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  • Ludvigsen Frank posted an update a month ago

    The TNF-α rs1800629 polymorphism was also associated with increased DP risk in Asians under the fixed-effects model, but not in the recessive comparison.

    The meta-analysis suggested that TNF-α rs1800629 polymorphism might affect the risk of CP and DP, particularly in individuals of Asian descent.

    The meta-analysis suggested that TNF-α rs1800629 polymorphism might affect the risk of CP and DP, particularly in individuals of Asian descent.

    Failed patient attendance in a university dental clinic is detrimental to the student learning experience, the university as a business, and to members of the public awaiting urgent dental treatment.

    This study aimed to identify the demographic, appointment characteristics, and time-related factors associated with patient attendance in a university dental clinic from 2015 to 2019.

    A 5-year retrospective analysis was conducted in 2020 on data extracted from the Griffith University Dental Clinic patient management system. Following data cleaning and categorization, the dataset was downloaded into SPSS for statistical analysis. Frequencies, odds ratio, and chi squared were used to determine the demographic and time-related factors of patients who had completed, cancelled, and failed to attend (FTA) appointments.

    A total of 23.4% of appointments were cancelled, and 6.6% were FTA. Demographics associated with cancellations include females, adults aged 25 to 44, and private paying patients. FTA were higher in young adults aged 19 to 24, low to mid-range socioeconomic status (SES) and those eligible for publicly funded dental treatment. Mondays and Fridays experienced the greatest number of FTA and cancellations, respectively. Emergency appointments had the greatest attendance rates and endodontic procedures the lowest.

    The loss of clinical teaching hours, resources, and revenue necessitates the implementation of targeted strategies to minimize cancellations and FTA based on demographic and appointment characteristics that may render individual as high risk for failed attendance.

    The loss of clinical teaching hours, resources, and revenue necessitates the implementation of targeted strategies to minimize cancellations and FTA based on demographic and appointment characteristics that may render individual as high risk for failed attendance.

    The objective of this qualitative study was to gain greater understanding of final-year dental students’ views on and experience of their dental curricula in 4 universities from different Asia/Pacific countries, including New Zealand, Australia, and Hong Kong (China).

    A qualitative study approach was used, with semistructured interviews conducted with final-year students from each of the 4 universities.

    Interviews were conducted with 60 final-year dental students, and 5 main themes were extracted from the interviews (1) the definition of an “ideal” dental curriculum, (2) theoretical teaching, (3) transitional tools, (4) assessment, and (5) grading.

    The findings provide insight into final-year students’ views of dental curricula and suggestions on possible areas of reform in the dental curriculum. Further investigations are necessary to provide a curriculum that enables students to become competent, future-ready dental practitioners.

    The findings provide insight into final-year students’ views of dental curricula and suggestions on possible areas of reform in the dental curriculum. Further investigations are necessary to provide a curriculum that enables students to become competent, future-ready dental practitioners.Does a male courting behavior proximately cause polyandry in a fruit fly species? Minekawa et al. found that in Drosophila prolongata, male flies vibrate their legs to overcome female remating suppression, resulting in multiple matings for females that otherwise may have remained monandrous.In a warming world, changes in climate may result in species-level responses as well as changes in community structure through knock-on effects on ecological interactions such as predation and herbivory. Yet, the links between these responses at different levels are still inadequately understood. Assessing how microclimatic conditions affect each of them at local scales provides information essential for understanding the consequences of macroclimatic changes projected in the future. Focusing on the rapidly changing High Arctic, we examine how a community based on a common resource species (avens, Dryas spp.), a specialist insect herbivore (Sympistis zetterstedtii) and natural enemies of lepidopteran herbivores (parasitoids) varies along a multidimensional microclimatic gradient. We ask (a) how parasitoid community composition varies with local abiotic conditions, (b) how the community-level response of parasitoids is linked to species-specific traits (koino- or idiobiont life cycle strategy and phenology) an parasitism and herbivory, with an increase in the parasitism rates of the main herbivore S. zetterstedtii with higher temperature and lower humidity, and a matching increase in herbivory rates. Our results show that microclimatic variation is a strong driver of local community structure, species interactions and interaction outcomes in Arctic ecosystems. find more In view of ongoing climate change, these results predict that macroclimatic changes will profoundly affect arctic communities.Despite a sizeable literature documenting meaningful contributions of father involvement to child health and development, researchers have paid little attention to biological characteristics that may render a child more or less sensitive to fathering behavior. The identification of child and paternal characteristics that promote child behavioral health is particularly critical in the context of sociocultural risk. We hypothesized that respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) measured during infancy would moderate the impact of father engagement in caregiving activities on child behavioral health. In a sample of 181 Mexican American families, we evaluated the impact of infant RSA at 6 weeks, mother- and father-reported father engagement in caregiving activities at 15 and 21 weeks, and their interaction on toddler social or emotional behavior problems and competence at 2 years of age. Only infants with average or higher RSA exhibited more behavior problems in the context of low father engagement (p = .021). Neither RSA nor father engagement predicted behavioral competence.

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