Oneal Montoya posted an update 4 days ago
It was also demonstrated that 7-hydroxyindirubin inhibits the nuclear translocation of YB-1 with or without phosphorylation at the Ser102 residue.
Our previous study developed ATRQβ-001 vaccine, which targets peptide ATR001 from angiotensin Ⅱ (Ang Ⅱ) receptor type 1 (AT1R). The ATRQβ-001 vaccine could induce the production of anti-ATR001 monoclonal antibody (McAb-ATR) and inhibit atherosclerosis without feedback activation of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS). This study aims at investigating the underexploited mechanisms of McAb-ATR in ameliorating atherosclerosis.
AT1R-KO HEK293T cell lines were constructed to identify the specificity of McAb-ATR and key sites of ATRQβ-001 vaccine. Beta-arrestin1 knock-out (Arrb1
) mice, Beta-arrestin2 knock-out (Arrb2
) mice, and low-density lipoprotein receptor knock-out (LDLr
) mice were used to detect potential signaling pathways affected by McAb-ATR. The role of McAb-ATR in beta-arrestin and G proteins (G
or G
) signal transduction events was also investigated.
McAb-ATR could specifically bind to the Phe
site of AT1R second extracellular loop (ECL2). Wnt-C59 concentration The anti-atherosclerotic effect ofn2, McAb-ATR could serve as a novel strategy for treating atherosclerosis.The risks of depletion of energy reserves and encountering lethally low temperatures are considered as two important mortality factors that may limit winter survival of mosquito, Culex pipiens f. pipiens populations. Here we show that the autumn females carry lipid reserves, which are safely sufficient for at least two overwintering periods, provided the females diapausing at temperatures typical for underground spaces (0 °C – 8 °C) would continuously rest at a standard metabolic rate (SMR). The overwintering females, however, switch from SMR to much higher metabolic rate during flight, either seeking for optimal microhabitat within the shelter or in response to disturbances by air current or predator attack. These behaviors result in fast oxidation of lipid reserves and, therefore, the autumn load of energy reserves may actually limit winter survival under specific circumstances. Next, we show that the level of females’ cold hardiness is physiologically set relatively weak for overwintering in open field, above-ground habitats, but is ecologically entirely sufficient for overwintering in most underground spaces. The characteristics of suitable overwintering shelters are no or limited risk of contact with ice crystals, no or limited air movements, winter temperatures relatively stable between +2 and + 6 °C, winter minimum does not drop below -4 °C for longer than one week, or below -8 °C for longer than 1 day.The microtubule-associated protein tau is implicated in multiple degenerative diseases including retinal diseases such as glaucoma; however, the way tau initiates retinopathy is unclear. Previous retinal assessments in mouse models of tauopathy suggest that mutations in four-repeat (4R) tau are associated with disease-induced retinal dysfunction, while shifting tau isoform ratio to favor three-repeat (3R) tau production enhanced photoreceptor function. To further understand how alterations in tau expression impact the retina, we analyzed the retinas of transgenic mice overexpressing mutant 3R tau (m3R tau-Tg), a model known to exhibit Pick’s Disease pathology in the brain. Analysis of retinal cross-sections from young (3 month) and adult (9 month) mice detected asymmetric 3R tau immunoreactivity in m3R tau-Tg retina, concentrated in the retinal ganglion and amacrine cells of the dorsal retinal periphery. Accumulation of hyperphosphorylated tau was detected specifically in the detergent insoluble fraction of the adult m3R tau-Tg retina. RNA-seq analysis highlighted biological pathways associated with tauopathy that were uniquely altered in m3R tau-Tg retina. The upregulation of transcript encoding apoptotic protease caspase-2 coincided with increased immunostaining in predominantly 3R tau positive retinal regions. In adult m3R tau-Tg, the dorsal peripheral retina of the adult m3R tau-Tg exhibited decreased cell density in the ganglion cell layer (GCL) and reduced thickness of the inner plexiform layer (IPL) compared to the ventral peripheral retina. Together, these data indicate that mutant 3R tau may mediate toxicity in retinal ganglion cells (RGC) by promoting caspase-2 expression which results in RGC degeneration. The m3R tau-Tg line has the potential to be used to assess tau-mediated RGC degeneration and test novel therapeutics for degenerative diseases such as glaucoma.Sialidosis is a neuropathic lysosomal storage disease caused by a deficiency in the NEU1 gene-encoding lysosomal neuraminidase and characterized by abnormal accumulation of undigested sialyl-oligoconjugates in systemic organs including brain. Although patients exhibit neurological symptoms, the underlying neuropathological mechanism remains unclear. Here, we generated induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from skin fibroblasts with sialidosis and induced the differentiation into neural progenitor cells (NPCs) and neurons. Sialidosis NPCs and neurons mimicked the disease-like phenotypes including reduced neuraminidase activity, accumulation of sialyl-oligoconjugates and lysosomal expansions. Functional analysis also revealed that sialidosis neurons displayed two distinct abnormalities, defective exocytotic glutamate release and augmented α-amino-3-hydroxyl-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionate receptor (AMPAR)-mediated Ca2+ influx. These abnormalities were restored by overexpression of the wild-type NEU1 gene, demonstrating causative role of neuraminidase deficiency in functional impairments of disease neurons. Comprehensive proteomics analysis revealed the significant reduction of SNARE proteins and glycolytic enzymes in synaptosomal fraction, with downregulation of ATP production. Bypassing the glycolysis by treatment of pyruvate, which is final metabolite of glycolysis pathway, improved both the synaptsomal ATP production and the exocytotic function. We also found that upregulation of AMPAR and L-type voltage dependent Ca2+ channel (VDCC) subunits in disease neurons, with the restoration of AMPAR-mediated Ca2+ over-load by treatment of antagonists for the AMPAR and L-type VDCC. Our present study provides new insights into both the neuronal pathophysiology and potential therapeutic strategy for sialidosis.