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  • Jakobsen Dunlap posted an update 3 days ago

    Exposure to anticancer drugs is one of the known risks for people working in specialist oncology units. Wearing gloves is a vital form of personal protection. The aim of this study was to assess, in close to real use dynamic conditions, the permeability of 15 surgical and examination gloves made from different materials when exposed to 27 anticancer drugs included in the list from international Guides and Recommendations.

    Gloves were tested by using controlled dynamic conditions replicating flexion and extension movements that mimic typical clinical applications. Tests were performed at 37°C or at 43°C for 30 min and anticancer drugs were tested at the highest concentration used in clinical practice. Geneticin manufacturer To determine the permeation rate, the quantification of anticancer drugs was performed with selective and sensitive analytical methods such as inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry.

    All the gloves met the EN 16523-1 European standard (1000 ng/(

    )). The penetration rate of busulfan, carmustine and thiotepa exceeded the ASTM D-6978-05 American standard (10 ng/(

    )) with several surgical and/or examination gloves. This standard was met in all of cases when double gloving was used. Breakage of several nitrile gloves was observed in relation with the excipient used by drugs suppliers.

    Permeation is a complex multifactorial phenomenon. However, we have suggested that the thickness of the glove and three physicochemical parameters (molecular weight, topological polar surface area and hydrogen bond donor) of the drug were the main parameters affecting permeation.

    Permeation is a complex multifactorial phenomenon. However, we have suggested that the thickness of the glove and three physicochemical parameters (molecular weight, topological polar surface area and hydrogen bond donor) of the drug were the main parameters affecting permeation.

    Carcinogenesis is driven by an array of complex genomic patterns; these patterns can render an individual resistant or sensitive to certain chemotherapy agents. The Personalized Oncogenomics (POG) project at BC Cancer has performed integrative genomic analysis of whole tumour genomes and transcriptomes for over 700 patients with advanced cancers, with an aim to predict therapeutic sensitivities. The aim of this study was to utilize the POG genomic data to evaluate a discrete set of biomarkers associated with chemo-sensitivity or-resistance in advanced stage breast and colorectal cancer POG patients.

    This was a retrospective multi-centre analysis across all BC CANCER sites. All breast and colorectal cancer patients enrolled in the POG program between July 1, 2012 and November 30, 2016 were eligible for inclusion. Within the breast cancer population, those treated with capecitabine, paclitaxel, and everolimus were analyzed, and for the colorectal cancer patients, those treated with capecitabine, bevacizumabession of these genomic biomarkers.

    Among breast cancer patients, higher TYMP expression was associated with sensitivity to capecitabine. Among colorectal cancer patients, higher DICER1 expression was associated with sensitivity to bevacizumab-based therapy. This study supports further assessment of the potential predictive value of mRNA expression of these genomic biomarkers.

    Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasm (BPDCN) is a rare and aggressive hematologic malignancy that originates from plasmacytoid dendritic cells. It can involve skin, bone marrow, and/or lymph nodes. There is no consensus recommendation regarding treatment especially in the relapsed setting. Tagraxofusp, a CD123 directed agent, was recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration to treat BPDCN. We report a case of an elderly patient with diagnosis of BPDCN who was treated initially with tagraxofusp followed by azacitidine and venetoclax combination on relapse.

    A 79 year old male presented with violaceous skin lesions. He had no other symptoms. Biopsy of these lesions was consistent with a diagnosis of BPDCN. Further testing showed no extracutaneous involvement.

    Tagraxofusp was started at full dose (12 mcg/kg). This dose was not tolerated well. Patient could only tolerate the lowest dose (5 mcg/kg). Toxicities included elevated liver function tests, hyperglycemia, capillary leak syndrome, and pancreatitis. Dose escalation on progression was not possible due to side effects. Treatment was switched to venetoclax and azacitidine. Combination treatment was tolerated very well and patient showed major cutaneous response after 5 cycles and continues to do well.

    Tagraxofusp is a novel therapy that needs more real-world experience. This case describes the clinical course of an elderly patient on tagraxofusp. We also review the literature of azacytidine/venetoclax combination as a potential yet tolerable treatment option for this rare disease entity. This is the fourth case in literature to be treated with this combination.

    Tagraxofusp is a novel therapy that needs more real-world experience. This case describes the clinical course of an elderly patient on tagraxofusp. We also review the literature of azacytidine/venetoclax combination as a potential yet tolerable treatment option for this rare disease entity. This is the fourth case in literature to be treated with this combination.Pulmonary artery catheters are a useful tool for hemodynamic monitoring in high-risk patients during surgery and while in intensive care. However, there are major risks inherent to the device, and with modern day technology, their routine use has decreased. We discuss the need for routine insertion of pulmonary artery catheters in cardiac surgery. We also present a case of a left ventricular assist device implantation complicated by serious pulmonary hemorrhage due to pulmonary artery catheter insertion, highlighting the potentially life-threatening risks involved.Objective To describe the challenges related to COVID-19 affecting pediatric neuropsychologists practicing in inpatient brain injury rehabilitation settings, and offer solutions focused on face-to-face care and telehealth.Methods A group of pediatric neuropsychologists from 12 pediatric rehabilitation units in North America and 2 in South America have met regularly since COVID-19 stay-at-home orders were initiated in many parts of the world. This group discussed challenges to clinical care and collaboratively problem-solvedsolutions.Results Three primary challenges to usual care were identified, these include difficulty providing 1) neurobehavioral and cognitive assessments; 2) psychoeducation for caregivers and rapport building; and 3) return to academic instruction and home. Solutions during the pandemic for the first two areas focus on the varying service provision models that include 1) face-to-face care with personal protective equipment (PPE) and social distancing and 2) provision of care via remote methods, with a focus on telehealth.

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