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  • Shaw Sunesen posted an update 3 days ago

    In accordance to our calculations, the lowest energy triplet spin-state isomer of the anionic boron pentamer cluster has C2 symmetry, and consequently, it should show optical activity. Finally, we have studied the change of the geometrical structure of the boron pentamer clusters from planar to compact three-dimensional structures caused by the bonding of ligands to the boron atoms. Our explicit all-electron calculations have been rationalized in terms of the shell-closure of the delocalized valence orbitals of the clusters as predicted by the jellium model extended to nonspherical confinement potentials, circumscribing the role of the ligand to modulate the total number of valence electrons assigned to the core cluster.The alkaline environment in anion-exchange membrane fuel cells allows the use of Pt-free electrocatalysts, thus reducing the system cost. We performed a theoretical high-throughput study of various low-cost Ag-based oxygen reduction reaction anode electrocatalysts and assessed their catalytic performance using density functional theory. From the Materials Project database, a total of 106 binary Ag alloys were investigated by estimating their heat of formation, dissolution potential, and overpotential on low-index surfaces. We confirmed that EuAg5, BaAg5, and SrAg5 have higher catalytic activities and durabilities than pure Ag. By following the chemical trend of the results, we further proposed LaAg5 and PrAg5, which were not included in the database, as promising candidates. All candidates are in the space group P6/mmm and contain alkaline earth metal or lanthanide elements.Distinct from carbon nanotubes, transition-metal dichalcogenide (TMD) nanotubes are noncentrosymmetric and polar and can exhibit some intriguing phenomena such as nonreciprocal superconductivity, chiral shift current, bulk photovoltaic effect, and exciton-polaritons. However, basic characterizations of individual TMD nanotubes are still quite limited, and much remains unclear about their structural chirality and electronic properties. Here we report an optical second-harmonic generation (SHG) study on multiwalled WS2 nanotubes on a single-tube level. As it is highly sensitive to the crystallographic symmetry, SHG microscopy unveiled multiple structural domains within a single WS2 nanotube, which are otherwise hidden under conventional white-light optical microscopy. Moreover, the polarization-resolved SHG anisotropy patterns revealed that different domains on the same tube can be of different chirality. In addition, we observed the excitonic states of individual WS2 nanotubes via SHG excitation spectroscopy, which were otherwise difficult to acquire due to the indirect band gap of the material.We describe a novel class of tetraphenylbenzene-based discotic molecules with exceptional self-assembling properties. Absorption and fluorescence studies confirmed the formation of J-type aggregates in solution. The discotic mesogens also show an enhancement of the emission upon aggregation. Interestingly, these discotic molecules displayed enantiotropic hexagonal columnar liquid crystal (LC) phases that can be switched into a helical columnar organization by application of an electric field. The helical columns arise from the electric-field-induced tilt of the polar fluorobenzene ring that directs all of the peripheral phenyl groups into a propeller-like conformation with respect to the central benzene core. A cooperative assembly process of these propeller-shaped molecules resolves into a helical columnar organization, in which the preferred helical sense is obtained from the stereogenic center proximate to the polar carbon-fluorine bond. The ease of inducing chirality in columnar LCs by an electric field presents opportunities to create next-generation chiral materials for a variety of applications.Owing to their features of excellent mechanical flexibility, high conductivity, and light weight, carbon-based fiber fabrics (CBFFs) are highly attractive as flexible electrodes for flexible solid-state supercapacitors (SCs). However, the achieved areal capacitance of most CBFFs is still unsatisfactory. Carbon nanotube fiber fabric (CNTFF) is a new kind of CBFF and could provide a potential alternative to high-performance flexible electrodes. Herein, we report the activation of CNTFF using a facile thermal oxidation and acid treatment process. The activated CNTFF shows an exceptional combination of large areal capacitance (1988 mF cm-2 at 2 mA cm-2), excellent rate performance (45% capacitance reservation at 100 mA cm-2), and outstanding cycle life (only 3% capacitance decay after 10,000 cycles). The constructed solid-state SC reaches a maximum energy density of 143 μWh cm-2 at 1000 μW cm-2 and a maximum power density of 30,600 μW cm-2 at 82 μWh cm-2. Additionally, this device possesses good rate performance along with superb cycle stability and excellent mechanical flexibility under various bending conditions. Our present work therefore offers a new opportunity in developing high-performance flexible electrodes for flexible energy storage.Waveguide enhanced Raman spectroscopy (WERS) utilizes simple, robust, high-index contrast dielectric waveguides to generate a strong evanescent field, through which laser light interacts with analytes residing on the surface of the waveguide. It offers a powerful tool for the direct identification and reproducible quantification of biochemical species and an alternative to surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) without reliance on fragile noble metal nanostructures. The advent of low-cost laser diodes, compact spectrometers, and recent progress in material engineering, nanofabrication techniques, and software modeling tools have made realizing portable and cheap WERS Raman systems with high sensitivity a realistic possibility. This review highlights the latest progress in WERS technology and summarizes recent demonstrations and applications. Pluripotin manufacturer Following an introduction to the fundamentals of WERS, the theoretical framework that underpins the WERS principles is presented. The main WERS design considerations are then discussed, and a review of the available approaches for the modification of waveguide surfaces for the attachment of different biorecognition elements is provided. The review concludes by discussing and contrasting the performance of recent WERS implementations, thereby providing a future roadmap of WERS technology where the key opportunities and challenges are highlighted.

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