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  • Steensen Roberson posted an update 4 days ago

    Background Recently, RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) were reported to interact with target mRNA to regulate gene posttranscriptional expression, and RBP-mediated RNA modification can regulate the expression and function of proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes. We systematically analyzed the expression of RBPs in pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PAAD) and constructed an RBP-associated prognostic risk model. Methods Gene expression data of normal pancreatic samples as well as PAAD samples were downloaded from TCGA-PAAD and GTEx databases. Wilcoxon test and univariate Cox analysis were, respectively, applied to screen differential expression RBPs (DE-RBPs) and prognostic-associated RBPs (pRBPs). Functional enrichment was analyzed by GO, KEGG, and GSEA. Protein-protein interaction (PPI) network was constructed by STRING online database. Modeling RBPs were selected by multivariate Cox analysis. Kaplan-Meier survival and Cox analysis were applied to evaluate the effects of risk score on the overall survival of PAAD pat survival of PAAD patients. Conclusions We successfully constructed an RBP-associated prognostic risk model in PAAD, which has a potential clinical application prospect.Breast cancer has replaced cervical cancer as being the most common and having the highest mortality among women in India. ANKLE gene is conserved among organisms during evolutionary succession and is a member of LEM family proteins in lower metazoans and is involved in critical functions in the nuclear architecture, gene expression and cell signaling. ANKLE1 is the human orthologous of LEM-3 and is involved in DNA damage response and DNA repair. Whole Exome Sequencing (WES) of paired breast cancer samples was performed and ANKLE1 was found to be a new possible hotspot for predisposition of breast cancer. The mass array genotyping for breast cancer variant rs2363956 further confirmed the ANKLE1 association with the studied population of breast cancer. To elucidate the role of ANKLE1 in DNA damage, it was knocked down in MCF-7 breast cancer cell line and the expression of γH2AX was assessed. ANKLE1 knockdown cells displayed elevated levels of γ-H2AX foci in response to the cisplatin induced replication stress. The localization pattern of ANKLE1 further emphasized the role of ANKLE1 in DNA repair process. We observed that ANKLE1 is required for maintaining genomic stability and plays a role in DNA damage and repair process. These findings provided a molecular basis for the suspected role of ANKLE1 in human breast cancer and suggested an important role of this gene in controlling breast cancer development among women in India.The north-western Indian Himalayas possesses vast diversity in common bean germplasm due to several years of natural adaptation and farmer’s selection. Systematic efforts have been made for the first time for the characterization and use of this huge diversity for the identification of genes/quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for yield and yield-contributing traits in common bean in India. A core set of 96 diverse common bean genotypes was characterized using 91 genome-wide genomic and genic simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The study of genetic diversity led to the identification of 691 alleles ranging from 2 to 21 with an average of 7.59 alleles/locus. The gene diversity (expected heterozygosity, He) varied from 0.31 to 0.93 with an average of 0.73. As expected, the genic SSR markers detected less allelic diversity than the random genomic SSR markers. The traditional clustering and Bayesian clustering (structural analysis) analyses led to a clear cut separation of a core set of 96 genotypes into two distinct groups based on their gene pools (Mesoamerican and Andean genotypes). Genome-wide association mapping for pods/plant, seeds/pod, seed weight, and yield/plant led to the identification of 39 significant marker-trait associations (MTAs) including 15 major, 15 stable, and 13 both major and stable MTAs. Out of 39 MTAs detected, 29 were new MTAs reported for the first time, whereas the remaining 10 MTAs were already identified in earlier studies and therefore declared as validation of earlier results. A set of seven markers was such, which were found to be associated with multiple (two to four) different traits. The important MTAs will be used for common bean molecular breeding programs worldwide for enhancing common bean yield.Background Mechanisms of myocardial recovery are not well elucidated. Methods 3-month-old C57/BL6 mice were treated with Angiotensin-II infusion and N (w)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester in drinking water to induce HF at 5 weeks. These agents were discontinued, and animals studied with echocardiographic, histological and genetic assessment every 2 weeks until week 19. mRNA was extracted from these samples and human pre-post LVAD samples. Results Histologic and echo characteristics showed progressive worsening of cardiac function by week 5 and normalization by week 19 accompanied by normalization of the transcriptional profile. Expression of 1,350 genes were upregulated and 3,050 genes down regulated in HF compared to controls; during recovery, this altered gene expression was largely reversed. We focused on genes whose expression was altered during HF but reverted to control levels by Week 19. A gene ontology (GO) analysis of this cohort of genes implicated pathways involved in EndoMT and MEndoT. The cohort of genes that were differentially regulated in heart failure recovery in the murine model, were similarly regulated in human myocardial samples obtained pre- and post-placement of a left ventricular assist device (LVAD). Human end stage HF myocardial samples showed cells with dual expressed VE-Cadherin and FSP-1 consistent with cell fate transition. Furthermore, we observed a reduction in fibrosis, and an increase in endothelial cell density, in myocardial samples pre- and post-LVAD. Conclusions Cell fate transitions between endothelial and mesenchymal types contribute to the pathophysiology of heart failure followed by recovery.In this study, we evaluated an admixed South African Simbra crossbred population, as well as the Brahman (Indicine) and Simmental (Taurine) ancestor populations to understand their genetic architecture and detect genomic regions showing signatures of selection. Animals were genotyped using the Illumina BovineLD v2 BeadChip (7K). MG-101 mw Genomic structure analysis confirmed that the South African Simbra cattle have an admixed genome, composed of 5/8 Taurine and 3/8 Indicine, ensuring that the Simbra genome maintains favorable traits from both breeds. Genomic regions that have been targeted by selection were detected using the linkage disequilibrium-based methods iHS and Rsb. These analyses identified 10 candidate regions that are potentially under strong positive selection, containing genes implicated in cattle health and production (e.g., TRIM63, KCNA10, NCAM1, SMIM5, MIER3, and SLC24A4). These adaptive alleles likely contribute to the biological and cellular functions determining phenotype in the Simbra hybrid cattle breed.

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