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  • Mahler Burke posted an update 2 months, 2 weeks ago

    Our SOAP kernel-based metrics allows us to compare, discriminate, and correlate different FFs at different model resolutions in an unbiased, high-dimensional way. This also captures differences between FFs in modeling nonaverage events (originating from local transitions), for example, the liquid-to-gel phase transition in dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine (DPPC) bilayers, for which our metrics allows us to identify nucleation centers for the phase transition, highlighting some intrinsic resolution limitations in implicit versus explicit solvent FFs.Atomized spray plasma deposition (ASPD) provides a single-step, low-temperature, and dry approach for the preparation of high refractive index hybrid polymer or polymer-inorganic nanocomposite coatings. Refractive indices as high as 1.936 at 635 nm wavelength have been obtained for ASPD 4-bromostyrene/toluene-TiO2 nanocomposite layers containing low titania loadings. Thin films with any desired refractive index up to 1.936 can be easily deposited onto a variety of substrates by varying the precursor mixture composition. ASPD overcomes disadvantages commonly associated with alternative fabrication methods for depositing high refractive index coatings (elevated temperatures, wet processes, UV curing steps, and much greater inorganic loadings).Safe and effective antimicrobials are needed to combat emerging antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Structurally nanoengineered antimicrobial peptide polymers (termed SNAPPs) interact with bacterial cell membranes to potently kill bacteria but may also interact at some level with human cell membranes. We studied the association of four different SNAPPs with six different white blood cells within fresh whole human blood by flow cytometry. In whole human blood, SNAPPs had detectable association with phagocytic cells and B cells, but not natural killer and T cells. However, without plasma proteins and therefore no protein corona on the SNAPPs, a greater marked association of SNAPPs with all white blood cell types was detected, resulting in cytotoxicity against most blood cell components. Thus, the formation of a protein corona around the SNAPPs reduced the association and prevented human blood cell cytotoxicity of the SNAPPs. Understanding the bio-nano interactions of these SNAPPs will be crucial to ensuring that the design of next-generation SNAPPs and other promising antimicrobial nanomaterials continues to display high efficacy toward antibiotic-resistant bacteria while maintaining a low toxicity to primary human cells.An ab initio study has been carried out on the substituted binuclear sandwich complexes of Mg2(η5-C5H5)2. We have checked whether the substitution destroys the electride properties of a complex, as it needs to satisfy several stringent criteria to obtain the status of an electride. The thermochemical results show that the complexes are stable at room temperature and 1 atm pressure. From the analysis of the various electron density descriptors and the natural bond orbital (NBO) for all the complexes, it is confirmed that the Mg-Mg bonds are covalent and the metal-ligand bonds are ionic in nature. The charges on each Mg atom in the studied complexes are +1. Analysis of the electron density descriptors shows the presence of a non-nuclear attractor (NNA) at the middle of the bond formed by the two Mg atoms when attached to the ligands. The electride characteristics are exhibited by all of the designed complexes. We also report the aromaticity behavior and reactivity descriptors of these complexes. The electride characteristics of Mg2(η5-C5H5)2 complex get affected on substitution, as both the NNA population and the nonlinear optical properties (NLO) of the complexes are changed.Hypoxia, a common characteristic of bacterial infections, is known to be closely associated with the emergence of multidrug-resistant bacteria, which hastens the need to develop advanced microbicides and antibacterial techniques. Photodynamic therapy is a promising strategy to reduce bacterial antibiotic resistance and employs photosensitizers, excitation light sources, and sufficient oxygen to generate toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS). The inherent limitation of PDT is that the generation of ROS is restricted by the hypoxic microenvironment in infection sites. Here, an oxygen self-supplying nanotherapeutic is developed to enhance antibacterial activity against multidrug-resistant bacteria on the basis of fluorinated boron dipyrromethene (BODIPY)-based glycomimetics. The nanotherapeutic not only could capture the bacteria efficiently but also was able to act as an oxygen carrier to relieve the hypoxic microenvironment of bacterial infections, thus achieving enhanced PDT efficacy. Selleckchem Androgen Receptor Antagonist In a Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection of a rat cornea, typical administration of the nanotherapeutic decreased the infiltrate and showed a faster healing capacity in comparison with BODIPY-based glycomimetics. Self-supplying oxygen nanotherapeutics that relieve the hypoxic microenvironment and interfere with bacterial colonization have been shown to be a promising candidate for the management of drug-resistant microbial keratitis.The spectroscopic properties of the ground and first two excited states of the HOSO radical are investigated using the internally contracted multireference configuration interaction method, including the Davidson correction (MRCI+Q) and explicit treatment of the electron correlation (MRCI-F12). The vertical and adiabatic excitation energies are also determined. The results reveal that both the 1 2A and 2 2A electronic states contain minima in their potential energy surfaces. The first excited state 1 2A possesses a nonplanar structure and has an adiabatic excitation energy of 1.45 eV (855 nm), lying in the near-infrared region. The second excited state 2 2A has a planar geometry and an adiabatic excitation energy of 2.91 eV (426 nm) existing in the visible region. The calculated oscillator strengths for the vertical electronic excitations to the 1 2A (327 nm) and 2 2A (270 nm) states are 0.003 and 0.022, respectively, indicating experimental intensity should be observed. The small but non-negligible Franck-Condon factors for excitations ∼300 nm, and the broad and intense absorption feature in the 225-275 nm region suggest that detection of the HOSO radical with electronic spectroscopy may be feasible.

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