Arsenault McGraw posted an update 8 days ago
To determine the safety and efficacy of the proposed venous thromboembolism (VTE) prophylaxis regime in patients undergoing anterior lumbar interbody fusion (ALIF) surgery.
Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE) are recognized complications after spine surgery, with rates in the literature ranging from 0% to 14% with some form of prophylaxis. Pharmacological thromboprophylaxis can cause postoperative bleeding and hematomas, which can result in significant neural compromise or permanent injury, and wound complications. ALIF surgery involves the handling and compression of major abdominal vessels during surgery and this adds to the risk of both arterial thrombosis and VTE.
A retrospective review of data, which were prospectively collected to evaluate the incidence of VTE in 200 consecutive patients undergoing ALIF following our VTE prophylaxis protocol. All patients had low molecular weight heparin, tinzaparin 4500 units subcutaneously on the evening before surgery, then daily for 3 to 5 days, then aspirin (acetylsalicylic acid) 150 mg daily plus lansoprazole 30 mg daily for 4 weeks after surgery. All patients had intermittent pneumatic compression of their calves and thighs intraoperatively and for 24 hours postoperatively then had early mobilization and thromboembolic deterrent stockings for 6 weeks.
There was no incidence of any symptomatic VTE in the any of the 200 patients and no loss to follow-up. There was a 0% incidence of injury to the iliac vessels, symptomatic arterial occlusion, wound hematoma, major intraoperative bleeding, need for transfusion, symptomatic GI bleed, or retroperitoneal hematoma requiring intervention.
The proposed VTE prophylactic regime is safe and efficacious and may decrease the incidence of symptomatic VTE in patients undergoing an ALIF procedure, and despite the use of chemical thromboprophylaxis, there is no evidence of bleeding complications as a result of using this regime.
To identify, analyze, and report the patient- and procedure-related factors associated with surgical site infection (SSI) after spinal fusion (SF) surgery.
We included any SSI-SF from January 2013 to September 2015. A total of 989 spine surgeries that required instrumentation were performed.
Twenty-four out of 989 (2.43%) patients presented with SSI. More than half of the SSI cases (54%) got infected with either exclusively gram-negative bacteria or a combination of gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria; 9.1% of the surgeries involved the sacral spine (90 out of 989 patients). SSI in long constructs (more than 3 levels) was performed in 66.7% compared with 33.3% with short constructs; 87.5 % of the reported SSI (21 patients) were done through a posterior approach. Of patients who had SSI, 87.5% received prophylactic antibiotics, 92% were operated on during the daytime shift, 50% required blood transfusion, and 79% required surgical debridement. Four patients out of 24 patients died (17%) due to unrelated SSI complications.
The overall incidence of gram-negative infections after long SFs remains low in our study population. Despite this low overall incidence, our results demonstrate a relative higher incidence of gram-negative SSIs in surgeries involving more than 3 spinal levels and for all those involving the sacral spine. We propose that there may be a potential benefit of gram-negative prophylactic antibiotic coverage in patients falling in either 1 of these categories. Further multivariate analysis and/or randomized studies may be necessary to confirm our results.
Spinal surgery is associated with an inherently elevated risk profile, and thus far there has been limited discussion about how these outpatient spine patients are benefiting from these same-day procedures against other typical outpatient orthopedic surgeries.
Orthopedic patients who received either inpatient or outpatient surgery were isolated in the American College of Surgeons National Surgical Quality of Improvement Program (2005-2016). Patients were stratified by type of orthopedic surgery received (spine, knee, ankle, shoulder, or hip). Mean comparisons and chi-squared tests assessed basic demographics. Perioperative complications were analyzed via regression analyses in regard to their principal inpatient or outpatient orthopedic surgery received.
This study included 729 480 surgical patients 32.5% received spinal surgery, 36.5% knee, 24.1% hip, 4.9% shoulder, and 1.7%ankle. Of those who received a spinal procedure, 74.7% were inpatients (IN), and 25.3% were outpatients (OUT) knee 96.1% IN, 3.9% in complications for IN and OUT procedures along with IN/OUT knee, ankle, hip, and shoulder procedures, reflecting greater tolerance for risk in an outpatient setting.
Despite the increase in riskier spine procedures, complications have decreased over the years. Surgeons should aim to continue to decrease inpatient spine complications to the level of other orthopedic surgeries.
Despite the increase in riskier spine procedures, complications have decreased over the years. Surgeons should aim to continue to decrease inpatient spine complications to the level of other orthopedic surgeries.
Integrated lateral lumbar interbody fusion (LLIF) devices have been shown to successfully stabilize the spine and avoid complications related to posterior fixation. Sulbactam pivoxil However, LLIF has increased subsidence risk in osteoporotic patients. Cement augmentation through cannulated pedicle screws enhances pedicle fixation and cage-endplate interface yet involves a posterior approach. Lateral application of cement with integrated LLIF fixation has been introduced and requires characterization. The present study set out to evaluate kinematic and load-to-failure properties of a novel cement augmentation technique with an integrated LLIF device, alone and with unilateral pedicle fixation, compared with bilateral pedicle screws and nonintegrated LLIF (BPS + S).
Twelve specimens (L3-S1) underwent discectomy at L4-L5. Specimens were separated into 3 groups (1) BPS + S; (2) polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) augmentation, integrated LLIF, and unilateral pedicle screws (PMMA + UPS + iS); and (3) PMMA and integrated LLIF (PMMA + iSA) without posterior fixation.