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  • Wang Perry posted an update 9 days ago

    The major primary (N, P, K) and secondary (S, Ca, Mg) nutrients were at par or higher than integrated chemical intensive systems. TEK based amendments ensured proper and timely management of nutrients in the soil. This inherent value addition offered by indigenous manure applications is an important step in climate change mitigation measures and overall agricultural sustainability.Average biodegradation rate of newly filled municipal solid waste (MSW) in landfills is relatively fast, and the landfill gas produced by the new MSW biodegradation can cause great variations in gas pressure. To predict the gas pressure distribution in the MSW layer, a one-dimensional gas transport model is established in this study. The following factors are considered in this model (1) the variation of gas permeability with depth; (2) the anisotropy ratio of gas permeability; (3) the settlement caused by waste biodegradation. check details Furthermore, a single peak model for gas production is applied as the source term of gas production. The equation for settlement caused by waste biodegradation is presented, and the time of peak gas production rate is obtained by fitting the settlement of the newly filled layer. The stratification of the unsaturated and saturated regions is taken into account by distinguishing the difference in gas saturation. The layering of the new and old waste layers is considered by distinguishing the difference in the length of time that waste has been degraded to produce gas. Based on the method of numerical calculation, the gas pressure distribution in the landfill with layered new and old MSW is well simulated. The position where the maximum gas pressure occurs is found. The sensitivity analysis shows that the influence of the anisotropy ratio on gas pressure distribution is more significant.In this work we demonstrate customized depolarization spatial patterns by imaging a dynamical time-dependent pixelated retarder. A proof-of-concept of the proposed method is presented, where a liquid-crystal spatial light modulator is used as a spatial retarder that emulates a controlled spatially variant depolarizing sample by addressing a time-dependent phase pattern. We apply an imaging Mueller polarimetric system based on a polarization camera to verify the effective depolarization effect. Experimental validation is provided by temporal integration on the detection system. The effective depolarizance results are fully described within a simple graphical approach which agrees with standard Mueller matrix decomposition methods. The potential of the method is discussed by means of three practical cases, which include non-reported depolarization spatial patterns, including exotic structures as a spirally shaped depolarization pattern.Subtropical ocean gyres play a key role in modulating the global climate system redistributing energy between low and high latitudes. A poleward displacement of the subtropical gyres has been observed over the last decades, but the lack of long-term monitoring data hinders an in-depth understanding of their dynamics. Paleoceanographic records offer the opportunity to identify meridional changes in the subtropical gyres and investigate their consequences to the climate system. Here we use the abundance of planktonic foraminiferal species Globorotalia truncatulinodes from a sediment core collected at the northernmost boundary of the South Atlantic Subtropical Gyre (SASG) together with a previously published record of the same species from the southernmost boundary of the SASG to reconstruct meridional fluctuations of the SASG over last ca. 70 kyr. Our findings indicate southward displacements of the SASG during Heinrich Stadials (HS) 6-4 and HS1, and a contraction of the SASG during HS3 and HS2. During HS6-4 and HS1, the SASG southward displacements likely boosted the transfer of heat to the Southern Ocean, ultimately strengthening deep-water upwelling and CO2 release to the atmosphere. We hypothesize that the ongoing SASG poleward displacement may further increase oceanic CO2 release.We discovered a new Crocidura species of shrew (Soricidae Eulipotyphla) from Narcondam Island, India by using both morphological and molecular approaches. The new species, Crocidura narcondamica sp. nov. is of medium size (head and body lengths) and has a distinct external morphology (darker grey dense fur with a thick, darker tail) and craniodental characters (braincase is rounded and elevated with weak lambdoidal ridges) in comparison to other close congeners. This is the first discovery of a shrew from this volcanic island and increases the total number of Crocidura species catalogued in the Indian checklist of mammals to 12. The newly discovered species shows substantial genetic distances (12.02% to 16.61%) to other Crocidura species known from the Indian mainland, the Andaman and Nicobar Archipelago, Myanmar, and from Sumatra. Both Maximum-Likelihood and Bayesian phylogenetic inferences, based on mitochondrial (cytochrome b) gene sequences showed distinct clustering of all included soricid species and exhibit congruence with the previous evolutionary hypothesis on this mammalian group. The present phylogenetic analyses also furnished the evolutionary placement of the newly discovered species within the genus Crocidura.Erythropoiesis involves complex interrelated molecular signals influencing cell survival, differentiation, and enucleation. Diseases associated with ineffective erythropoiesis, such as β-thalassemias, exhibit erythroid expansion and defective enucleation. Clear mechanistic determinants of what make erythropoiesis effective are lacking. We previously demonstrated that exogenous transferrin ameliorates ineffective erythropoiesis in β-thalassemic mice. In the current work, we utilize transferrin treatment to elucidate a molecular signature of ineffective erythropoiesis in β-thalassemia. We hypothesize that compensatory mechanisms are required in β-thalassemic erythropoiesis to prevent apoptosis and enhance enucleation. We identify pleckstrin-2-a STAT5-dependent lipid binding protein downstream of erythropoietin-as an important regulatory node. We demonstrate that partial loss of pleckstrin-2 leads to worsening ineffective erythropoiesis and pleckstrin-2 knockout leads to embryonic lethality in β-thalassemic mice.

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