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  • Link Glenn posted an update 11 days ago

    Each section for knowledge, attitude, and practice were categorized as poor (≤39.0%), fair (40.0-69.0%), and good (≥70.0%). The level of knowledge of OAC therapy for patients with NVAF among PCPs was insufficient in over half (75.8%) of the participants. The majority (89.8%) of PCPs had a positive attitude and 68.0% had modest performance in the anticoagulant management of patients with NVAF.

    The knowledge and behaviors of PCPs were insufficient for OAC therapy to prevent embolization in patients with NVAF. The study also revealed that there is good potential for PCPs’ educational interventions to positively impact the care of patients with NVAF.

    The knowledge and behaviors of PCPs were insufficient for OAC therapy to prevent embolization in patients with NVAF. The study also revealed that there is good potential for PCPs’ educational interventions to positively impact the care of patients with NVAF.

    Cancer patients are at increased risk of novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). Currently, surgeries for cancer patients with COVID-19 are generally suggested to be properly delayed.

    We presented a 69-year-old Chinese female colon cancer patient with COVID-19, the first case accepted the surgical treatment during the pandemic in China. The patient developed a fever on January 28, 2020. After treatments with Ceftriaxone and Abidol, her fever was not moderated yet. A repeat chest computed tomography (CT) scan showed significantly exacerbated infectious lesions with a positive result for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) nucleic acid. An abdomen CT scan indicated the tumor of ascending colon with local wrapped changes. She was diagnosed with ‘Severe novel coronavirus pneumonia’ and ‘Incomplete bowel obstruction Colon cancer?’. After actively anti-inflammatory and anti-viral therapies, a right colectomy with lymph node dissection was performed on March 11, followed by a pathologduring the outbreak of COVID-19.

    As the number of elderly and multimorbid patients increases, healthcare has become more complex. This requires good coordination of treatment and care given the various health care professionals involved (e.g. general practitioners, medical specialists, physicians’ assistants). Lack of coordination jeopardizes seamless, evidence-based treatment and care, and eventually reduces clinical effectiveness. The aim of the study is a) to describe and explore information transfer and interprofessional collaboration in ambulatory cardiac care, b) to describe and explore the role of provider networks from the perspective of patients and providers, focusing on healthcare coordination and the uptake of recommended practices.

    Two related studies are planned a) an observational study of healthcare provider networks, involving 600 patients with chronic (atherosclerosis-related) cardiovascular disease from 40 general practices and up to 320 healthcare providers (general practitioners, medical specialist, physicians’ assistants), and b) a qualitative interview study with up to 80 healthcare professionals and patients. Furthermore, we will analyse claims data of a large German health insurer to explore provider networks in ambulatory cardiac care.

    The project aims to provide insight into factors, processes and mechanisms of information transfer and interprofessional collaboration, which affect seamless, evidence-based healthcare practice. This will contribute to the design of strategies for improving health care practice and to the development of measures of coordination for future research.

    We registered the study prospectively on 7 November 2019 at the German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS, under ID no. DRKS00019219 .

    We registered the study prospectively on 7 November 2019 at the German Clinical Trials Register (DRKS, under ID no. DRKS00019219 .

    High temperatures, particularly at night, decrease rice yield and quality. As high nighttime temperatures (HNTs) become increasingly frequent due to climate change, it is imperative to develop rice crops that tolerate HNTs. DNA methylation may represent a potential avenue for HNT-tolerant rice strain development, as this mechanism regulates gene activity and cellular phenotype in response to adverse environmental conditions without changing the nucleotide sequence.

    After HNT exposure, the methylation patterns of cytosines in the CHH context differed noticeably between two coisogenic rice strains with significantly different levels in heat tolerance. Methylation differences between strains were primarily observed on successive cytosines in the promoter or downstream regions of transcription factors and transposon elements. In contrast to the heat-sensitive rice strain, the regions 358-359 bp and 2-60 bp downstream of two basal transcriptional factors (TFIID subunit 11 and mediator of RNA polymerase II tran to clarify the molecular mechanisms underlying rice heat tolerance.

    After HNT exposure, cytosines in the CHH context were more likely than cytosines in other contexts to be methylated differently between the heat-sensitive and heat-tolerant rice strains. Methylation in the promoter regions of the genes associated with ABA-related oxidation and ROS scavenging improved heat tolerance in rice. Our results help to clarify the molecular mechanisms underlying rice heat tolerance.

    Adenomatous gallbladder polyps, premalignant lesions of the gallbladder, have fatal outcomes, whereas cholesterol polyps have benign features. Herein, we proposed a novel, predictive scoring model of adenomatous polyps to distinguish them from cholesterol polyps, by analyzing bile components and bile viscosity.

    Patients with gallbladder polyp pathologically confirmed after cholecystectomies were analyzed. After dividing patients into two groups (adenomatous or cholesterol polyps), the clinicopathologic profiles and bile nature, including components and viscosity were compared and a predictive scoring model for adenomatous polyps was assessed.

    Eleven adenomatous polyps and 96 cholesterol polyps were analyzed. ZD1839 The variables significantly associated with adenomatous polyps were age > 55 years (OR = 23.550, p = 0.020), bile viscosity< 7.5 s

    (OR = 22.539, p = 0.012), and bile cholesterol< 414.5 mg/dl (OR = 10.004, p = 0.023) and the points for each variable in the predictive scoring model were allocated as 3, 3, and 2, respectively.

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