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  • Clark Thomasen posted an update 8 days ago

    Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder that carries large health and socioeconomic burdens. Current therapies for PD are ultimately inadequate, both in terms of symptom control and in modification of disease progression. Deep brain stimulation and infusion therapies are the current mainstay for treatment of motor complications of advanced disease, but these have very significant drawbacks and offer no element of disease modification. In fact, there are currently no agents that are established to modify the course of the disease in clinical use for PD. Gene and cell therapies for PD are now being trialled in the clinic. These treatments are diverse and may have a range of niches in the management of PD. They hold great promise for improved treatment of symptoms as well as possibly slowing progression of the disease in the right patient group. Here, we review the current state of the art for these therapies and look to future strategies in this fast-moving field.

    Loin pain hematuria syndrome (LPHS) frequently presents with severe chronic pain that poses a clinical challenge. Current treatment approaches are mostly empirical and include a wide range of therapeutic strategies such as physical therapy, local and systemic analgesia, interventional and surgical approaches usually flanked by psycho-behavioral therapy, and other strategies. LPHS often impacts negatively on quality of life particularly in patients who are refractory to treatment.

    With recent advances in catheter-based treatment approaches and better understanding of the pathophysiology of LPHS, intraluminal renal denervation (RDN) has been proposed as a valuable treatment option for kidney-related pain syndromes. The present review provides a brief overview of the clinical challenges associated with LPHS, highlights recent insights into its underlying mechanisms, and summarizes currently available data on the use of RDN in the context of LPHS and kidney-related pain syndromes. Renal denervation via various approaches including surgical and catheter-based techniques has shown promise in alleviating kidney-related pain syndromes. Randomized controlled trials are now required to better define its role in the management of these conditions.

    With recent advances in catheter-based treatment approaches and better understanding of the pathophysiology of LPHS, intraluminal renal denervation (RDN) has been proposed as a valuable treatment option for kidney-related pain syndromes. The present review provides a brief overview of the clinical challenges associated with LPHS, highlights recent insights into its underlying mechanisms, and summarizes currently available data on the use of RDN in the context of LPHS and kidney-related pain syndromes. Renal denervation via various approaches including surgical and catheter-based techniques has shown promise in alleviating kidney-related pain syndromes. Randomized controlled trials are now required to better define its role in the management of these conditions.Copper is an essential element in all forms of life. It acts as a cofactor of some enzymes and is involved in forming proper protein conformations. However, excess copper ions in cells are detrimental as they can generate free radicals or disrupt protein structures. Therefore, all life forms have evolved conserved and exquisite copper metabolic systems to maintain copper homeostasis. The yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been widely used to investigate copper metabolism as it is convenient for this purpose. In this review, we summarize the mechanism of copper metabolism in Saccharomyces cerevisiae according to the latest literature. In brief, bioavailable copper ions are incorporated into yeast cells mainly via the high-affinity transporters Ctr1 and Ctr3. Then, intracellular Cu+ ions are delivered to different organelles or cuproproteins by different chaperones, including Ccs1, Atx1, and Cox17. Excess copper ions bind to glutathione (GSH), metallothioneins, and copper complexes are sequestered into vacuoles to avoid toxicity. Copper-sensing transcription factors Ace1 and Mac1 regulate the expression of genes involved in copper detoxification and uptake/mobilization in response to changes in intracellular copper levels. Though numerous recent breakthroughs in understanding yeast’s copper metabolism have been achieved, some issues remain unresolved. Completely elucidating the mechanism of copper metabolism in yeast helps decode the corresponding system in humans and understand how copper-related diseases develop.

    In chronic kidney disease (CKD), plasma uric acid levels are increased because of the decrease in glomerular filtration rate. However, in addition to CKD, hyperuricemia is frequently associated with a number of other conditions such as hypertension, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and heart failure, overweight, and cardiovascular disease.

    It is now becoming increasingly clear that, in many clinical conditions, elevated levels of uric acid have a much greater role beyond just causing gout. The present review will summarize current knowledge on the relation between hyperuricemia, CKD, and existing comorbidities, as well as the mechanisms of uric acid-related renal damage. In addition, the role and evidence for urate-lowering therapy in prevention and cardiovascular protection in CKD patients is discussed with a focus on allopurinol and febuxostat. To date, several clinical studies have provided evidence that urate-lowering therapy may help to prevent and delay the decline of renal function in patients with CKD. Ue of renal function in patients with CKD. Use of a xanthine oxidase inhibitor should be considered in patients who are at high renal risk and/or with declining renal function in the presence of hyperuricemia with and without deposition, although additional studies are warranted to define treatment targets. Notwithstanding, the possibility to delay deterioration of renal function in patients with CKD merits consideration.Among promising solutions for tissue repair and wound healing, mesenchymal stem (or stromal) cells (MSCs) have been a focus of attention and have become the most clinically studied experimental cell therapy. Recent studies reported the importance of apoptosis in MSC-mediated immunomodulation, in which apoptotic MSCs (apoMSCs) were shown to be superior to living MSCs. Nowadays, high hydrostatic pressure (HHP), a physical technique that uses only fluid pressure, has been developed and applied in various bioscience fields, including biotechnology, biomaterials, and regenerative medicine, as its safe and simply operation. Adriamycin In the current study, we investigated the impact of HHP treatment on human bone marrow-MSC survival and proliferation. Based on the detection of executioner caspase activation, phosphatidylserine exposure, DNA fragmentation (TUNEL) and irrefutable ultrastructural morphological changes on transmission electron microscopy (TEM), our data revealed that HHP treatment induced complete apoptosis in MSCs.

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