Dickinson Forrest posted an update 5 days ago
Eocene Raphidiidae of Europe (Priabonian) differ greatly from those of North America (Ypresian and Priabonian). This pattern might reflect dispersal in either direction or ranges established prior to continental separation. Eocene Inocelliidae of Europe (Priabonian), however, are more similar to those of North America (Ypresian and Lutetian).This article lists and comments on the primary and secondary types represented in the collection of the Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum (BMSM), on Sanibel, Florida, USA. The collection includes 464 type specimens, of which 15 are holotypes, representing 149 taxa, of which 145 are species and four subspecies. The BMSM collection is fully catalogued and posted online via the Museum’s website, in addition to iDigBio and GBIF. The publication of this annotated list intends to improve on the accessibility and promote this important group of name-bearing specimens, which includes, among other cases, types originating from orphaned collections and material poorly documented in the original descriptions. Eighty-two types were selected for illustration, and the photos of all BMSM types are available as part of the BMSM online collection catalog.The systematics of the dipteran family Sciaridae is based mainly on morphological characters and has remained quite controversial. In this study, we used two mitochondrial DNA markers (CO1, 16S) and a nuclear one (28S) to take a glimpse into phylogenetic relationships of part of the North and Central European Sciaridae. A total of 91 species from 19 genera were analysed using Maximum Likelihood based phylogenetics (depending on the availability of valid sequences, 50-70 per gene). We strengthen the suggestion of the Chaetosciara group as an independent subfamily. Within the subfamily Megalosphyinae, two separate Bradysia clades were identified, suggesting a close relation between the genera Zygoneura, Austrosciara, and Scatopsciara. The genus Alpinosciara gen. n. is established to place the species of the former Corynoptera crassistylata group inside the subfamily Megalosphyinae. This new genus now includes 22 species.The land flatworm Platydemus manokwari (Platyhelminthes, Geoplanidae) is recorded from the islands of Guadeloupe, Martinique, and Saint Martin in the Caribbean arc. Photographs and records were obtained mainly from citizen science and ranged from the end of 2018 to February 2021; several specimens were deposited in the collections of the Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle in Paris, France. Thirty records were from Guadeloupe, but only one from Martinique and from Saint Martin, respectively. The COI sequences of 3 specimens from Guadeloupe show that they belong to the World haplotype also found in many countries. We also report P. manokwari from Fort Myers, Florida, USA, with molecular characterization, which was also the World haplotype. This is the first published record of P. manokwari for Guadeloupe, Martinique and Saint Martin and the second for islands in the Caribbean, after Puerto Rico.Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) tetraporus sp. nov., collected on grasses in Crimea, is proposed as a new species for science. The new species can be separated from all known species of Typhlodromus (Anthoseius) by the combination of following characters; peritreme extending almost to level of setae j1, four pairs of solenostomes on dorsal shield, two pairs of setae on sternal shield, a sclerotised v-shaped plate posterior to sternal shield, four pairs of pre-anal setae, a pair of small rounded pre-anal solenostomes, differentiated and larger atrium of spermatheca and eight setae on genu II. In addition, T. Inobrodib concentration (A.) montanus Chant Yoshida-Shaul (Acari Phytoseiidae), a species only known based on its original description from Canada is reported for the first time in Russia. The new record is redescribed and illustrated based on female specimens collected from Prunus padus L. (Rosaceae) where it was associated with eriophyid mites in Pereval Seminskiy, Altai Republic. This species may be an important predator as a potential biological control agent of eriophyid mites.Three snailfish species of Careproctus (Cottoidei Liparidae), including two new species, are described from the deep Pacific Ocean off northern Honshu Island, Japan. Careproctus cyanogladius sp. nov., collected from the depths of 2,698-3,223 m, can be distinguished from congeneric species by having the following combination of characters vertebrae 63; dorsal-fin rays 57-58; anal-fin rays 50; principal caudal rays 7; pectoral-fin rays 29-31; pectoral fin without a notch; uppermost pectoral-fin base below a horizontal through posterior margin of maxillary; pelvic disk oval; chin pores well separated; teeth simple; pyloric caeca 6-10; body pale blue or gray when fresh. The other new species, Careproctus orri sp. nov., collected from depths of 640-808 m, can be distinguished from congeneric species by having the following combination of characters vertebrae 58-60; dorsal-fin rays 52-53; anal-fin rays 47-49; pectoral-fin rays 34-35; pectoral fin with a distinct notch; cephalic pores 2-6-7-2, chin pores single, unpaired; gill slit extending ventrally to 5th or 6th pectoral-fin ray; teeth strongly trilobed; peritoneum dark, stomach white. In addition, one specimen of Careproctus brevipectoralis Chernova, Thiel Eidus, 2020 was newly collected from Japan, and is redescribed here in detail with comments on intraspecific variations.Koreoneura eunyeopae Hossain et J. Kwon gen. et sp. nov., the biggest microleafhopper from East Asia, dwelling on Cornus coreana, along with a newly recorded genus, Igutettix Matsumura, 1932 based on I. oculatus (Lindberg), 1928, are described and illustrated from Korea. A key to the genera and checklist of Korean dikraneurine species are provided.Two new species of the genus Stenoloba Staudinger, 1892 (S. mediana, sp. n. and S. fuscobrunnea, sp. n.) are described from Cambodia and Laos respectively, and a new species of the genus Victrix Staudinger, 1879 (V. noloides, sp. n.) from China is described. Stenoloba chlorographa Kononenko Ronkay, 2001 is reported for the first time from China (Xizang), and new distributional data for recently described Stenoloba species from Malaysia are presented.