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  • Fields Madsen posted an update 7 days ago

    © 2020, Shindyapina et al.In diverse organisms, nanostructures that coherently scatter light create structural color, but how such structures are built remains mysterious. We investigate the evolution and genetic regulation of butterfly scale laminae, which are simple photonic nanostructures. In a lineage of buckeye butterflies artificially selected for blue wing color, we found that thickened laminae caused a color shift from brown to blue. Deletion of the optix patterning gene also altered color via lamina thickening, revealing shared regulation of pigments and lamina thickness. Finally, we show how lamina thickness variation contributes to the color diversity that distinguishes sexes and species throughout the genus Junonia. Thus, quantitatively tuning one dimension of scale architecture facilitates both the microevolution and macroevolution of a broad spectrum of hues. Because the lamina is an intrinsic component of typical butterfly scales, our findings suggest that tuning lamina thickness is an available mechanism to create stru al.We report the in vivo regulation of Inosine-5´-monophosphate dehydrogenase 1 (IMPDH1) in the retina. IMPDH1 catalyzes the rate-limiting step in the de novo synthesis of guanine nucleotides, impacting the cellular pools of GMP, GDP and GTP. Guanine nucleotide homeostasis is central to photoreceptor cells, where cGMP is the signal transducing molecule in the light response. Mutations in IMPDH1 lead to inherited blindness. We unveil a light-dependent phosphorylation of retinal IMPDH1 at Thr159/Ser160 in the Bateman domain that desensitizes the enzyme to allosteric inhibition by GDP/GTP. When exposed to bright light, living mice increase the rate of GTP and ATP synthesis in their retinas; concomitant with IMPDH1 aggregate formation at the outer segment layer. Inhibiting IMPDH activity in living mice delays rod mass recovery. We unveil a novel mechanism of regulation of IMPDH1 in vivo, important for understanding GTP homeostasis in the retina and the pathogenesis of adRP10 IMPDH1 mutations. © 2020, Plana-Bonamaisó et al.Rough-skinned newts (Taricha granulosa) use tetrodotoxin (TTX) to block voltage-gated sodium (Nav) channels as a chemical defense against predation. Interestingly, newts exhibit extreme population-level variation in toxicity attributed to a coevolutionary arms race with TTX-resistant predatory snakes, but the source of TTX in newts is unknown. YJ1206 mw Here, we investigated whether symbiotic bacteria isolated from toxic newts could produce TTX. We characterized the skin-associated microbiota from a toxic and non-toxic population of newts and established pure cultures of isolated bacterial symbionts from toxic newts. We then screened bacterial culture media for TTX using LC-MS/MS and identified TTX-producing bacterial strains from four genera, including Aeromonas, Pseudomonas, Shewanella, and Sphingopyxis. Additionally, we sequenced the Nav channel gene family in toxic newts and found that newts expressed Nav channels with modified TTX binding sites, conferring extreme physiological resistance to TTX. This study highlils’ physiology, health, and disease. But understanding these complex interactions is challenging. Rough-skinned newts provide an excellent model system for studying the effects of helpful bacteria living on animals. Vaelli et al. show that a single chemical produced by bacteria can impact diverse aspects of animal biology including physiology, the evolution of their genes, and their interactions with other creatures in their environment. © 2020, Vaelli et al.Psychological theories of suicide suggest that certain traits may reduce aversion to physical threat and increase the probability of transitioning from suicidal ideation to action. Here, we investigated whether blunted sensitivity to bodily signals is associated with suicidal action by comparing individuals with a history of attempted suicide to a matched psychiatric reference sample without suicide attempts. We examined interoceptive processing across a panel of tasks breath-hold challenge, cold-pressor challenge, and heartbeat perception during and outside of functional magnetic resonance imaging. Suicide attempters tolerated the breath-hold and cold-pressor challenges for significantly longer and displayed lower heartbeat perception accuracy than non-attempters. These differences were mirrored by reduced activation of the mid/posterior insula during attention to heartbeat sensations. Our findings suggest that suicide attempters exhibit an ‘interoceptive numbing’ characterized by increased tolerance for aveng psychiatric medications. Instead, the interoceptive numbing was most often seen in individuals who made an attempt on their own life. The experiments identify physical characteristics that may differentiate people who attempt suicide from those who do not. This lays the groundwork for future research aimed at identifying biological indicators of suicide risk. More studies are needed to verify the results. If the results are verified, the next step would be prospective studies to determine whether measuring interoception can help clinicians predict who is at risk of a suicide attempt. If it does, it might give clinicians a new tool to try to prevent suicide by ensuring those at greatest risk receive appropriate care. © 2020, DeVille et English, French Title Séroprévalence et facteurs de risque de Toxoplasma gondii chez les enfants des écoles primaires de la province du Henan, en Chine centrale. Abstract Toxoplasma gondii est un parasite protozoaire intracellulaire obligatoire à distribution mondiale. Cependant, des informations concernant l’infection à T. gondii chez les enfants des écoles primaires n’étaient pas disponibles dans la province du Henan, en Chine centrale. Dans cette étude, 2451 échantillons de sérum d’élèves du primaire de cette province ont été collectés de septembre 2015 à octobre 2018 et évalués pour les anticorps contre T. gondii à l’aide d’un dosage immuno-enzymatique (ELISA). La séroprévalence globale était de 9,51 % (233/2451), dont 7,59 % (186/2451) représentaient la positivité des IgG, 0,73 % (18/2451) représentaient les IgM et 1,18 % (29/2451) représentaient les deux. Les principaux facteurs de risque liés aux infections à T. gondii étaient l’âge des enfants, la zone de résidence des enfants, les contacts avec les chats et l’exposition au sol.

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