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  • Kane Cullen posted an update 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    Developmental programming alters life-course multi-organ function and significantly affects life-course health. Recently, Raltitrexed has developed in how programming may influence the rate of aging. This review describes interactions of nutrition and programming-aging interactions in hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) development and function from fetal development to old age. A full picture of these interactions requires data on levels of HPA activity relating to the hypothalamic, adrenal cortical, circulating blood, and peripheral cortisol metabolism. Data are provided from studies on our baboon, nonhuman primate model both across the normal life course and in offspring of maternal baboons who were moderately undernourished by a global 30% diet reduction during pregnancy and lactation. Sex differences in offspring outcomes in response to similar challenges are described. The data clearly show programming of increased HPA axis activity by moderate maternal undernutrition. Increased postnatal circulating cortisol concentrations are related to accelerated aging of the brain and cardiovascular systems. Future studies should address peripheral cortisol production and the influence of aging advantage in females. These data support the view that the HPA is an orchestrator of interactions of programming-aging mechanisms.In the United States and Mexico, the obesity epidemic represents a significant public health problem. Although obesity is often attributed to a Western-style, high-fat diet and decreased activity, there is now compelling evidence that this, in part, occurs because of the developmental programming effects resulting from exposure to maternal overnutrition. Human and animal studies demonstrate that maternal obesity and high-fat diet result in an increased risk for childhood and adult obesity. The potential programming effects of obesity have been partly attributed to hyperphagia, which occurs as a result of increased appetite with reduced satiety neuropeptides or neurons. However, depending on maternal nutritional status during the nursing period, the programmed hyperphagia and obesity can be exacerbated or prevented in offspring born to obese mothers. The underlying mechanism of this phenomenon likely involves the plasticity of the appetite regulatory center and thus presents an opportunity to modulate feeding and satiety regulation and break the obesity cycle.The complementary feeding period, when solids and liquids other than breast milk and formula are added to the infant diet, is an important development window shaping infant growth and weight gain, metabolic development, and lifelong eating practices. Yet, relatively little is known about how the timing and types of foods offered to infants at this stage may shape their growth and subsequent risk of developing obesity. This narrative review describes the existing literature on complementary feeding practices, discusses potential biological and behavioral pathways linking complementary feeding practices to the development of obesity, and offers potential avenues for intervention. While further research is needed to more fully understand optimal complementary feeding practices, existing evidence supports the importance of healthful early feeding practices in the physiological and behavioral regulation of growth and metabolism and the need for early intervention to prevent the development of obesity.This paper examines the implications of intracultural difference for the design and implementation of nutrition interventions. It raises the question of whether small-sample, mixed-method implementation research, using a focused ethnographic approach, has sufficient power to detect meaningful differences in cultural beliefs, values, perceptions, and attitudes that are important for the design and implementation of nutrition interventions. It first presents the theoretical framework that was used to guide the research, followed by a description of the methodology of the Focused Ethnographic Study for Infant and Young Child Feeding. It then uses the findings from recent research in Ghana to address the central question. The findings document strong elements of shared cultural consensus, but intracultural differences of importance, in relation to the planning and content of behavior change communication.Health systems and society are facing the growing problem of obesity and its accompanying comorbidities. New approaches to reduce these problems must be oriented to population groups in which long-lasting effects of interventions may occur. Biological processes occurring during the first 1000 days of life, which may be modulated by environmental modifications and result in phenotypes with differential risk for noncommunicable chronic disease, constitute an opportunity for interventions. #link# The nutritional and general health conditions of pregnant women and the fetus, as well as toddlers, can be improved with interventions during the first 1000 days, offering pregnancy care, promoting breastfeeding, instructing on the use of complementary foods, and educating on the adequacy of the family dietary patterns for children. Evidence that interventions during this period result in promotion of children’s growth and development, influencing the risk for development of obesity in infancy, is available. In this article, an ongoing program in Mexico City directed to offer continuum of care during the first 1000 days is described.Advancing knowledge about how to improve complementary feeding at large scale is a high priority. This article identifies strategies for designing and implementing programs to improve complementary feeding at large scale, drawing on lessons learned from three initiatives Alive & Thrive, which implemented large-scale programs in 3 countries; a low-burden intervention in Mexico that used scripted messages; and Estrategia Integral de Atención a la Nutrición, which is introducing large-scale programs tied to Mexico’s conditional cash transfer program. These initiatives illustrate different ways of designing and implementing large-scale programs, with lessons about the importance of having partnerships and alliances; well-grounded understanding from research; a public health strategy; scalable program modes and elements; using existing systems where possible; monitoring, learning, and evaluating; and adopting a model aimed at successfully implementing programs at scale. Improving complementary feeding globally is challenging because of the complex behaviors involved, and the development of specific programs geared to complementary feeding is necessary.

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