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  • Hawley Birch posted an update 3 months ago

    Background Hirschsprung’s disease (HD) is a developmental disorder of the intrinsic component of the enteric nervous system. It is characterized by the absence of ganglion cells in the myenteric and submucosal plexus. Histopathological diagnosis becomes difficult many times due to submucosal ganglionic cells are not easily identifiable. Aims and objective The aim of this study was to examine the clinical and histopathological features of HD and to establish the utility of calretinin staining to diagnose the case of suspicious HD. Materials and methods After taking necessary informed consent, we studied 41 cases in which clinical suspicion of HD had been made, in a study duration of three years (July 2017-June 2020). Open biopsies were taken from spastic segment, transition zone and dilated segment. Histopathological diagnosis had been made in three categories HD, no Hirschsprung’s disease (NHD) and suspicion of HD. Post histopathological diagnosis calretinin immunohistochemistry (IHC) was applied to all cases and interpretations were noted. Results On the basis of histopathological findings, 25 cases were diagnosed as HD, nine cases were marked for suspicion for HD and seven cases as NHD. After evaluating calretinin IHC on the suspicious case, total of 30 cases were confirmed as HD while the remaining 11 cases were confirmed as NHD. Twenty-four patients of HD were males while the remaining six cases were females. The age of patients ranged from four days to 10 years. Median age six days while 22 patients were in the neonatal period. Conclusion Calretinin immunostaining is a useful modality in diagnosing suspicious cases of HD. Its results are easy to interpret by less experienced pathologist with accuracy.High-flow nasal cannula (HFNC) is an open oxygen delivery system, which provides heated and humidified oxygen at a high flow (up to 60 L/min). This effect can improve mucociliary function, airway clearance, and level of comfort to the patient. It can provide controlled and adequate fraction of inspired oxygen (FiO2) between 21% and 100%. Generation of end-expiratory pressure helps in carbon dioxide washout, reduction of anatomical dead space, and recruitment of collapsed alveoli, ultimately improving tissue oxygenation. The use of HFNC in acute hypoxemic respiratory failure, post-extubation period, pre-intubation period, respiratory infection, and obstructive airway disease has been extensively studied, but there are very few studies regarding its use in cardiogenic pulmonary edema. This review provides the current understanding of the physiological effect of HFNC and its application in acute cardiogenic pulmonary edema (ACPE). We conducted a literature search on PubMed using appropriate terms and reviewed relevant articles published within the last 10 years. We found that initial therapy with HFNC in ACPE patients can improve oxygenation and respiratory rate. HFNC can potentially be an alternative to non-invasive positive-pressure ventilation in terms of initial oxygen therapy in patients with ACPE. There is a need for larger prospective studies to evaluate and develop guidelines to consider the use of HFNC in patients with ACPE. We also highlight the fact that if there is no improvement in arterial blood gas parameters after HFNC therapy, initiation of invasive ventilation should not be delayed.Cefepime is a renally excreted, fourth-generation cephalosporin used in the treatment of severe abdominal, skin, soft tissue, and urinary tract infections due to its broad-spectrum coverage. Cefepime-induced neurotoxicity is a rare but serious side effect that has increased in recent years likely due to increased antibiotic use, increased drug resistance, and increased symptom recognition. While decreased glomerular filtration rate is an important risk factor for developing elevated serum cefepime levels, recent literature has suggested that a significant proportion of patients with normal renal function can also develop neurotoxicity from cefepime. Here, we present a case of cefepime-induced neurotoxicity to demonstrate the importance of monitoring mental status changes in all patients being treated with cefepime.Introduction Beta-thalassemia is among the most common monogenic disorders in the Arabian Peninsula. This study aimed to investigate the β-globin (HBB) haplotypes among β-thalassemia patients in Saudi cohort which have potential implications in understanding the clinical care of patients and population genetic factors associated with β-thalassemia. Methods We analyzed 60 β-thalassemia patients. Male/female distribution for β-thalassemia was 58.33%/41.66%. Results of hematological parameters and indices were obtained from the database. HBB haplotyping assay was performed for four specific loci of the HBB gene cluster using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) technique. Results HBB haplotyping assay identified three novel patterns namely haplotype 1, haplotype 2, and haplotype 3 and three common African haplotypes including Benin, Senegal, and Cameron. The frequency of haplotype 1 was the highest among the studied samples (62%, n = 37) with 56.76% (n = 21) observed in males compared to 43.24% (n = 16) in females. This was followed by Senegal, haplotype 2, Benin and haplotype 3 with similar percentage, and Cameron haplotype with 18%, 12%, 3% and 2%, respectively. The relationship between these haplotypes and various hematological parameters was calculated and our study found no significant relationship (p-value >0.05). Conclusion Our study indicated the importance of finding out types of β-globin haplotypes as novel types being discovered. Though no statistically significant association was identified among all the haplotypes in terms of hematological parameters, Cameroon or Benin haplotypes had the mildest form because they have the highest means among all parameters. Further studies need to be carried out on a larger population to detect the frequency of each specific mutation in each haplotype among β-thalassemia patients. Epacadostat nmr This would help to re-address the question of the origin(s) of the β-thalassemia.

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