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  • Barnett Petty posted an update 13 days ago

    Furthermore, we detected the release of PGE2, PGF2α, and PGI2 in the carotid arteries of SHR and WKY, both at baseline and in response to UTP. UTP administration also increased TXA2 levels in WKY but not SHR. Overall, our results suggest that UTP-induced relaxation in carotid arteries is impaired in SHR perhaps due to impaired P2Y2 receptor signaling, reductions in endothelial NO, and increases in the levels of COX-derived vasoconstrictor prostanoids.Gibberellic acid (GA) is a major plant hormone involved in several biological processes from the flowering to the symbiosis with microorganisms. Thus, the GA regulation is crucial for plant biology. This regulation occurs via the DELLA proteins that belong to the GRAS transcription factor family. DELLA proteins are characterised by a DELLA N-terminal and a GRAS C-terminal domains. It is well known that DELLA activity appears after the bryophytes divergence and then evolved in the vascular plant lineages. Here we present the phylogeny of DELLA across 75 species belonging to various lineages from algae, liverworts and angiosperms. Our study confirmed two main duplication events, the first occurring before the angiosperms divergence and the other specific to the eudicots lineage. Comparative analysis of DELLA subclades in angiosperms revealed the loss in Poaceae and strong alteration in other species of the DELLA functional domain in the DELLA2 clade. In addition, molecular evolution analysis suggests that each of the clades (named DELLA1.1, DELLA1.2 and DELLA2) evolved differently but copies of each subclade are under strong purifying selection. This also suggests that, although the DELLA functional domain is altered in DELLA2, DELLA2 orthologs are still functional and operate in a different way compared to DELLA1 copies. In angiosperms, additional duplication events occurred and led to duplicate copies in species, genus or family such as in the Fabaceae subfamily Papilionoideae. This duplication led to the formation of additional paralogs in the DELLA1.2 subclade (DELLA1.2.1 and DELLA1.2.2). Interestingly, both copies appeared to be under relaxing selection revealing different evolutionary fate of the DELLA duplicated copies.Bisphenol A and phthalates are endocrine disruptors widely used as chemical additives mainly in plastic products, including materials for dentistry procedures. Besides, many plasticizers have been associated with important diseases requiring performed methods for their quantification. In the present study, an alternative method for the determination of bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalate metabolites in saliva was developed and validated using hollow fiber liquid phase microextraction (HF-LPME) for sample preparation and gas chromatography coupled to ion trap mass spectrometry (GC/MS) for analysis. Cenicriviroc A mixture of octanol and ethyl octanoate (11 v/v) was used as an acceptor phase in hollow fiber to extract the analytes from saliva samples. A Doehlert design was performed to optimize the variable sample agitation and extraction time. The HF-LPME-GC/MS method developed for saliva analysis showed good selectivity, linearity (R2 > 0.900), and precision (CV = 0.86-18.68%). Limits of detection and quantification ranged from 0.03 to 0.53 μg L-1 and 0.09 to 1.78 μg L-1, respectively. A high concentration of BPA in the oral cavity and oropharyngeal space is a warning of the possible association with the main cancer of the mouth. The method developed and validated was applied to patients with oral squamous cell carcinoma (study group, n = 16) and patients who did not present any oral lesion (control group, n = 16). A principal component analysis was performed and showed a tendency for the association between oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and plasticizers. Graphical abstract.

    Hyperglycaemia has been indicated as a pro-tumoural factor; however, the prognostic role of diabetes mellitus (DM) in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (panNETs) remains ambiguous, partly due to the effects of anti-diabetic drugs. We hypothesise that the blood sugar level per se affects the outcome of panNETs, and thus, we investigated the prognostic significance of the fasting blood glucose (FBG) level in resected panNET patients with no pre-existing DM.

    A retrospective cohort study comprising 201 patients with radically resected non-functional panNETs was conducted. A total of 164 patients without pre-existing DM were further studied. An FBG level greater than 5.6 mmol/L was defined as high (otherwise, normal). Survival was evaluated using Kaplan-Meier methods and log-rank tests. Multivariate analyses for survival were performed using the Cox regression model.

    High FBG levels were significantly associated with poor overall survival (OS; p = 0.019) and recurrence-free survival (RFS; p = 0.011) in resected patients with panNET who had no pre-existing DM. The multivariable-adjusted hazard ratios (HRs) for mortality and recurrence comparing patients with high and normal FBG levels were 12.19 (95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.15-128.78, p = 0.038) and 2.43 (95% CI = 1.03-5.72, p = 0.042), respectively.

    A pre-operative FBG level greater than 5.6 mmol/L is associated with poor OS and RFS metastasis for patients with panNET who undergo radical surgical resection.

    A pre-operative FBG level greater than 5.6 mmol/L is associated with poor OS and RFS metastasis for patients with panNET who undergo radical surgical resection.

    Bronchial carcinoids are uncommon tumors accounting for 20 to 30% of all neuroendocrine tumors and about 1-2% of all cancers of pulmonary origin. Bronchial carcinoids are well-differentiated neuroendocrine tumors and have a favorable survival outcome when compared with other subtypes of lung cancers. Treatment of bronchial carcinoids is not simple owing to intricacy of symptom presentation and heterogeneity of disease biology. Successful treatment of patients requires a multimodality approach. Resection is curative in the majority of patients with localized tumors and adjuvant treatment is not routinely recommended. Multiple options for systemic therapy exist for patients with advanced disease. To date, very few randomized clinical trials have been done, partly owing to the relative rarity of this malignancy. Somatostatin analogs (SSAs) are reasonable first-line choice for patients with tumors expressing somatostatin receptors. Everolimus is an appropriate first-line choice for somatostatin receptor negative tumors and for any patients with progressive disease.

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