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  • Friedrichsen Honeycutt posted an update 2 months ago

    Although female dysfunctional voiding (DV) is common in urological practice, it is difficult to treat. This study evaluated the therapeutic efficacy of urethral botulinum toxin A (BoNT-A) on non-neurogenic female DV. Based on the videourodynamic study (VUDS), the DV was classified into three subgroups according to the obstructive site. A successful treatment outcome was defined as an improvement of voiding efficiency by 10% and reported global response assessment by ≥1. The study compared therapeutic efficacy, baseline urodynamic parameters, and changes in urodynamic parameters between the treatment success and failure groups and among three DV subgroups. Predictive factors for successful treatment were also investigated. A total of 81 women with DV were categorized into three groups 55 (67.9%) had mid-urethral DV, 19 (23.5%) had distal urethral DV, and 7 (8.6%) had combined BN dysfunction and mid-urethral DV after BN transurethral incision. The treatment outcome was successful for 55 (67.9%) patients and failed for 26 (32.1%). Successfully treated patients had a significant decrease of detrusor pressure, post-void residual volume, and bladder outlet obstruction index, as well as an increase in voiding efficiency at follow-up versus the treatment failure group. The logistic regression of urodynamic parameters and clinical variables revealed that a greater volume of first sensation of filling predicts a successful BoNT-A treatment outcome (p = 0.047). The urethral BoNT-A injection is effective in treating non-neurogenic women with DV, with a success rate of 67.9%. The videourodynamic characteristics of DV may differ among patients but does not affect the treatment outcome.The decline in insect pollinators has increased the importance of accurately monitoring pollinator diversity and abundance over time. Sampling techniques include the use of passive insect traps such as pan traps, yet there is still discussion over their utility and effectiveness in different ecosystems. The objective was to examine four different colors of pan traps (blue, green, yellow, and purple) for their utility in sampling bees in native forages rotationally grazed by sheep and to compare the relative abundance, richness, similarity, and community assemblage patterns among the four trap colors. Most bees were from the Halictidae family (89%). The most abundant species were Lasioglossum imitatum (42.2%), Augochlorella aurata (8.3%), L. subviridatum (6.8), Agapostemon texanus (6.4), and L. birkmani (4.1%). Thymidine Blue color traps exhibited the highest rates of bee capture and species accumulation. Purple and yellow colored traps were moderately effective in capturing bees, while the green color pan traps were least effective. Similarly, observed and extrapolated species richness was highest in blue trap, followed by purple, yellow, and green. Notably, the blue trap captured the highest number of unique species, followed by purple, yellow and green traps. Considering the total number of insects collected (including bees and other insects), yellow and green traps captured a significantly higher number of insects than other colored traps. The light reflectance from blue, purple, green and yellow pan traps had peaks at ~450, 400, 550, and 600 nm, respectively. Since different insects respond to different light intensities, wavelengths, and reflectivity, these results could be used to guide future trapping protocols targeting certain insect groups in livestock pasture and similar ecosystems.

    To evaluate the odds of association between suicidal ideation and/or attempt with comorbid eating disorders in adolescents with major depressive disorder (MDD).

    We conducted a cross-sectional study and included 122,020 adolescents with a primary diagnosis of MDD from the nationwide inpatient sample (NIS, 2012-2014). They were sub-grouped by a comorbid diagnosis of eating disorders (N = 1675). We calculated the adjusted odds ratio (aOR) using a logistic regression model with demographic confounders for associations of eating disorders with suicidal ideation and attempt.

    Suicidal ideations were seen in a higher proportion of adolescents with eating disorders (46.3% vs. 14.2% in those without eating disorders). On the contrary, a low proportion of adolescents with eating disorders had suicidal attempts (0.9% vs. 39.4% in those without eating disorders). Overall, eating disorders were associated with higher odds for suicidal ideations (aOR 5.36, 95% CI 4.82-5.97) compared to those without eating disorders, but with lower odds of suicidal attempt (aOR 0.02, 95% CI 0.01-0.03).

    Adolescents with MDD and comorbid eating disorders had five-times increased odds of suicidal ideations but lower odds of a suicide attempt. Self-harm/injurious behaviors are early signs of suicidal ideations in these patients. A collaborative care model is required for the screening, early diagnosis, and management of adolescents with eating disorders to improve their quality of life.

    Adolescents with MDD and comorbid eating disorders had five-times increased odds of suicidal ideations but lower odds of a suicide attempt. Self-harm/injurious behaviors are early signs of suicidal ideations in these patients. A collaborative care model is required for the screening, early diagnosis, and management of adolescents with eating disorders to improve their quality of life.In this work, a green approach was implemented to prepare polymer composites using polyvinyl alcohol polymer and the extract of black tea leaves (polyphenols) in a complex form with Co2+ ions. A range of techniques was used to characterize the Co2+ complex and polymer composite, such as Ultraviolet-visible (UV-Visible) spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The optical parameters of absorption edge, refractive index (n), dielectric properties including real and imaginary parts (εr, and εi) were also investigated. The FRIR and XRD spectra were used to examine the compatibility between the PVA polymer and Co2+-polyphenol complex. The extent of interaction was evidenced from the shifts and change in the intensity of the peaks. The relatively wide amorphous phase in PVA polymer increased upon insertion of the Co2+-polyphenol complex. The amorphous character of the Co2+ complex was emphasized with the appearance of a hump in the XRD pattern. From UV-Visible spectroscopy, the optical properties, such as absorption edge, refractive index (n), (εr), (εi), and bandgap energy (Eg) of parent PVA and composite films were specified.

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