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  • Abrahamsen Epstein posted an update 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    We provide analyses showing that when there are systematic regularities in which contexts different sounds occur in-which are common in naturalistic speech, but generally controlled for in lab speech-normalization can actually increase category overlap rather than decrease it. This work calls into question the usefulness of normalization in naturalistic listening tasks, and highlights the importance of applying ideas from carefully controlled lab speech to naturalistic, spontaneous speech.Lenvatinib is a long-awaited alternative to sorafenib for the first-line targeted therapy of patients with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). However, resistance to lenvatinib has also become a major obstacle to improving the prognosis of HCC patients. The underlying molecular mechanisms contributing to lenvatinib resistance in HCC are largely unknown. HGF/c-MET axis activation is related to tumor progression and several hallmarks of cancer and is considered as the key contributor to drug resistance. In the present study, we focused on the role of the HGF/c-MET axis in mediating lenvatinib resistance in HCC cells. We showed that HGF reduced the antiproliferative, proapoptotic, and anti-invasive effects of lenvatinib on HCC cells with high c-MET expression but did not significantly affect HCC cells with low c-MET expression. The c-MET inhibitor PHA-665752 rescued HCC cells from HGF-induced lenvatinib resistance. Furthermore, HGF/c-MET activated the downstream PI3K/AKT and MAPK/ERK pathways and promoted epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) in HCC cells. Collectively, our results suggested that combining lenvatinib treatment with a c-MET inhibitor may improve its systemic therapeutic efficacy in HCC patients with high c-MET expression.The classic view of cochlear partition (CP) motion, generalized to be for all mammals, was derived from basal-turn measurements in laboratory animals. Recently, we reported motion of the human CP in the cochlear base that differs substantially from the classic view. We described a human soft tissue “bridge” (non-existent in the classic view) between the osseous spiral lamina (OSL) and basilar membrane (BM), and showed how OSL and bridge move in response to sound. Here, we detail relevant human anatomy to better understand the relationship between form and function. The bridge and BM have similar widths that increase linearly from base to apex, whereas the OSL width decreases from base to apex, leading to an approximately constant total CP width throughout the cochlea. The bony three-dimensional OSL microstructure, reconstructed from unconventionally thin, 2-μm histological sections, revealed thin, radially wide OSL plates with pores that vary in size, extent, and distribution with cochlear location. Polarized light microscopy revealed collagen fibers in the BM that spread out medially through the bridge to connect to the OSL. The long width and porosity of the OSL may explain its considerable bending flexibility. CurcuminanalogC1 The similarity of BM and bridge widths along the cochlea, both containing continuous collagen fibers, may make them a functional unit and allow maximum CP motion near the bridge-BM boundary, as recently described. These anatomical findings may help us better understand the motion of the structures surrounding the organ of Corti and how they shape the input to the cochlear sensory mechanism.The cochlea’s wave-based signal processing allows it to efficiently decompose a complex acoustic waveform into frequency components. Because cochlear responses are nonlinear, the waves arising from one frequency component of a complex sound can be altered by the presence of others that overlap with it in time and space (e.g., two-tone suppression). Here, we investigate the suppression of basilar-membrane (BM) velocity responses to a transient signal (a test click) by another click or tone. We show that the BM response to the click can be reduced when the stimulus is shortly preceded or followed by another (suppressor) click. More surprisingly, the data reveal two curious dependencies on the interclick interval, Δt. First, the temporal suppression curve (amount of suppression vs. Δt) manifests a pronounced and nearly periodic microstructure. Second, temporal suppression is generally strongest not when the two clicks are presented simultaneously (Δt = 0), but when the suppressor click precedes the test click by a time interval corresponding to one to two periods of the best frequency (BF) at the measurement location. By systematically varying the phase of the suppressor click, we demonstrate that the suppression microstructure arises from alternating constructive and destructive interference between the BM responses to the two clicks. And by comparing temporal and tonal suppression in the same animals, we test the hypothesis that the asymmetry of the temporal-suppression curve around Δt = 0 stems from cochlear dispersion and the well-known asymmetry of tonal suppression around the BF. Just as for two-tone suppression, BM responses to clicks are most suppressed by tones at frequencies just above the BF of the measurement location. On average, the frequency place of maximal suppressibility of the click response predicted from temporal-suppression data agrees with the frequency at which tonal suppression peaks, consistent with our hypothesis.Biodiversity is commonly believed to reduce risk of vector-borne zoonoses. However, researchers already showed that the effect of biodiversity on disease transmission is not that straightforward. This study focuses on the effect of biodiversity, specifically on the effect of the decoy process (additional hosts distracting vectors from their focal host), on reducing infections of vector-borne diseases in humans. Here, we consider the specific case of Chagas disease and use mathematical population models to observe the impact on human infection of the proximity of chickens, which are incompetent hosts for the parasite but serve as a preferred food source for vectors. We consider three cases as the distance between the two host populations varies short (when farmers bring chickens inside the home to protect them from predators), intermediate (close enough for vectors with one host to detect the presence of the other host type), and far (separate enclosed buildings such as a home and hen-house). Our analysis shows that the presence of chickens reduces parasite prevalence in humans only at an intermediate distance under the condition that the vector birth rate from feeding on chickens is sufficiently low.

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