Hay Davidsen posted an update 11 days ago
Analysis of condom evidence commonly focusses on the detection of silicone-based lubricants, such as polydimethylsiloxane. However, water-based compounds such as propylene glycol or glycerin can also be used as condom lubricants and may, therefore, be detected as transferred traces. KPT-330 inhibitor Evaluation of the variability amongst a large sample set from an international market is needed to determine what are the most likely compounds that may be detected in casework. In this study, 165 condoms, personal hygiene products, lubricants, creams and oils were analysed using gas-chromatography coupled to a mass spectrometer detector (GCMS). The resulting compounds were identified using mass spectral databases, then the data were extracted and evaluated using established multivariate statistical techniques, such as principal component analysis and discriminant analysis. Qualitative visual inspection, as well as statistical analysis, revealed at least twelve different groupings within the dataset. Discrimination was based on variations in the concentration of major compounds, as well as the presence or absence of minor compounds, such as anaesthetics. For the 127 condoms examined, 2 were exclusively water-based lubricated (1.5 %) and 6 contained silicone and water-based components (4.7 %). All the others were only silicone-based (119 condoms, 93.7 %). Strong variation was observed between the different sources of products. Personal hygiene products (PHP), creams, lubricating oils, personal lubricants, and condoms were found to have different chemical compositions. Hence GCMS can be used to assist in the differentiation of water-based residues for investigative purposes.The aim of this work was to study the biological catalysts and possible substrate conversion routes in mesophilic dark fermentation reactors aimed at producing H2 from olive mill wastewater. Bacillus and Clostridium were the most abundant phylotypes during the rapid stage of H2 production. Chemical analyses combined with predictive functional profiling of the bacterial communities indicated that the lactate fermentation was the main H2-producing route. In fact, during the fermentation process, lactate and acetate were consumed, while H2 and butyrate were being produced. The fermentation process was rich in genes that encode enzymes for lactate generation from pyruvate. Lactate conversion to butyrate through the generation of pyruvate produced H2 through the recycling of electron carriers via the pyruvate ferredoxin oxydoreductase pathway. Overall, these findings showed the synergy among lactate-, acetate- and H2-producing bacteria, which complex interactions determine the H2 production routes in the bioreactors.An enhanced sequencing batch reactor (SBR) system was developed to treat synthetic wastewater rich in 600 mg/L aniline. The aniline degradation efficiency was almost 100%, and the total nitrogen (TN) removal rate was more than 50%. Metagenomics technology revealed the community structure, functional genes and metabolic mechanism during the start-up of the enhanced reactor. Sequencing results showed that Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Chloroflexi and Actinobacteria were dominant phylum. The proportion of degradation of aromatic compounds function increased gradually, but the proportion of nitrogen metabolism function changed little. Functional genes involved in aniline degradation including benA-xylX and dmpB/xylE were detected. The functional genes of nitrogen metabolism were involved in complete nitrification, traditional denitrification, assimilation nitrate reduction and dissimilation nitrate reduction. The functional contribution analysis and network analysis showed that the cooperation and competition of Thauera, Delftia, Diaphorobacter, Micavibrio and Azoarcus ensured the effective removal of aniline and nitrogen.This study investigated oxytetracycline (OTC) effects on nitrogen (N) transformation and bacterial community diversity during chicken manure composting. The addition of OTC inhibited nitrifying bacteria, resulted in a decrease in the transformation of NH4+-N to NO3–N during composting, and affected in the order T3 (32.76%) > T2 (28.76%) > T1 (17.02%) > CK. The OTC could act as an inhibitor against core microbial growth, leading to a delay effect during composting. 16S rRNA sequencing was employed for the functional prediction, and results indicated the bacterial community related to N transformation reconstructed under OTC stress. The core microorganisms were changed after OTC addition, with the emergence of Bacillus and Thermobifida, which could inhibit the N transformation by network analysis. Therefore, core microorganisms could be regulated to reduce the negative of OTC impacts on N transformation and thus reduce N loss during composting.Co-digestion of substrates can improve hydrogen yield (HY) by adjusting carbon nitrogen ratio (C/N) of fermentation substrates. This study evaluated the enhancement of hydrogen production from co-digestion of duckweed and corn straw via photo-fermentation. The maximum HY of 78.0 mL/g Total solid (TS) was obtained from the mixed ratio of 51 (C/N of 13.2), which was 25.4% and 29.6% higher than those of single substrate of duckweed and corn straw, respectively. The effects of initial pH and inoculation volume ratio (IVR) on co-digestion photo-fermentative hydrogen production (CD-PFHP) from duckweed and corn straw were further studied. A maximum HY of 85.6 mL/g TS was achieved under the optimal condition (initial pH 8, IVR 20%, mix ratio of duckweed and corn straw of 51). Additionally, both mix ratio and initial pH showed statistical difference (p less then 0.05). Acetic acid and butyric acid were found to be the main metabolic by-products during CD-PFHP.While memory T-cells represent a hallmark of adaptive immunity, little is known about the genetic mechanisms regulating the longevity of memory CD4 T cells. Here, we studied the dynamics of gene expression in antigen specific CD4 T cells during infection, memory differentiation, and long-term survival up to nearly a year in mice. We observed that differentiation into long lived memory cells is associated with increased expression of genes inhibiting cell proliferation and apoptosis as well as genes promoting DNA repair response, lipid metabolism, and insulin resistance. We identified several transmembrane proteins in long-lived murine memory CD4 T cells, which co-localized exclusively within the responding antigen-specific memory CD4 T cells in human. The unique gene signatures of long-lived memory CD4 T cells, along with the new markers that we have defined, will enable a deeper understanding of memory CD4 T cell biology and allow for designing novel vaccines and therapeutics.