), which permitted to monitor and visualise the ripening of Formaggetta, a commercial semi-hard cheese typical of Liguria, an Italian region, providing a deep understanding of the evolution of dehydration, proteolysis and lipolysis during the maturation period that precedes the placing on the market.

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