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  • Stewart Jessen posted an update 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    Confident evaluation of the risks and benefits of surgery in this growing population requires an updated, generalizable, and accurate cirrhosis surgical risk calculator that incorporates the type of surgery under consideration.A risk assessment was performed for three types of phthalates, benzyl butyl phthalate (BBP), dibutyl phthalate (DBP), and di(2-ethylhexyl)phthalate (DEHP) unintentionally contaminated in cosmetics. A total of 100 products of 8 types of cosmetics were analyzed employing gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). By applying the maximum detected values of phthalates based on the worst exposure cases, their systemic exposure dosage (SED) was calculated. Accordingly, DEHP was identified as the main unintentional phthalates contaminants (0.10-600.00 ppm) in the cosmetics, with an SED of 3.37 × 10-9-3.75 × 10-4 mg/kg/day. In the non-cancer risk assessment, a margin of safety (MOS ≥ 100, safe) of 1.28 × 104-1.42 × 109 was estimated. In the cancer risk assessment, the lifetime cancer risk (LCR ≤ 10-5, safe) was determined to be 8.81 × 10-12-9.79 × 10-7. Based on the results of both risk assessments, the levels of unintentional phthalates contaminants in cosmetics were deemed safe. Some phthalates are widely used as plasticizers and are essential for daily life; however, various toxicities, including endocrine disruption, have been reported. Therefore, even under these “worst case” assumptions, an adequate margin of safety is shown such that this might be a low priority for further work although exposure to unintentional phthalates contaminants through cosmetics should be considered as part of cumulative exposure.Silver is used in a wide range of products, and during their production and use, humans may be exposed through inhalation. Therefore, it is critical to know the concentration levels at which adverse effects may occur. In rodents, inhalation of silver nanoparticles has resulted in increased silver in the lungs, lymph nodes, liver, kidney, spleen, ovaries, and testes. Reported excretion pathways of pulmonary silver are urinary and faecal excretion. Acute effects in humans of the inhalation of silver include lung failure that involved increased heart rate and decreased arterial blood oxygen pressure. Argyria-a blue-grey discoloration of skin due to deposited silver-was observed after pulmonary exposure in 3 individuals; however, the presence of silver in the discolorations was not tested. Argyria after inhalation seems to be less likely than after oral or dermal exposure. Repeated inhalation findings in rodents have shown effects on lung function, pulmonary inflammation, bile duct hyperplasia, and genotoxicity. In our evaluation, the range of NOAEC values was 0.11-0.75 mg/m3. Silver in the ionic form is likely more toxic than in the nanoparticle form but that difference could reflect their different biokinetics. However, silver nanoparticles and ions have a similar pattern of toxicity, probably reflecting that the effect of silver nanoparticles is primarily mediated by released ions. Concerning genotoxicity studies, we evaluated silver to be positive based on studies in mammalian cells in vitro and in vivo when considering various exposure routes. Carcinogenicity data are absent; therefore, no conclusion can be provided on this endpoint.The utility of non-invasive brain stimulation techniques to alleviate resistant delusions in schizophrenia is an under-researched area. In this study, we report the effectiveness of alpha transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) targeting the medial prefrontal cortex in ameliorating persistent delusions. Twelve Schizophrenia patients (N=12) with persistent delusions received add-on treatment with a twice-daily 20-minutes session of 10-Hz tACS. Significant reduction in severity of delusion was noted after 5th day (z=2.67, p less then 0.01, n=12) with further improvement after 10th day (z=2.52, p=0.01, n=9) of stimulation. Add-on treatment with 10-Hz tACS is a potential therapeutic option for treatment-resistant delusions, which requires further systematic research.Background The consequences of schizophrenia stigma are numerous and highly damaging to individuals, their families, the health care system and society. Mental health professionals (MHP) are considered to be one of the main sources of stigmatization. Objectives To identify the characteristics of MHP stigma in schizophrenia in comparison with other psychiatric disorders, the specificities of MHP compared with other social groups, and associated factors. Methods Following PRISMA guidelines, we systematically searched multiple electronic databases for articles (i) reporting original data published in English in peer-reviewed journals, (ii) reporting quantitative data with statistical analysis, (iii) assessing stigma in a broad sense, and (iv) including samples composed only of MHP. Results A total of 38 articles published from 1999 to 2019 and involving 10,926 MHP fulfilled our inclusion criteria. Studies showed that schizophrenia is the most stigmatized mental illnesses in MHP, despite recent results suggesting that borderline personality disorder and substance abuse may be more stigmatized. In comparison with other social groups, MHP reported less dangerousness beliefs and more positive beliefs regarding pharmacological treatment. Nevertheless, results were less consistent regarding prognosis and desire for social distance. Age, education level, type of mental health profession, or length of practice were associated factors that showed inconsistent relations with stigma. Selleckchem FK866 Work setting and biological causal beliefs were more clearly associated with MHP stigma. Conclusion These findings provide strong support for the need to conduct specific research on schizophrenia stigma in MHP and the importance of controlling for several variables to identify predictors of stigma.Clozapine-induced gastrointestinal hypomotility (CIGH) is poorly understood and potentially life-threatening. Herein, we present trends of CIGH annual reporting and explore factors associated with a fatal outcome using 25-years of pharmacovigilance data in Canada. Since 1993, the number of CIGH reports increased 22-fold but the proportion of fatal reports remained relatively stable. Fatal reports of CIGH were associated with older age but not sex, clozapine dose, or clozapine duration. Concomitant use of medications used to treat CIGH (lactulose, docusate sodium) and its associated pain/discomfort (acetaminophen, lorazepam) were more commonly reported in fatal cases. Confirmatory and prospective studies of CIGH are warranted.

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