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  • Hawley Birch posted an update 2 months ago

    tions, especially life-threatening infections.Electric cell-substrate impedance sensing exhibits a real-time and label-free feature to monitor the response of cells stimulated by various biochemical and mechanical signals. Alterations in the currents passing through the cell-electrode system characterize the impedance variations of cells. The impedance responses of HeLa cells under distinct chemotherapy drugs combine the effects of cell proliferation and cell-substrate adhesion. Optimal interdigitated electrodes were selected to explore the impedance responses of HeLa cells. Measurements of impedance of cells in response to three widely used chemotherapy drugs in clinical practice, namely cisplatin, doxorubicin, 5-fluorouracil, were performed. The results demonstrated that distinct impedance responses of HeLa cells to drugs were exhibited and a decrease in measured impedance was observed after drug treatment, accompanied by alterations in the distribution and intensity of the adhesion-related protein vinculin and the rate of cell proliferation. The link between the impedance profiles of HeLa cells and their biological functions was developed based on the circuit model. This study demonstrated the weights of cell proliferation and adhesion of HeLa cells under the treatments of DDP, DOX, and 5-FU, resulted in distinct impedance responses of cells, providing an impedance-based evaluation methodology for cervical cancer treatment.Spitzoid melanoma is a rare malignancy with histological characteristics similar to Spitz nevus. It has a diverse genetic background and in adults, a similarly grim clinical outcome as conventional malignant melanoma. We established a spitzoid melanoma cell line (PF130) from the pleural effusion sample of a 37-year-old male patient. We found that the cell line carries a rare MEK1 mutation (pGlu102_Lys104delinsGln) that belongs to the RAF- and phosphorylation-independent subgroup of MEK1 alternations supposedly insensitive to allosteric MEK inhibitors. The in vivo tumorigenicity was tested in three different models by injecting the cells subcutaneously, intravenously or into the thoracic cavity of SCID mice. In the intrapleural model, macroscopic tumors formed in the chest cavity after two months, while subcutaneously and intravenously delivered cells showed limited growth. Linsitinib In vitro, trametinib-but not selumentinib-and the ATP-competitive MEK inhibitor MAP855 strongly decreased the viability of the cells and induced cell death. In vivo, trametinib but not MAP855 significantly reduced tumor growth in the intrapleural model. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first patient-derived melanoma model with RAF- and phosphorylation-independent MEK mutation and we demonstrated its sensitivity to trametinib.Phosphatase and tensin homolog deleted on chromosome 10 (PTEN) is known as a tumor suppressor gene that is frequently mutated in numerous human cancers and inherited syndromes. PTEN functions as a negative regulator of PI3K/Akt signaling pathway by dephosphorylating phosphatidylinositol (3, 4, 5)-trisphosphate (PIP3) to phosphatidylinositol (4, 5)-bisphosphate (PIP2), which leads to the inhibition of cell growth, proliferation, cell survival, and protein synthesis. PTEN contains a cysteine residue in the active site that can be oxidized by peroxides, forming an intramolecular disulfide bond between Cys124 and Cys71. Redox regulation of PTEN by reactive oxygen species (ROS) plays a crucial role in cellular signaling. Peroxiredoxins (Prxs) are a superfamily of peroxidase that catalyzes reduction of peroxides and maintains redox homeostasis. Mammalian Prxs have 6 isoforms (I-VI) and can scavenge cellular peroxides. It has been demonstrated that Prx I can preserve and promote the tumor-suppressive function of PTEN by preventing oxidation of PTEN under benign oxidative stress via direct interaction. Also, Prx II-deficient cells increased PTEN oxidation and insulin sensitivity. Furthermore, Prx III has been shown to protect PTEN from oxidation induced by 15s-HpETE and 12s-HpETE, these are potent inflammatory and pro-oxidant mediators. Understanding the tight connection between PTEN and Prxs is important for providing novel therapies. Herein, we summarized recent studies focusing on the relationship of Prxs and the redox regulation of PTEN.High-performance fibre-reinforced polymer composites are important construction materials based not only on the specific properties of the reinforcing fibres and the flexible polymer matrix but also on the compatible properties of the composite interphase. First, oxygen-free (a-CSiH) and oxygen-binding (a-CSiOH) plasma nanocoatings of different mechanical and tribological properties were deposited on planar silicon dioxide substrates that closely mimic E-glass. The nanoscratch test was used to characterize the nanocoating adhesion expressed in terms of critical normal load and work of adhesion. Next, the same nanocoatings were deposited on E-glass fibres, which were used as reinforcements in the polyester composite to affect its interphase properties. The shear properties of the polymer composite were characterized by macro- and micromechanical tests, namely a short beam shear test to determine the short-beam strength and a single fibre push-out test to determine the interfacial shear strength. The results of the polymer composites showed a strong correlation between the short-beam strength and the interfacial shear strength, proving that both tests are sensitive to changes in fibre-matrix adhesion due to different surface modifications of glass fibres (GF). Finally, a strong correlation between the shear properties of the GF/polyester composite and the adhesion of the plasma nanocoating expressed through the work of adhesion was demonstrated. Thus, increasing the work of adhesion of plasma nanocoatings from 0.8 to 1.5 mJ·m-2 increased the short-beam strength from 23.1 to 45.2 MPa. The results confirmed that the work of adhesion is a more suitable parameter in characterising the level of nanocoating adhesion in comparison with the critical normal load.This study analyzed the psychological benefits of environmentally friendly edible insect restaurants, by proposing that three subdimensions of psychological benefits positively affect attitude. Attitude was hypothesized to play an important role in the formation of desire and two subdimensions of behavioral intentions intentions to use and willingness to pay more. A research model was verified using responses from 419 respondents collected in Korea. Data analysis indicated that (1) warm glow, (2) self-expressive benefits, and (3) nature experiences form attitude and that attitude helps to increase desire, which in turn positively enhances behavioral intentions. The data analysis results supported the importance of the psychological benefits of environmentally friendly edible insect restaurants.

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