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  • Tarp Dunlap posted an update 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    Purpose No diagnostic tools exist for identifying social (pragmatic) communication disorder (SPCD), a new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition category for individuals with social communication deficits but not the repetitive, restricted behaviors and interests (RRBIs) that would qualify them for a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We explored the value of items from a widely used screening measure of ASD for distinguishing SPCD from typical controls (TC; Aim 1) and from ASD (Aim 2). Method We applied item response theory (IRT) modeling to Social Communication Questionnaire-Lifetime (Rutter, Bailey, & Lord, 2003) records available in the National Database for Autism Research. We defined records from putative SPCD (n = 54), ASD (n = 278), and TC (n = 274) groups retrospectively, based on National Database for Autism Research classifications and Autism Diagnostic Interview-Revised responses. After assessing model assumptions, estimating model parameters, and measuring model fit, we identified items in the social communication and RRBI domains that were maximally informative in differentiating the groups. Results IRT modeling identified a set of seven social communication items that distinguished SPCD from TC with sensitivity and specificity > 80%. A set of five RRBI items was less successful in distinguishing SPCD from ASD (sensitivity and specificity less then 70%). Conclusion The IRT modeling approach and the Social Communication Questionnaire-Lifetime item sets it identified may be useful in efforts to construct screening and diagnostic measures for SPCD.Although information is frequently paired with music to enhance recall, there is a lack of basic research investigating how aspects of recorded music, as well as how it is presented, facilitate working memory. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the effects of visual and aural presentation styles, rhythm, and participant major on working memory as measured by sequential monosyllabic digit recall performance. We isolated visual and aural presentation styles and rhythm conditions during six different treatment stimuli presented on a computer screen in the study (a) Visual Rhythm; (b) Visual No Rhythm; (c) Aural Rhythm; (d) Aural No Rhythm; (e) Visual + Aural Rhythm; (f) Visual + Aural No Rhythm. Participants’ (N = 60; 30 nonmusic majors and 30 music majors) task was to immediately recall the information paired with music within each condition. click here Analyses of variance indicated a significant difference between the visual and visual + aural presentation style conditions with the visual + aural condition having more accurate recall. While descriptive data indicated that rhythm tended to facilitate recall, there was no significant difference between rhythm and no rhythm conditions. Nonmusic major participants tended to have slightly more accurate recall than music major participants, although this difference was not significant. Participants tended to have higher recall accuracy during primacy and recency serial positions. As participants had most accurate recall during the visual + aural presentation style conditions, it seems that the multi-sensory presentation modes can be effective for teaching information to be immediately recalled as long as they do not contain too much information and overload the limited storage capacity of working memory. Implications for clinical practice, limitations, and suggestions for future research are provided.Phytophthora capsici is a soilborne oomycete plant pathogen that causes severe vegetable crop losses in New York (NY) State and worldwide. This pathogen is difficult to manage, in part due to its production of long-lasting sexual spores and its tendency to quickly evolve fungicide resistance. We single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyped 252 P. capsici isolates, predominantly from NY, in order to conduct a genome-wide association study for mating type and mefenoxam sensitivity. The population structure and extent of chromosomal copy number variation in this collection of isolates were also characterized. Population structure analyses showed isolates largely clustered by the field site where they were collected, with values of FST between pairs of fields ranging from 0.10 to 0.31. Thirty-three isolates were putative aneuploids, demonstrating evidence for having up to four linkage groups present in more than two copies, and an additional two isolates appeared to be genome-wide triploids. Mating type was mapped to a region on scaffold 4, consistent with previous findings, and mefenoxam sensitivity was associated with several SNP markers at a novel locus on scaffold 62. We identified several candidate genes for mefenoxam sensitivity, including a homolog of yeast ribosome synthesis factor Rrp5, but failed to locate near the scaffold 62 locus any subunits of RNA Polymerase I, the hypothesized target site of phenylamide fungicides in oomycetes. This work expands our knowledge of the population biology of P. capsici and provides a foundation for functional validation of candidate genes associated with epidemiologically important phenotypes.Xylella fastidiosa is a xylem-limited bacterial plant pathogen that causes disease on numerous hosts. Additionally, X. fastidiosa asymptomatically colonizes a wide range of plant species. X. fastidiosa subsp. multiplex has been detected in olive (Olea europaea) trees grown in California, USA, as well as in Europe. Strains of X. fastidiosa subsp. multiplex isolated from California olive trees are not known to cause disease on olive, although some can induce leaf-scorch symptoms on almond (Prunus dulcis). No genome assemblies currently exist for olive-associated X. fastidiosa subsp. multiplex strains; therefore, a hybrid assembly method was used to generate complete genome sequences for three X. fastidiosa subsp. multiplex strains (Fillmore, LM10, and RH1) isolated from olive trees grown in Ventura and Los Angeles Counties of California.Acculturation is associated with substance use behaviors in Hispanic adolescents. However, there is limited research determining whether the individual’s friends’ acculturation patterns also influence substance use. Tenth-grade students (N = 970) participated in Project RED, a study of substance use and social networks among Hispanic youth in Southern California. Acculturation and substance use data from both the respondent and their nominated friends were regressed on lifetime cigarette use, marijuana use, and alcohol use controlling for sibling substance use, sex, depressive symptoms, and network measures. Respondent’s Hispanic orientation was significantly associated with lower odds of both cigarette and marijuana use, whereas respondent’s friends’ US orientation was associated with higher odds of cigarette use. When controlling for network-level acculturation, individual-level U.S. orientation was not associated with substance use. Participants who nominated more friends had lower odds of cigarette use. Among this sample of Hispanic adolescents, affiliating with U.

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