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  • Hinrichsen Beyer posted an update 7 days ago

    Patient and breast cancer characteristics did not differ significantly between groups. Recurrence occurred in 7.5% patients. GA patients received more opioids and reported higher post-operative pain than PPA. There was no difference in post-operative MPO in GA vs PPA (10.5±6.6 vs 11.5±4.7ngmL

    , P=.60). Regarding CitH3, there was no difference post-operatively in GA vs PPA (3.6±2.3 vs 4.0±5.9, P=.80). NET expression did not differ before or after anaesthesia and surgery in either group, for either biomarker.

    Anaesthetic technique did not affect NETosis expression in breast cancer patients, indicating that it is not a viable marker of the effect of anaesthetic technique on breast cancer recurrence.

    Anaesthetic technique did not affect NETosis expression in breast cancer patients, indicating that it is not a viable marker of the effect of anaesthetic technique on breast cancer recurrence.The role of lymphocytes and their main subsets as prognostic factors of death in SARS-CoV-2-infected patients remains unclear, with no information obtained from patients outside China. We aimed to assess whether measuring lymphocyte subpopulations added clinical value to the total lymphocyte counting regarding mortality when they were simultaneously tested at hospital admission. Peripheral blood was analysed in 701 polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-confirmed consecutive patients by lysed-no washed flow cytometry. Demographic and clinical features were registered in electronic medical records. Statistical analysis was performed after a 3-month follow-up. The 112 patients who died were older and had significantly higher frequencies of known co-morbidities than survivor COVID-19 patients. A significant reduction in total lymphocytes, CD3+ , CD4+ , CD8+ and CD19+ counts and CD3+ percentage was found in the group of deceased patients (P less then 0·001), while the percentage of CD56+ /CD16+ natural killer (NK) cells was significantly higher (P less then 0·001). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed a significantly increased risk of in-hospital death associated to age [odds ratio (OR) = 2·36, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1·9-3·0 P less then 0·001]; CD4+ T counts ≤ 500 cells/μl, (OR = 2·79, 95% CI = 1·1-6·7, P = 0·021); CD8+ T counts ≤ 100 cells/μl, (OR = 1·98, 95% CI = 1·2-3·3) P = 0·009) and CD56+ /CD16+ NK ≥ 30%, (OR = 1·97, 95% CI = 1·1-3·1, P = 0·002) at admission, independent of total lymphocyte numbers and co-morbidities, with area under the curve 0·85 (95% CI = 0·81-0·88). Reduced counts of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells with proportional expansion of NK lymphocytes at admission were prognostic factors of death in this Spanish series. In COVID-19 patients with normal levels of lymphocytes or mild lymphopenia, imbalanced lymphocyte subpopulations were early markers of in-hospital mortality.

    This exploratory study examines affiliate physician-faculty perceptions and attitudes regarding a teaching incentive programme at a free-standing children’s hospital in the United States. We describe the compensation model and present faculty interpretations of its influence on the institutional culture.

    A case study methodology was applied to understand the sociological aspects of academic productivity interventions. In-depth interviews, direct observation of leadership meetings, teaching activity logs, organisational theoretical lens and survey results were used for methodological triangulation. Data from these multiple sources were coded and discussed between investigators iteratively to identify core themes.

    Of the faculty eligible for the incentive, 32 engaged in in-depth interviews (N=32/107; 30%) and 88 (interviewees included) in the survey (N=88/107; 82%). Findings suggest that while the implementation made some strides in mitigating barriers for some, for others gaps were identified that suggesucational mission remains a priority in this era of increasing clinical and administrative pressure and an institutional culture that may positively influence faculty morale and dedication to teaching.

    We found a modest incentive-based reward for teaching activity was successful in informing the perceptions of faculty regarding their institution’s academic prestige goals and teaching recognition. Such programmes, while requiring a small investment of time and resources by institutional leadership, can convey that the educational mission remains a priority in this era of increasing clinical and administrative pressure and an institutional culture that may positively influence faculty morale and dedication to teaching.

    Sialolipoma is a rare histological variant of lipoma commonly misdiagnosed and composed of a proliferation of mature adipocytes with secondary entrapment of normal salivary gland tissue. The purpose of the present study is to report the clinicopathologic and immunohistochemical features of 10 new cases of sialolipomas in conjunction with a review of the literature.

    A retrospective descriptive cross-sectional study was performed. A total of 54,190 biopsy records of oral and maxillofacial lesions from four oral and maxillofacial pathology services in Brazil were analysed. All cases of lipomas were reviewed, and clinical, demographic and histopathological data were collected of all cases compatible with sialolipomas. In addition, immunohistochemistry stains (AE1/AE3, CK7, 34βE12, S-100, HHF35, α-SMA and Ki-67) and a literature review based on a search of three electronic databases (PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus) were performed.

    Among all lipomas reviewed, there were 10 cases of sialolipomas. Compound C The series comprised of 7 females (70.0%) and 3 males (30.0%), with a mean age of 46.1±21.5years (range 11-71years) and a 2.31 female-to-male ratio. The lower lip (n=3, 30.0%) and tongue (n=2, 20.0%) were the most common locations, presenting clinically as a nodule of slow growth and normal colour. Conservative surgical excision was the treatment in all cases. No recurrence was observed.

    Sialolipomas are a rare histological variant of lipoma, affecting the salivary glands, mainly in the parotid gland and palate of female adults. Pathologists must recognise sialolipomas to avoid misdiagnoses with other lipomatous tumours that can affect salivary glands.

    Sialolipomas are a rare histological variant of lipoma, affecting the salivary glands, mainly in the parotid gland and palate of female adults. Pathologists must recognise sialolipomas to avoid misdiagnoses with other lipomatous tumours that can affect salivary glands.

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