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  • Bentley McLeod posted an update 3 days ago

    CI = confidence interval; iPTH = intact parathyroid hormone; OR = odds ratio; POD-1 = postoperative day 1; POD-2 = postoperative day 2; PTC = papillary thyroid carcinoma; ROC = receiver operating characteristic.

    CI = confidence interval; iPTH = intact parathyroid hormone; OR = odds ratio; POD-1 = postoperative day 1; POD-2 = postoperative day 2; PTC = papillary thyroid carcinoma; ROC = receiver operating characteristic.

    To determine patterns of adverse drug reactions (ADRs), including immediate drug hypersensitivity reactions (DHRs) and predictable ADRs, to thyroid replacement therapy (TRT). TRT is the treatment of choice for hypothyroidism. Levothyroxine (LT4) is among the most commonly prescribed medications in the United States, with over 70 million prescriptions annually. Documented immediate DHRs to TRT are rare, with only a few case reports.

    An 11-year (2008-2018) retrospective medical chart review of identified patients with self-reported allergy to TRT. Selleckchem L-NAME ADRs to TRT were divided into immediate DHRs and predictable ADRs.

    A total of 466 patients were included in our study. We found an overall incidence of ADRs to TRT of 0.3%. Median age was 61.2 years; 85.8% were women, and 94.4% were Caucasian. The principal indication for TRT was autoimmune hypothyroidism (73.6%), followed by postsurgical hypothyroidism (17.4%) and subclinical hypothyroidism (6.7%). Predictable ADR manifestations to TRT were reported more commonly than DHR manifestations (57.5% vs. 42.5%, respectively). The most frequently reported of the former were palpitations (16.4%), nausea/vomiting (9.3%), and tremor (6.3%), while rash (23.8%), hives (9.5%), and pruritus (7.1%) were the most common regarding the latter. Fifty-six percent of the patients with an ADR to TRT tolerated an alternative TRT presentation.

    In our cohort, the majority of self-reported allergies to TRT were due to predictable ADRs rather than an immediate DHR.

    ADR = adverse drug reaction; DHR = drug hypersensitivity reaction; FDA = Food and Drug Administration; LT3 = liothyronine; LT4 = levothyroxine; SCAR = severe cutaneous adverse drug reaction; TRT = thyroid replacement therapy.

    ADR = adverse drug reaction; DHR = drug hypersensitivity reaction; FDA = Food and Drug Administration; LT3 = liothyronine; LT4 = levothyroxine; SCAR = severe cutaneous adverse drug reaction; TRT = thyroid replacement therapy.

    Clinical practice for differentiated thyroid cancer is moving towards lobectomy rather than total thyroidectomy in patients at low risk of recurrence. However, recurrence risk assessment depends on post-operative findings, while the surgical decision is based on preoperative factors. We determined the preoperative predictors of occult higher-risk pathology and rates of completion thyroidectomy among surgical candidates with nonbenign thyroid nodules 10 to 40 mm and no evidence of extrathyroidal extension or metastasis on preoperative evaluation.

    Thyroid surgery cases at a single institution from 2005-2015 were reviewed to identify those meeting American Thyroid Association (ATA) criteria for lobectomy. ATA-based risk stratification from postoperative surgical pathology was compared to preoperative cytopathology, ultrasound, and clinical findings.

    Of 1,995 thyroid surgeries performed for nonbenign thyroid nodules 10 to 40 mm, 349 met ATA criteria for lobectomy. Occult high-risk features such as tall cellcarcinoma; NIFTP = noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features; OR = odds ratio; PTC = papillary thyroid cancer; US = ultrasound.

    ATA = American Thyroid Association; CND = central neck dissection; DTC = differentiated thyroid cancer; ETE = extrathyroidal extension; FNA = fine needle aspiration; FTC/HCC = follicular thyroid carcinoma/Hurthle cell carcinoma; NIFTP = noninvasive follicular thyroid neoplasm with papillary-like nuclear features; OR = odds ratio; PTC = papillary thyroid cancer; US = ultrasound.

    The holy month of Ramadan poses a challenge for levothyroxine-treated patients due to altered eating habits and time restrictions. The aim of this study was to examine the impact of lifestyle changes during Ramadan on thyroid function tests in hypothyroid patients taking levothyroxine in the United Arab Emirates.

    Retrospective design whereby levothyroxine-treated hypothyroid patients who had thyroid function tests within 3 months pre-Ramadan and within 2 months post-Ramadan were included. We looked at adherence to levothyroxine, eating pattern, and levothyroxine administration in relation to meal times during Ramadan. Pre- and post-Ramadan thyroid function tests and the potential impact of independent variables using a random-intercept mixed effects linear model were examined.

    A total of 112 patients (89 females) were recruited in the study, with a mean age ± standard error (SE) of 44.70±1.36 years (range, 19.0 to 79.0 years). The mean thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) within 3 months before Ramadan was 1.809±0.094 mIU/L (median, 41.5 days; interquartile range [IQR], 25.0 to 73.0 days), while the mean TSH within 2 months post-Ramadan was higher at 3.072±0.312 mIU/L (median, 27.5 days; IQR, 14.0 to 42.0 days). Post-Ramadan, 36 out of 112 patients had a plasma TSH outside of the normal reference range. The independent variable outcomes model showed that older patients and males were more likely to have an increased plasma TSH post-Ramadan. There was no relationship between the time of levothyroxine administration and change in TSH level.

    Levothyroxine-treated hypothyroid patients showed a significant increase in plasma TSH post-Ramadan, amounting to 2.525 standard deviations, with older patients and males more likely to be affected.

    IQR = interquartile range; T4 = thyroxine; TSH = thyroid-stimulating hormone.

    IQR = interquartile range; T4 = thyroxine; TSH = thyroid-stimulating hormone.

    In a cohort of medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) patients with biochemical incomplete responses, 37 to 48% developed structural persistent disease; however, few indictors were available to distinguish those patients who were more likely to develop structural disease. We hypothesized that the relationship between preoperative calcitonin (Ctn) and postoperative Ctn (within 3 days after surgery) could be used to predict early prognosis of these patients.

    A total of 92 sporadic MTC patients were enrolled in this study. Our team proposed a novel indicator of structural persistent MTC called the calcitonin ratio (CR; CR = postoperative Ctn/preoperative Ctn). Cox regression models and the Kaplan-Meier method were used to evaluate the prognostic capability of CR. The area under the time-dependent receiver-operating characteristic curves (AUC) and the Harrell concordance index (C-index) were used for analysis.

    The cutoff CR value used to determine MTC prognosis was 0.15. Multivariate Cox analysis revealed that CR (hazard ratio [HR] 22.

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