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  • Vittrup Bonner posted an update 3 days ago

    haracteristics such as body-type or goals), and mode of delivery (e.g., through organized sports, and leveraging competition to drive healthy behaviours).This paper examines the evolution of the geographic concentration of the Brazilian air transport network with a focus on its determinants and possible detachments from the spatial patterns of socioeconomic activity. We develop an econometric framework employing and contrasting the results of Gini, Herfindahl-Hirschman and Theil indexes, with and without normalisation to account for economic and demographic spatial dynamics. Our results suggest that the spatial dynamics of the air network and that of the country’s economy and population are strongly tied for the majority of the considered determinants. However, we find suggestive evidence that the time trend after deregulation has produced some asymmetries in the evolution of these dimensions. As such, our analysis presents some implications for airline network planning and regulators, as it offers additional information to be considered for the understanding of extra-economic and extra-demographic impacts which may be inducive of significant changes in air transport markets.This work aims to model, simulate and provide insights into the dynamics and control of COVID-19 infection rates. Using an established epidemiological model augmented with a time-varying disease transmission rate allows daily model calibration using COVID-19 case data from countries around the world. This hybrid model provides predictive forecasts of the cumulative number of infected cases. CK-586 It also reveals the dynamics associated with disease suppression, demonstrating the time to reduce the effective, time-dependent, reproduction number. Model simulations provide insights into the outcomes of disease suppression measures and the predicted duration of the pandemic. Visualisation of reported data provides up-to-date condition monitoring, while daily model calibration allows for a continued and updated forecast of the current state of the pandemic.The n-dimensional fuzzy logic (n-DFL) has been contributed to overcome the insufficiency of traditional fuzzy logic in modeling imperfect and imprecise information, coming from different opinions of many experts by considering the possibility to model not only ordered but also repeated membership degrees. Thus, n-DFL provides a consolidated logical strategy for applied technologies since the ordered evaluations provided by decision makers impact not only by selecting the best solutions for a decision making problem, but also by enabling their comparisons. In such context, this paper studies the n-dimensional fuzzy implications (n-DI) following distinct approaches (i) analytical studies, presenting the most desirable properties as neutrality, ordering, (contra-)symmetry, exchange and identity principles, discussing their interrelations and exemplifications; (ii) algebraic aspects mainly related to left- and right-continuity of representable n-dimensional fuzzy t-conorms; and (iii) generating n-DI from existing fuzzy implications. As the most relevant contribution, the prospective studies in the class of n-dimensional interval (S,N)-implications include results obtained from t-representable n-dimensional conorms and involutive n-dimensional fuzzy negations. And, these theoretical results are applied to model approximate reasoning of inference schemes, dealing with based-rule in n-dimensional interval fuzzy systems. A synthetic case-study illustrates the solution for a decision-making problem in medical diagnoses.COVID-19 accentuates the case for a global, rather than an international, development paradigm. The novel disease is a prime example of a development challenge for all countries, through the failure of public health as a global public good. The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the falsity of any assumption that the global North has all the expertise and solutions to tackle global challenges, and has further highlighted the need for multi-directional learning and transformation in all countries towards a more sustainable and equitable world. We illustrate our argument for a global development paradigm by examining the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic across four themes or ‘vignettes’ global value chains, digitalisation, debt, and climate change. We conclude that development studies must adapt to a very different context from when the field emerged in the mid-20th century.To assess the impact of lockdown amidst COVID-19 on undergraduate and postgraduate learners of various colleges and universities of West Bengal. An online survey was conducted from 1 May to 8 May 2020 to collect the information. A structural questionnaire link using ‘Google form’ was sent to students’ through WhatsApp and E-mail. A total of 232 students provided complete information regarding the survey. The simple percentage distribution was used to assess the learning status of the study participants. During the lockdown period, around 70% of learners were involved in e-learning. Most of the learners were used android mobile for attending e-learning. Students have been facing various problems related to depression anxiety, poor internet connectivity, and unfavorable study environment at home. Students from remote areas and marginalized sections mainly face enormous challenges for the study during this pandemic. This study suggests targeted interventions to create a positive space for study among students from the vulnerable section of society. Strategies are urgently needed to build a resilient education system in the state that will ensure to develop the skill for employability and the productivity of the young minds.With the Corona crisis, unemployment is increasing in Germany despite all the countermeasures taken. In previous recessions, unemployment of the low-skilled in particular has become entrenched. Today, it is becoming apparent that technological change is also affecting medium-skilled workers in particular. In order to avoid consolidation, it is important to promote new hires, support qualification and enable vocational reorientation.

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