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  • Heller Sheridan posted an update 3 days ago

    Injury has become the leading cause of death among adolescents. This study aimed to understand the prevalence of risk-taking behaviors and exposures and injuries among vocational school students and to provide guidance for further injury intervention.

    A cluster sampling method was used to conduct a questionnaire survey of all grade one and grade two students in a vocational school in Jiangsu Province in April 2018. A self-administered questionnaire was designed to investigate information on basic demographic information, risk-taking behaviors and exposures, and injuries.

    A total of 1079 students were investigated, 490(45.41%) were boys; the mean age was 16.80±0.80 years; 560(51.90%) were grade one students. There were 57 injuries in the past 12 months. The overall injury incidence was 5.28%. The total proportions of risk behaviors ranged from 1.4% for playing on the street to 68.6% for not wearing reflective devices while walking at night. Behaviors of not using traffic safety protection devices were hialent among vocational school students and increased the risk of injury. Traffic safety, bullying and violence, and sports safety were the aspects need more attention. The intervention of such risk behaviors should aim at the characteristics of the population and their special behavior problems.

    We report on patients who developed severe acyclovir-resistant (ACVr) herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) stomatitis after allogeneic hematopoietic cell transplantation (HCT).

    HCT patients suffering from HSV-1 stomatitis without response after 1 week of high-dose acyclovir (ACV) were tested for ACV resistance. Patients with proven ACV resistance were treated either topically with cidofovir solution and gel or with topical foscavir cream or with intravenous foscavir.

    Among 214 consecutive HCT patients, 6 developed severe ACVr HSV-1 stomatitis (WHO grade III n = 1, WHO grade IV n = 5). All 6 patients suffered from relapse of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) after HCT. ACVr stomatitis was treated topically with first-line (n = 4) or second-line (n = 2) cidofovir. Topical foscavir cream was applied as first-line (n = 1) or second-line (n = 1) therapy. Intravenous foscavir was used in 3 patients (first-line therapy, n = 1; second-line therapy, n = 2). Complete remission was reached by topical cidofovir (n = 3), topical foscavir (n = 1), and intravenous foscavir (n = 1), respectively. Five of the 6 patients died due to progression of leukemia. Selleck POMHEX Only 1 patient survived.

    ACVr HSV-1 stomatitis is a severe complication in AML patients relapsing after HCT. It reflects the seriously impaired general condition of these patients. This analysis shows that topical treatment with cidofovir or foscavir might be a sufficient first-line therapy approach in ACVr HSV-1 stomatitis. It might serve as a less toxic alternative to intravenous foscavir.

    ACVr HSV-1 stomatitis is a severe complication in AML patients relapsing after HCT. It reflects the seriously impaired general condition of these patients. This analysis shows that topical treatment with cidofovir or foscavir might be a sufficient first-line therapy approach in ACVr HSV-1 stomatitis. It might serve as a less toxic alternative to intravenous foscavir.Carcinoid heart disease (CHD) is a rare and potentially lethal manifestation of an advanced carcinoid (neuroendocrine) tumor. The pathophysiology of CHD is related to vasoactive substances secreted by the tumor, of which serotonin is most prominent in the pathophysiology of CHD. Serotonin stimulates fibroblast growth and fibrogenesis, which can lead to cardiac valvular fibrosis. CHD primarily affects right heart valves, causing tricuspid and pulmonic regurgitation and less frequently stenosis of these valves. Left heart valves are usually spared because vasoactive substances such as serotonin are enzymatically inactivated in the lung vasculature. The pathology of CHD is characterized by plaque-like deposition of fibrous tissue on valvular cusps, leaflets, papillary muscles, chordae, and ventricular walls. Symptomatic CHD usually presents between 50 and 70 years of age, initially as dyspnea and fatigue. Echocardiography is the mainstay of imaging and demonstrates thickened right heart valves with limited mobility and regurgitation. Treatment focuses on control of the underlying carcinoid syndrome, targeting subsequent valvular heart disease and managing consequent heart failure. Surgical valve replacement and catheter-directed valve procedures may be effective for selected patients with CHD.There exist only two case reports to date of open cardiac defibrillation with deep brain stimulator system (DBS) implantation. We report a 64-year-old male with DBS system in place for essential tremor who underwent cardiac defibrillation after cardiac arrest. Afterwards, his device impedances were all high and his tremor symptoms returned. Both problems resolved with implantation of a new generator and required no changes to the intracranial leads or extension cables. This is significantly different from the two previous reports. One included a significantly different DBS system relying on transcutaneous RF transmission and reported a lesioning effect after cardioversion. The other utilized a modern DBS system but reported damage to the generator and intracranial leads. We report that only the generator sustained damage, and that there were no intracranial changes that occurred.

    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and long-term results of selective transarterial iliac embolization (STIE) in patients with intractable bladder haemorrhage (IBH).

    Twenty-five patients with a median age of 84 (range 65-94) years underwent STIE because of IBH between 2002 and 2020. The median follow-up time was 3 (mean 13.9) months. Patients were treated because of bleeding bladder or prostate cancer, radiation-induced haemorrhagic cystitis, and other conditions. Success was defined as technical success (feasibility to embolize bilateral hypogastric arteries or neoplastic arteries) and as clinical success (absence of further or additional therapy).

    Twenty-five patients with a median age of 84 years with a median hospital stay of 7 days were embolized at our institution. In total, 60% required additional therapy. Only 20% had minor complications, but no complication major was seen; 60% needed an additional therapy because of continuous bleeding. Our 30-day, 90-day, 6-month, and 12-month mortality rates were 28, 44, 64, and 76%, respectively.

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