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  • Link Mygind posted an update 8 days ago

    The novel coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) outbreak began in China. The characteristic of the disease is development of pneumonia. BAY-593 We aimed to investigate the accuracy of bedside lung ultrasound (BLUS) for diagnosing Covid-19 pneumonia, and its effectiveness for the correct triage of patients with suspected Covid-19 in the emergency department (ED).

    This study was a prospective, cross-sectional cohort study. During their shifts, 3 accredited and certificated emergency physicians performed BLUS using BLUE protocol at the triage area of the ED on patients with suspected Covid-19. All of the patients underwent chest computed tomography. The BLUS findings were statistically compared with formal radiology reports of computed tomographies as the criterion standard for the diagnosis of Covid-19 pneumonia. Kolmogorov-Smirnov analysis, Shapiro-Wilk test, and Q-Q plots were performed with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for statistical analysis.

    A total of 72 patients were included in the study. The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value, and overall accuracy of BLUS were 96.9% (95% CI, 84.2%-99.9%), 92.3% (95% CI, 79.1%-98.3%), 84.3% (95% CI, 64.5%-94.1%), 98.6% (95% CI, 91.1%-99.8%), and 93.7% (95% CI, 85.3%-98.0%), respectively. The positive and negative predictive values were 84.3% (95% CI, 64.5%-94.1%) and 98.6% (95% CI, 91.1%-99.8%), respectively. The area under curve was found to be 0.946 (95% CI, 0.866-0.986; P < 0.0001).

    Bedside lung ultrasound can be used to detect the presence of pulmonary involvement in suspected cases of Covid-19 for the effective triage of patients in the ED.

    Bedside lung ultrasound can be used to detect the presence of pulmonary involvement in suspected cases of Covid-19 for the effective triage of patients in the ED.Auricular pseudocyst (AP) is a rare benign condition that corresponds to an intracartilaginous collection resulting in a noninflammatory cystic swelling of the ear.The objective is to describe ultrasound and clinical presentation of histologically proven AP.An Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved a 6-year retrospective study. Patients with an auricular pseudocyst were selected. Fifty-nine percent of the cases were referred with clinical suspicion of AP. One hundred percent were men, and in 76% of the cases, AP was located in the scaphoid fossa. The mean age was 35 years (76% from 20 to 50 years).Unilateral lesion was present in 94% of the cases. A single lesion was found in 88% and multiple lesions in 12%. On high-resolution ultrasound increased thickness of the cartilage was observed in all patients with a cystic lesion inside the cartilage. Fifty-nine percent of the cases were totally anechoic. The other presented echoes or septa inside the cystic lesion.In conclusion high-resolution ultrasound allows to study the exact anatomic involvement of the cartilage and the surrounding tissues. The auricular pseudocyst presented a characteristic ultrasound finding permitting an adequate early diagnosis and monitoring treatment. Knowledge of this pathology and the sonographic finding is important for a correct diagnosis.A key assumption in ultrasound is that the reflected echoes that return to the transducer travel in a straight line. Mirror image artifacts occur when the transmitted pulse and returning echo reflect off of a highly reflective interface (an acoustic mirror) and change direction before returning to the transducer, thereby breaking this assumption. Mirror image artifacts are seen throughout the body on gray scale, color Doppler, power Doppler, and spectral Doppler. They may closely duplicate the true structure in shape and echo strength, may distort the true structure, may appear weaker than the true structure, or may appear on images that do not simultaneously show the true structure. If not properly recognized, mirror image artifacts can be misinterpreted as true pathology and lead to additional unnecessary tests and potentially harmful interventions.Burnout, a condition characterized by emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and decreased personal accomplishment, has been studied in many disciplines in health care, including nursing, medicine, and social work. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between perceived organizational support, coworker social support, the nursing practice environment, and nurse demographics (age, years of nursing experience, education level, marital status, and sex) on burnout in a national sample of palliative care nurses. The study aims were (1) to examine the relationship between perceived organizational support, coworker social support, and nursing practice environment on burnout in palliative care nurses; (2) to examine the relationship between age, years of nursing experience, education level, marital status, and sex on burnout in palliative care nurses; and (3) to examine potential moderators (perceived organizational support and coworker social support) on the relationship between demographic characteristics and palliative care nurse burnout. A convenience sample of 73 Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association registered nurses who were bedside caregivers was recruited from Hospice and Palliative Nurses Association’s membership. Data were analyzed using Pearson correlation and regression modeling. Findings indicated palliative care nurses had moderate to high levels of burnout. There was a negative correlation between burnout and perceived organizational support, and between burnout and coworker social support. The nursing practice environment of palliative care nurses was favorable; perceived organizational support and coworker social support were not moderators for demographics of age and years of experience and their relationship to burnout.

    Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease and a serious global public health concern increasing both mortality and morbidity. Previous studies have found evidence for an association between early psychological stress and diabetes later in life.

    This study examined the association between parental alcohol problems and parental divorce and the incidence of type 2 diabetes in Finnish men aged 42 to 61 years (n = 754) in a prospective setting. Information on parental alcohol problems and parental divorce was derived from school records and subjective experiences of the same events from self-rated questionnaires. The average follow-up time for the participants until the first type 2 diabetes diagnosis was 23.3 years (25th-75th percentile, 21.2-27.9 years).

    Cox regression analyses revealed that parental alcohol problems (hazard ratio = 3.09, 95% confidence interval = 1.38-6.88) were associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes during the follow-up, even after adjustment for age, marital status, education, Human Population Laboratory Depression Scale scores, smoking, alcohol consumption, body mass index, and serum high-sensitivity C-reactive protein.

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