Sherrill Mccarty posted an update 11 days ago
Even in clear ocean water, underwater optical wireless communication (UOWC) is impaired not only by absorption and scattering, but also by oceanic turbulence and dynamic pointing errors which result in a fading channel, degrading the bit error rate (BER) performance. In this paper, for the first time, we quantify analytically the trade-off between geometric loss and misalignment in underwater scattering channels. A novel geometric loss model is developed which is used to compute the average BER in the presence of absorption and scattering over salinity-induced oceanic turbulence channels. Our findings suggest that UOWC systems are less sensitive to angular pointing errors due to jitter since scattering is able to alleviate such a fading effect at the expense of a higher attenuation due to geometric spread. Monte Carlo simulation results are further included to verify the developed BER expression which is valid over a wide range of signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR). Finally, the impact of inter-symbol interference (ISI) is also quantified by measuring the optical power penalty.Laser speckle reduction with a macro refractive optical element (mROE) is restricted by the limited entrance facet size of light pipe. Here, we have fabricated a micro-ROE (μROE) that incorporates three-dimensional micro-optical structures. The μROE with 2 × 2 duplicated multi-level cells is made of SU-8 photoresist with the help of multi-exposure lithography process. ABT199 When the μROE works together with the mROE, objective speckle contrast is reduced to 0.2, where the light source is a low-coherence multimode laser diode. In principle, more speckle reduction can be obtained by fabricating μROEs with more cells and larger height differences among the cells.Coherent anti-Stokes Raman scattering (CARS) is a valuable spectroscopic tool for the measurement of temperature and species concentration. In recent years, multi-dimensional CARS has seen focused development and is especially important in reacting flows. An important aspect of multi-dimensional CARS is the phase-matching scheme used. Historically, collinear and BOXCARS phase-matching schemes have been used to achieve phase matching over a broad spectral range. For 1-D and 2-D CARS imaging, two-beam or counter-propagating beam arrangements are necessary. The two-beam arrangement offers many advantages, but introduces a phase mismatch which limits the spectral response of the measurement. This work explores the tradeoffs in spatial resolution, spectral bandwidth, and CARS intensity in 2-D CARS arrangements. Calculations are made for two-beam and counter-propagating beam CARS.We present an optical parametric chirped pulse amplification (OPCPA) system delivering 4.4 TW pulses centered at 810 nm with a sub-9 fs duration and a carrier-envelope phase stability of 350 mrad. The OPCPA setup pumped by sub-10 ps pulses from two YbYAG thin-disk lasers at 100 Hz repetition rate is optimized for a high conversion-efficiency. The terawatt pulses of the OPCPA are utilized for generating intense extreme ultraviolet (XUV) pulses by high-order harmonic generation, achieving XUV pulse energies approaching the microjoule level.This study proposes a new imaging technique for snapshot multispectral imaging in which a multispectral image was captured using an imaging lens that combines a set of multiple spectral filters and polarization filters, as well as a pixel-wise color polarization image sensor. The author produced a prototype nine-band multispectral camera system that covered from visible to near-infrared regions and was very compact. The camera’s spectral performance was evaluated using experiments; moreover, the camera was used to detect the freshness of food and the activity of wild plants and was mounted on a vehicle to obtain a multispectral video while driving.We experimentally and numerically study the dynamics of whispering gallery modes slowly propagating within the cladding of an optical fiber near its end facet. We demonstrated that modes reflect from the fiber cleave. The reflection coefficient appears to reach 70% for the sample under study. Use of a facet provides a simple method to confine the axial propagation of the modes.Point source atom interferometry (PSI) uses the velocity distribution in a cold atom cloud to simultaneously measure one axis of acceleration and two axes of rotation from the spatial distribution of interferometer phase in an expanded cloud of atoms. Previously, the interferometer phase has been found from the phase, orientation, and period of the resulting spatial atomic interference fringe images. For practical applications in inertial sensing and precision measurement, it is important to be able to measure a wide range of system rotation rates, corresponding to interferograms with far less than one full interference fringe to very many fringes. Interferogram analysis techniques based on image processing used previously for PSI are challenging to implement for low rotation rates that generate less than one full interference fringe across the cloud. We introduce a new experimental method that is closely related to optical phase-shifting interferometry that is effective in extracting rotation values from signals consisting of fractional fringes as well as many fringes without prior knowledge of the rotation rate. The method finds the interferometer phase for each pixel in the image from four interferograms, each with a controlled Raman laser phase shift, to reconstruct the underlying atomic interferometer phase map without image processing.We propose an advanced in situ extinction spectroscopy set up to investigate the dynamic of the fragmentation and reshaping processes of gold colloids during a ns-laser pulse exposure. The evolution of the aspect ratio distribution of gold nanorods (NRs) during the laser exposure is obtained by analyzing each spectra with the shape distributed effective medium theory. We demonstrate that the kinetics of NR shape transformation can be divided into two fluence regimes. At small fluence, the kinetic is limited by the NRs orientation, while at high fluence, the fragmentation rate is only limited by the probability of NRs to be located in the irradiated volume.