Law Meier posted an update 2 months, 2 weeks ago
However, in dogs that underwent necropsy, pulmonary particulates were reported significantly more often in exposed dogs (42/44 [95%]), compared with unexposed dogs (12/19 [63.2%]).
No difference was found in the COD on the basis of disease category and organ system involved between exposed and unexposed SAR dogs. The long life spans and frequency of death attributed to degenerative causes (ie, age-related causes) suggested that the risk of long-term adverse health effects in this population of SAR dogs was low.
No difference was found in the COD on the basis of disease category and organ system involved between exposed and unexposed SAR dogs. The long life spans and frequency of death attributed to degenerative causes (ie, age-related causes) suggested that the risk of long-term adverse health effects in this population of SAR dogs was low.
To determine whether previous corrective upper airway surgery in brachycephalic dogs would decrease perianesthetic complications in subsequent anesthetic events.
45 client-owned dogs.
Brachycephalic dogs undergoing any combination of staphylectomy, nasal alaplasty, or laryngeal sacculectomy that were anesthetized at a later date for additional surgical procedures or imaging from August 2, 2007, to February 8, 2019, had their medical records reviewed during both anesthetic events for signalment, American Society of Anesthesiologists status, perianesthetic drug administration, anesthetic duration, presence and total time of positive-pressure ventilation, procedure invasiveness, and perianesthetic complications such as bradycardia, hypothermia, hypotension, cardiac arrhythmias, hypertension, vomiting or regurgitation, dysphoria, respiratory distress, hypoxemia, reintubation, and prolonged periods of recovery.
The odds of having complications during the postanesthetic period following subsequent anestheti in this study indicated that corrective upper airway surgery for brachycephalic dogs may reduce postanesthetic complications following subsequent anesthetic events, which may reduce perianesthetic morbidity in patients undergoing multiple surgical or diagnostic imaging procedures.
A 4-year-old 55.0-kg (121-lb) spayed female Vietnamese potbellied pig was examined for right forelimb lameness of 2 months’ duration that had not resolved following rest and treatment with meloxicam.
The only abnormality identified during physical examination was non-weight-bearing lameness of the right forelimb. Radiographic and CT examinations revealed that the right humerus was displaced laterally and slightly cranial to the glenoid cavity of the scapula with moderate evidence of osteoarthritis. Chronic craniolateral luxation of the right humeral (shoulder) joint was diagnosed.
Arthrodesis of the right shoulder joint was performed surgically by a lateral approach. The humeral head was replaced in the glenoid cavity. The joint was immobilized at a 115° angle with two 3.5-mm string-of-pearls orthopedic plates and a 4.5-mm cortical bone screw placed across the joint in lag fashion. The pig recovered from surgery without any complications. At 6 weeks and 5 months after surgery, the pig had the expected mechanical lameness of the right forelimb owing to immobilization of the shoulder joint and radiographic evidence of progressive arthrodesis of that joint. The pig had resumed its usual activities and had only mechanical lameness present 1 year after surgery.
This report described successful treatment of chronic shoulder joint luxation in an adult Vietnamese potbellied pig by surgical arthrodesis of the affected joint. The described procedure might also be useful for treatment of other debilitating conditions of the shoulder joint, such as severe osteoarthritis or intra-articular fractures, in pigs.
This report described successful treatment of chronic shoulder joint luxation in an adult Vietnamese potbellied pig by surgical arthrodesis of the affected joint. The described procedure might also be useful for treatment of other debilitating conditions of the shoulder joint, such as severe osteoarthritis or intra-articular fractures, in pigs.Bacillus subtilis is a Gram-positive probiotic bacterium that successfully colonises plant roots due to its ability to utilise various sugars. The vast probiotic potential of B. subtilis has been recently demonstrated in numerous host organisms under different environmental conditions. see more We examined the probiotic potential of B. subtilis against the pathogenic bacterium Streptococcus mutans, which is involved in various oral disorders due to its robust biofilm-forming capability. B. subtilis cells attenuated biofilm formation by S. mutans during their dual growth in the presence of sugar alcohols. Transcription of genes encoding key enzymes in the metabolism of sugar alcohols by B. subtilis were highly induced. Moreover, growth-curve analysis suggested that B. subtilis is more efficient at early utilising sugar alcohols than S. mutans, as supported by the bacterial metabolic activity rates. Similarly, a comparison of secondary metabolites of mono and mixed cultures of B. subtilis and S. mutans indicated that B. subtilis is more active metabolically in the dual culture. Finally, knock-out mutations of the genes encoding key enzymes in the central metabolic pathway significantly reduced B. subtilis’ ability to mitigate biofilm formation by S. mutans. We conclude that effective metabolism of sugar alcohols by B. subtilis reinforces the probiotic potential of this bacterium against pathogenic species such as S. mutans.
The bone-implant junction is a potential site for aseptic loosening. Extracortical bone bridging at the bone-implant junction is advocated to improve implant fixation by forming a biological seal. We propose a novel technique with vascularised bone graft (VBG) to form an extracortical bone bridge at the bone-implant junction to enhance implant stability. We compared the clinical and radiological outcomes for tumour megaprostheses performed (1) with and without bone graft and (2) with non-vascularised versus VBG technique.
Forty-six tumour megaprosthesis procedures from 1 June 2007 to 31 October 2017 were identified from hospital records. Twenty-eight operations incorporated bone graft at the bone-implant junction, and 18 did not. Of these 28 bone graft procedures, 13 involved VBG, and 15 did not (non-VBG). The VBG technique involves resecting a short segment of healthy bone beyond the oncological margin with its preserved blood supply, splitting it, then securing it over the junction. Clinical outcomes assessed included loosening, fracture and recurrence.