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  • Lindahl Greenwood posted an update 2 months, 3 weeks ago

    24; 95% CI, 1.05-1.47) and 89% higher risk of advanced adenomas (RR, 1.89; 95% CI, 1.17-3.06). Stronger associations were observed among participants with advanced adenomas at baseline. Circulating 27-OHC was not associated with risk of hyperplastic polyps (RR, 0.90; 95% CI, 0.66-1.22) or sessile serrated adenomas/polyps (RR, 1.02; 95% CI, 0.50-2.07). Circulating 27-OHC may be a risk factor for colorectal adenomas but not serrated polyps. PREVENTION RELEVANCE This study found that plasma concentration of 27-hydroxycholesterol, a metabolite of cholesterol that regulates lipid metabolism and acts as a selective estrogen receptor modulator, is associated with the risk of developing precursor lesions for colorectal cancer.

    The pediatric inpatient discharge medication process is complicated, and caregivers have difficulty managing instructions. Authors of few studies evaluate systematic processes for ensuring quality in these care transitions. We aimed to improve caregiver medication management and understanding of discharge medications by standardizing the discharge medication process.

    An interprofessional team at an urban, tertiary care children’s hospital trialed interventions to improve caregiver medication management and understanding. These included mnemonics to aid in complete medication counseling, electronic medical record enhancements to standardize medication documentation and simplify dose rounding, and housestaff education. The primary outcome measure was the proportion of discharge medication-related failures in each 4-week period. Failure was defined as an incorrect response on ≥1 survey questions. Statistical process control was used to analyze improvement over time. Process measures related to medication docion.

    Pica, the repeated ingestion of nonfood items, can be life-threatening. Although case reports describe pica in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) or intellectual disability (ID), there has been little systematic study of pica prevalence. We assessed pica in children 30 to 68 months of age (median = 55.4 months) with and without ASD.

    Our sample from the Study to Explore Early Development, a multisite case-control study, included children with ASD (

    = 1426), children with other developmental disabilities (DDs) (

    = 1735), and general population-based controls (POPs) (

    = 1578). We subdivided the ASD group according to whether children had ID and the DD group according to whether they had ID and/or some ASD characteristics. Standardized developmental assessments and/or questionnaires were used to define final study groups, subgroups, and pica. We examined pica prevalence in each group and compared ASD and DD groups and subgroups to the POP group using prevalence ratios adjusted for sociodemographic factors.

    Compared with the prevalence of pica among POPs (3.5%), pica was higher in children with ASD (23.2%) and DD (8.4%), and in the following subgroups ASD with ID (28.1%), ASD without ID (14.0%), DD with ID (9.7%), DD with ASD characteristics (12.0%), and DD with both ID and ASD characteristics (26.3%); however, pica prevalence was not elevated in children with DD with neither ID nor ASD characteristics (3.2%). Between-group differences remained after adjustment (adjusted prevalence ratio range 1.9-8.0, all


    Pica may be common in young children with ASD, ASD characteristics, and ID. These findings inform the specialized health care needs of these children.

    Pica may be common in young children with ASD, ASD characteristics, and ID. These findings inform the specialized health care needs of these children.Understanding the cellular organization of tissues is key to developmental biology. In order to deal with this complex problem, researchers have taken advantage of reductionist approaches to reveal fundamental morphogenetic mechanisms and quantitative laws. For epithelia, their two-dimensional representation as polygonal tessellations has proved successful for understanding tissue organization. Yet, epithelial tissues bend and fold to shape organs in three dimensions. In this context, epithelial cells are too often simplified as prismatic blocks with a limited plasticity. However, there is increasing evidence that a realistic approach, even from a reductionist perspective, must include apico-basal intercalations (i.e. scutoidal cell shapes) for explaining epithelial organization convincingly. Here, we present an historical perspective about the tissue organization problem. Specifically, we analyze past and recent breakthroughs, and discuss how and why simplified, but realistic, in silico models require scutoidal features to address key morphogenetic events.

    Patients who undergo endoscopic cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea repair may occasionally present with coexistent sinonasal pathology which may or may not need to be addressed prior to surgical repair. Some patients may develop new onset nasal morbidity related to endoscopic repair.

    To study the prevalence and management of additional sinonasal pathology in patients who undergo endoscopic repair of cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea METHODS A retrospective review of patients who underwent endoscopic cerebrospinal fluid leak repair was conducted to note the presence of coexistent sinonasal morbidity preoperatively and in the followup period.

    Of a total of 153 patients who underwent endoscopic closure of cerebrospinal fluid leak, 97 (63.4%) were female and 56 (36.6%) males. RGFP966 Most patients (90.2%) were aged between 21 and 60 years, with a mean of 40.8 years. Sixty-four patients (41.8%) were found to have coexistent sinonasal morbidity preoperatively, the commonest being symptomatic deviated nasal septum (17.6%), cdergo endoscopic cerebrospinal fluid leak repair may have coexistent sinonasal pathology which needs to be addressed prior to or along with repair of the dural defect. New onset sinonasal morbidity, which may arise in a few patients postoperatively, may require additional treatment. A protocol for the management of coexistent sinonasal conditions ensures a successful outcome.

    Many static postural tasks requiring vestibular contributions are completed while dual- tasking.

    We investigated the influence of dual-tasks on sensory integration for postural control and cognitive performance during the sensory organization test and examined the relationship between cognitive function and dual-task cost during the sensory organization test.

    Twenty adults completed single and dual-task versions of the six conditions of the sensory organization test were completed during two visits separated by one week. A subset of 13 participants completed three National Institute of Health (NIH)-toolbox cognitive tests including the Flanker inhibitory control and attention test, dimensional change card sort test and pattern comparison processing speed test. Wilcoxon signed rank tests were used to compare postural sway during single and dual-task sensory organization test. Friedman’s test, with pairwise comparison post-hoc tests, was used to compare single task serial subtraction performance to the 6 dual-task sensory organization test conditions.

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