Mattingly Norup posted an update 1 month, 4 weeks ago
nor were readmissions (ASC=4.5% vs. HOPD=5.3%; p=.466). selleckchem On average, performing surgery in an ASC versus HOPD resulted in significant cost savings of over $2,000/case in Medicare Advantage ($5,814 vs. $7,829) and over $3,500/case ($10,116 vs. $13,623) in commercial beneficiaries. CONCLUSION Performing single-level decompression surgeries in an ASC compared with HOPDs was associated with approximately $2,000 to $3,500 cost-savings per case with no statistically significant impact on complication or readmission rates. CONTEXT There are no available data regarding pain-associated clusters among nursing home residents and older adults receiving home care with chronic pain. OBJECTIVES To identify and describe pain-associated clusters in nursing home residents and older adults receiving home care with chronic pain, and to explore associations with clusters in both settings. METHODS We surveyed 137 nursing home residents and 205 older adults receiving home care. Clusters were identified using hierarchical agglomerative cluster analysis, utilizing Ward’s method with Squared Euclidean Distances in the proximities matrix. The clusters were characterized based on socio-demographic and clinical characteristics. Multinomial logistic regression was used to identify variables associated with different clusters. RESULTS In each setting, we identified three clusters pain-relieved, pain-impaired, and suffering severe pain. In the nursing home study and the home care study, respectively, the participant distributions were 46.72% and 11.71% in the pain-relieved cluster, 22.63% and 33.66% in the pain-impaired cluster, and 30.66% and 54.63% in the severe-pain cluster. Appropriate pain medication was only detected among pain-relieved nursing home residents. CONCLUSION Overall, differences in pain management exist within the two care settings presented here. There is potential for improvement in both settings. Moreover, there exists a need for clinical interventions aiming at shifting from pain-affected clusters to pain-relieved status. CONTEXT To improve precision and accuracy in the capture of symptomatic adverse events (AEs) by self-report, the U.S. National Cancer Institute has developed a library of 124 patient-reported outcome (PRO) items reflecting 78 symptomatic AEs drawn from the Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events (CTCAE). The PRO-CTCAE™ item library has been translated and linguistically validated in the Korean language. OBJECTIVES The aim of this study was to examine the psychometric properties of PRO-CTCAE-Korean. METHODS PRO-CTCAE-Korean and the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Core Quality of Life Questionnaire Core 30 (QLQ-C30) were administered to 1358 Korean-speaking individuals receiving treatment for cancer at two medical centers in Korea (mean age 55.1 years; SD ±11.9; 60% females; and 61% high school education or less). A subset of 82 study participants completed the same two measures on a second occasion approximately three days later. RESULTS Correlations between PRO-CTCAE-Korean and conceptually relevant QLQ-C30 items were all greater than r = 0.30 except for headache severity. Most PRO-CTCAE-Korean items correlated at least moderately with QLQ-C30 summary scores. Monotonically decreasing total QLQ-C30 scores were observed across worsening levels of symptom frequency, severity, and interference (all P 0.50). CONCLUSION PRO-CTCAE-Korean is a reliable and valid instrument to capture symptomatic AEs by self-report in patients on cancer clinical trials. Soft tissue and organ modeling is the most critical function of any virtual surgical system. This study proposes a softness-based adaptive mesh refinement algorithm to simultaneously ensure realistic and real-time soft tissue simulation. The algorithm was constructed to consider that in a virtual surgery scenario, the surgical sites involve large deformation and thus require high simulation precision, whereas the nonsurgical sites involve small deformations and thus require low simulation precision. This study used the stomach lining as an example, applying mesh refinement in the deformation sites of the stomach lining to enhance the accuracy of the simulations. In addition, low mesh models were adopted for nonsurgical sites to ensure computing efficiency. V.BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE This study aimed to assess dose distributions for stage I non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with passive scattering carbon-ion radiotherapy (C-ion RT) using daily computed tomography (CT) images. MATERIALS AND METHODS We enrolled 10 patients with stage I NSCLC and acquired a total of 40 pre-fractional CT image series under the same settings as the planning CT images. These CT images were registered with planning CT images for dose evaluation using both bone matching (BM) and tumor matching (TM). Using deformable image registration, we generated accumulated doses. Moreover, the volumetric dose parameters were compared in terms of tumor coverage and lung exposure and statistical analyses were performed. RESULTS Overall, 25% of 40 fractional dose distributions were unacceptable with BM, compared with 2.5% with TM (P less then 0.001). Using BM, three patients’ accumulated dose distributions were unacceptable; however, all were satisfactory with TM (P less then 0.001). No differences were observed in water-equivalent path length (WEL). The required margins in patients with poor dose distribution were 5.9 and 4.4 mm for BM and TM, respectively. CONCLUSIONS This study establishes that CT image-based TM is robust compared with conventional BM for both daily and accumulated dose distributions. The effects of changes in WEL seem to be limited. Hence, daily CT alignment is recommended for patients with stage I NSCLC receiving C-ion RT. PURPOSE/OBJECTIVE A national incentive brought about the instauration of systematic clinical audits of all Belgian radiotherapy departments (n = 25) from 2011 to 2015 using the International Atomic Energy Agency QUATRO (Quality Improvement Quality Assurance Team for Radiation Oncology) methodology. The impact of these audits was evaluated and the emitted recommendations originating from the audit reports were analysed to identify areas of weakness on a national basis. METHOD The QUATRO audits performed in each radiotherapy department gave rise to reports in which each department received a list of recommendations that it is free to implement. These audit reports were analyzed to identify common areas for which improvements were recommended. Moreover, questionnaires were sent to all departments in order to evaluate the overall usefulness of the recommendations as well as the relevancy and the actual impact of each individual recommendation. RESULTS Of the 381 emitted recommendations, 34% concerned process optimization of which a quarter involved process improvement and protocol development.