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  • Aggerholm Connolly posted an update 9 days ago

    Finally, the downstream mechanisms by which these hormones impact regulation of muscle protein turnover (synthesis and breakdown), and thus muscle mass are discussed. Advances in our understanding of hormones that impact protein turnover throughout life offers great relevance, not just for athletes, but also for the general and clinical populations alike.The study hypothesis held that in subjects with Parkinson’s disease (PD), the reaction time (RT) tests of the higher cognition demand would have more readily improved under the program of analog microgravity (μG) modeled with “dry” immersion (DI). To test this hypothesis, 10 subjects with PD have passed through a program of seven DI sessions (each 45 min long) within 25-30 days, with overall μG dose 5 1/4 h. Five patients were enrolled as controls, without DI (noDI group). Simple RT (SRT), disjunctive RT (DRT), and choice RT (CRT) were assessed in four study points before the DI program (preDI), 1 day after the DI program (postDI), 2 weeks after the DI program (DI2w), and 2 months after the DI program (DI2m). The motor time (MT) was assessed with the tapping test (TT). Additionally, signal detection time (SDT) and central processing time (CPT) were extracted from the data. Before the program of DI, the RT tests are in accordance with their cognition load SRT (284 ± 37 ms), DRT (338 ± 38 ms), and CRT (540 ± 156 ms). In accordance with the hypothesis, CRT and DRT have improved under DI by, respectively, 20 and 8% at the study point “DI2w,” whereas SRT, SDT, and MT did not change ( 0.05). Thus, the program of DI provoked RT improvement specifically in the cognitively loaded tasks, in a “dose of cognition-reaction” manner. The accuracy of reaction has changed in none of the RT tests. The neurophysiologic, hormonal/neuroendocrine, behavioral, neural plasticity, and acclimation mechanisms may have contributed to such a result.This review highlights recent findings about the role that endothelial glycocalyx and caveolae play in vascular homeostasis. We describe the structure, synthesis, and function of glycocalyx and caveolae in vascular cells under physiological and pathophysiological conditions. Special focus will be given in glycocalyx and caveolae that are associated with impaired production of nitric oxide (NO) and generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Such alterations could contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases, such as atherosclerosis, and hypertension.

    A quantitative framework to summarize and explain the quasi-stationary population dynamics of unstable phase singularities (PS) and wavelets in human atrial fibrillation (AF) is at present lacking. Building on recent evidence showing that the formation and destruction of PS and wavelets in AF can be represented as renewal processes, we sought to establish such a quantitative framework, which could also potentially provide insight into the mechanisms of spontaneous AF termination.

    Here, we hypothesized that the observed number of PS or wavelets in AF could be governed by a common set of renewal rate constants λ

    (for PS or wavelet formation) and λ

    (PS or wavelet destruction), with steady-state population dynamics modeled as an M/M/∞ birth-death process. We further hypothesized that changes to the M/M/∞ birth-death matrix would explain spontaneous AF termination.

    AF was studied in in a multimodality, multispecies study in humans, animal experimental models (rats and sheep) and Ramirez-Nattel-Courtemad AF, as well as providing insight into the mechanism of spontaneous AF termination.Although a 3- to 7-min re-warm up (RW) elicits performance and physiological benefits after half-time (HT), a time-efficient and feasible RW protocol is required for the use of an RW in the athletic setting. This study aimed to investigate the effect of a 1-min RW at high-intensity on the performance and physiological responses during the Loughborough Intermittent Shuttle Test (LIST). Selleck Gambogic In a randomized and counterbalanced cross-over design, 12 male amateur intermittent team sports players (soccer, basketball, handball, and lacrosse; age, 22 ± 2 years; height, 1.70 ± 0.08 m; body mass, 65.1 ± 8.3 kg; body mass index, 22.4 ± 1.9 kg m-2; VO2max, 53.5 ± 4.5 ml kg-1 min-1) performed the LIST. The LIST comprised two 45-min halves separated by a 15-min HT. Each half comprised repetitions of exercise cycles consisting of 3 × 20-m walking, 1 × 20-m maximal sprint, 3 × 20-m jogging, and 3 × 20-m running. During the HT, the participants were assigned to a control trial (CON; 15-min seated rest) or an RW trial (1-min running at 90% of the maximal oxygen uptake after a 14-min seated rest). Compared to the CON, the RW prevents reductions in sprint performance at the fourth and sixth periods of the LIST (fourth 2.4%, p = 0.002, d = 1.68, sixth 3.6%, p = 0.012, d = 1.74) and a decrement of gastrointestinal temperature during HT (0.5°C, p = 0.010, d = 1.41). Moreover, the RW decreased the electromyogram amplitude of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) after HT (12%, p = 0.017, d = 1.12) without a decrease of maximal voluntary contraction force, suggesting an increased neuromuscular efficiency (9%, p = 0.048, d = 0.58). The RW also increased the mean heart rate in the initial part of the second half (4 bpm, p = 0.016, d = 0.38). In conclusion, the RW improved sprint performance, core temperature, muscle activation, and heart rate in the second half of the LIST. The findings suggest that the RW should be recommended for intermittent team sports players when longer RWs are not possible.Yellow genes are thought to be involved in the melanin biosynthetic pathway and play a crucial role in pigmentation reactions in insects. However, little research has been done on yellow genes in lepidopteran pests. To clarify the function of one of the yellow genes (yellow-y) in Spodoptera litura, we cloned the full-length of yellow-y, and investigated its spatial and temporal expression profiles by quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR). It revealed that yellow-y was highly expressed in larva of fourth, fifth, and sixth instars, as well as in epidermis (Ep), fat bodies (FB), Malpighian tubes (MT), and midguts (MG) of the larvae; whereas it was expressed in very low levels in different tissues of adults, and was almost undetected in pupa. This expression profile suggests an important role of yellow-y in larvae, minor role in adults, and no role in pupae. To confirm this, we disrupted yellow-y using the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats/CRISPR-associated protein 9 (CRISPR/Cas9) system, and obtained G0 insects with mutation in yellow-y.

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