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  • Craig Bullard posted an update 10 days ago

    Few studies have described the treatment or outcome of depression in specialized mood disorders units (MDUs). Previous studies have focused on cohorts of patients with highly treatment-resistant illness who are likely to have a poor prognosis even with intensive treatment. This study describes the treatment and medium-term outcomes of a cohort of first-admission depressed patients with less treatment-resistant illness treated in a specialized MDU.

    A cohort of 137 consecutive first-admission depressed patients, referred to an MDU over 2 years, were interviewed using standardized schedules and followed up prospectively from admission for ∼18 months to describe baseline characteristics, treatment, outcome, and predictors of outcome. Times to recovery and recurrence were evaluated using survival analyses and predictors of outcome were examined using bivariate and multivariate regression analyses.

    On admission, 75% of the 137 patients had depression that had been found to be resistant to pharmacological treaa cohort of first-admission depressed patients than previous first-admission studies after continuous, intensive treatment, although the proportion of patients who experienced recurrences remained high.

    This prospective, naturalistic, medium-term study describes better outcomes, in terms of recovery and symptomatology over time, in a cohort of first-admission depressed patients than previous first-admission studies after continuous, intensive treatment, although the proportion of patients who experienced recurrences remained high.The goals of this study were to determine the feasibility of engaging youth with major depressive disorder (MDD) in a multimodal exercise intervention (Healthy Body Healthy Mind) plus usual care and to evaluate the magnitude of its effects on psychological, physical fitness, and biomarker outcomes to inform a future randomized controlled trial. NSC-187208 clinical trial Youth (15 to 25 y of age) with MDD diagnosed using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders (SCID-I) were eligible to participate. Feasibility measures included recruitment, retention, and program adherence rates. The exercise program consisted of a single session of motivational interviewing to enhance exercise adherence, then 1-hour, small-group supervised exercise sessions 3 times per week for 12 weeks. Assessments were administered at baseline and at 12 weeks. Depression symptoms were assessed using the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-II). Physical fitness and blood biomarkers were also measured. Three males and 10 females with MDD, who were 18 to 24 years of age, participated. Retention at 12 weeks was 86%, and attendance at exercise sessions averaged 62%±28%. After 12 weeks, 69% of participants experienced a remission of MDD based on the SCID. Mean BDI-II scores decreased from 31.9±9.1 to 13.1±10.1 [Cohen d effect size (ES)=1.96]. Improvements were observed in upper (ES=0.64) and lower (ES=0.32) body muscular endurance. Exercise session attendance was moderately correlated with changes in BDI-II scores (Pearson r=0.49). It appears feasible to attract and engage some youth with MDD in an exercise intervention. The positive impact on depression symptoms justifies further studies employing exercise interventions as an adjunct to routine care for young people with MDD.Neuroplasticity is an area of expanding interest in psychiatry. Plasticity and metaplasticity are processes contributing to the scaling up and down of neuronal connections, and they are involved with changes in learning, memory, mood, and sleep. Effective mood treatments, including repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS), are reputed to work via changes in neuronal circuitry. This article explores the interrelatedness of sleep, plasticity, and rTMS treatment. A PubMed-based literature review was conducted to identify all available studies examining the relationship of rTMS, plasticity, and sleep. Key words used in this search included “TMS,” “transcranial magnetic stimulation,” “plasticity,” “metaplasticity,” “sleep,” and “insomnia.” Depressed mood tends to be associated with impaired neural plasticity, while antidepressant treatments can augment neural plasticity. rTMS impacts plasticity, yielding long-lasting effects, with differing impacts on the waking and sleeping brain. Higher quality sleep promotes plasticity and learning. Reports on the sleep impact of high-frequency and low-frequency rTMS are mixed. The efficacy of rTMS may rely on brain plasticity manipulation, enhanced via the stimulation of neural circuits. Total sleep time and sleep continuity are sleep qualities that are likely necessary but insufficient for the homeostatic plasticity driven by slow-wave sleep. Understanding the relationship between sleep and rTMS treatment is likely critical to enhancing outcomes.Almost half of new diagnoses of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection are made late, leading to increased morbidity and mortality, greater spread of infection, and higher public health care costs. Emergency services care for many patients who share behaviors associated with HIV transmission risk who arrive in clinical situations that are associated with HIV infection. A strategy to increase the rates of early diagnosis by promoting serology for HIV when caring for patients with certain clinical profiles might therefore be the key to improvement. This approach is hardly used at present, however, unless the result of serology would change the management of the acute complaint that led to the visit. These recommendations based on evidence from a search and review of recent publications were developed by a group of experts appointed by the Spanish Society of Emergency Medicine (SEMES). The resulting statement aims to support decision-making by emergency physicians and promote HIV screening and referral to appropriate specialists for follow-up in patients with certain conditions (sexually transmitted infections, herpes zoster, community-acquired pneumonia) or reporting certain scenarios (practice of chemsex, need for post-exposure prophylaxis). These 6 settings were selected because they are often seen in emergency departments and are common in patients with HIV-positive tests. The recommendations address when to order serology for HIV and how to manage the referral process. Included are decision-making tools for emergency physicians.

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