Briggs Voss posted an update 12 days ago
The observations suggest that verbal reports and force matching use different neural mechanisms of force perception; the former are dominated by sense of effort, which reflects primarily the magnitude of the reciprocal command. There were only minor differences between the dominant and non-dominant hands, likely reflecting the faster unintentional drifts of control variables in the dominant hand. Neurophysiological studies suggest that music reading facilitates sensorimotor cortex. The aim of this study was to evaluate (1) whether in pianists, reading notes in bass and treble clef selectively enhances right and left primary motor cortex (M1) excitability; and (2) whether reading notes played with the thumb or little finger selectively modulates the excitability of specific muscles. Twenty musicians (11 pianists, 9 non-pianists) participated. Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was applied while subjects read the bass or the treble clef of sheets music and during the observation of a blank staff (baseline). When pianists read the treble clef, the excitability of the left M1 was higher compared to that recorded in the right M1. Moreover, in the treble clef condition motor evoked potentials (MEPs) induced by TMS of the left M1 were higher when pianists read notes to be played with the 5° finger (little finger) with respect to 1° finger (thumb) notes, whereas in the bass clef condition TMS of the right M1 induced higher MEPs for 1° finger note compared to 5° finger notes. No significant modulation was observed in non-pianists. These data support the view that music reading may induce specific inter- and intra-hemispheric modulation of the motor cortex excitability. Some forms of Autism Spectrum Disorder, a neurodevelopmental syndrome characterized by impaired communication and social skills as well as repetitive behaviors, are purportedly associated with dysregulation of the excitation/inhibition balance in the cerebral cortex. Through human postmortem tissue analysis, we previously found a significant decrease in the number of a gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic interneuron subtype, the chandelier (Ch) cell, in the prefrontal cortex of subjects with autism. Ch cells exclusively target the axon initial segment (AIS) of excitatory pyramidal (Pyr) neurons, and a single Ch cell forms synapses on hundreds of Pyr cells, indicating a possible role in maintaining electrical balance. Thus, we herein investigated this crucial link between Ch and Pyr cells in the anatomy of autism neuropathology by examining GABA receptor protein expression in the Pyr cell AIS in subjects with autism. selleck chemicals llc We collected tissue from the prefrontal cortex (Brodmann Areas (BA) 9, 46, and 47) of 20 subjects with autism and 20 age- and sex-matched control subjects. Immunohistochemical staining with antibodies against the GABAA receptor subunit α2 (GABAARα2) – the subunit most prevalent in the Pyr cell AIS – revealed a significantly decreased percent area of GABAARα2 protein labeling in the Pyr cell AIS in supragranular layers of prefrontal cortex areas BA9 and BA47 in autism. Downregulated GABAARα2 protein in the Pyr cell AIS may result from decreased GABA synthesis in the prefrontal cortex of subjects with autism, and thereby contribute to an excitation/inhibition imbalance. Our findings support the potential for GABA receptor agonists asa therapeutic tool for autism. The anterior cingulate cortex (ACC) is vulnerable to stress. Its dysfunction is observed in psychiatric disorders manifested as alterations in network oscillations. Mechanisms linking stress load to disturbed emotional-cognitive behaviors are of essential importance to further elucidate therapeutic strategies for psychiatric diseases. Here, we analyzed the effects of chronic restraint stress (CRS) load in juvenile mice on kainic acid (KA)-induced network oscillations in ACC slice preparations and on the forced swim test (FST). The immobility time (IT) was shortened at the beginning of the FST in CRS mice. Power spectral density (PSD) obtained from the profiles of KA-induced oscillations in field potentials in the superficial layers of the ACC were altered in slices from the CRS mice. The PSD was decreased in CRS mice at the alpha (8-12 Hz), beta (13-30 Hz), low gamma (30-50 Hz), and high gamma (50-80 Hz) components. Noradrenaline increased the PSD of the theta (3-8 Hz) components in both the control and CRS groups, and also in alpha components only in the CRS group. Dopamine did not modulate the PSD of any frequency components in the control mice, whereas it enhanced the PSD of theta and alpha components in CRS mice. It was suggested that chronic stress load affects the dynamics of the network oscillations in the ACC with enhanced cathecolaminergic modulation. The tumor suppressor RNA-binding motif 5 (RBM5) regulates the expression levels and cassette exon-definition (i.e. splicing) of a select set of mRNAs in a tissue-specific manner. Most RBM5-regulated targets were identified in oncological investigations and frequently involve genes which mediate apoptotic cell death. Little is known about the role of RBM5 in the brain. Also, it is unclear if a brain injury may be required to detect RBM5 mediated effects on pro-apoptotic genes due to their low expression levels in the healthy adult CNS at baseline. Conditional/floxed (brain-specific) gene deleter mice were generated to elucidate CNS-specific RBM5 mRNA targets. Male/female mice were subjected to a severe controlled cortical impact (CCI) traumatic brain injury (TBI) in order to increase the background expression of pro-death mRNAs and facilitate testing of the hypothesis that RBM5 inhibition decreases post-injury upregulation of caspases/FAS in the CNS. As expected, a CCI increased caspases/FAS mRNA in the injured cortex. RBM5 KO did not affect their levels or splicing. Surprisingly, KO increased the mRNA levels of novel targets including casein kinase 2 alpha prime interacting protein (Csnka2ip/CKT2) – a gene not thought to be expressed in the brain, contrary to findings here. Twenty-two unique splicing events were also detected in KOs including increased block-inclusion of cassette exons 20-22 in regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 2 (Rims2). In conclusion, here we used genome-wide transcriptomic analysis on healthy and injured RBM5 KO mouse brain tissue to elucidate the first known gene targets of this enigmatic RBP in this CNS.