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  • Watson Odom posted an update 4 days ago

    Statistical significance was set at P 0.05). These results confirm that wrap type affected forage quality and mold counts, which in turn influenced beef cattle preference of round bales stored outdoors.Livestock bruising is both an animal welfare concern and a detriment to the economic value of carcasses. Understanding the causes of bruising is challenging due to the numerous factors that have been shown to be related to bruise prevalence. While most cattle bruising studies collect and analyze data on truckload lots of cattle, this study followed a large number (n = 585) of individual animals from unloading through postmortem processing at five different slaughter plants. Both visual bruise presence and location was recorded postmortem prior to carcass trimming. By linking postmortem data to animal sex, breed, trailer compartment, and traumatic events at unloading, a rich analysis of a number of factors related to bruise prevalence was developed. Results showed varying levels of agreement with other published bruising studies, underscoring the complexity of assessing the factors that affect bruising. All trans-Retinal Bruising prevalence varied across different sex class types (P less then 0.001); 36.5% of steers [95% confidence interval (CI) 31.7, 41.6; n = 378], 52.8% of cows (45.6, 60.0; 193), and 64.3% of bulls (no CI calculated due to sample size; 14) were bruised. There was a difference in bruise prevalence by trailer compartment (P = 0.035) in potbelly trailers, indicating that cattle transported in the top deck were less likely to be bruised (95% CI 26.6, 40.4; n = 63) compared to cattle that were transported in the bottom deck (95% CI 39.6, 54.2; n = 89). Results indicated that visual assessment of bruising underestimated carcass bruise trimming. While 42.6% of the carcasses were visibly bruised, 57.9% of carcasses were trimmed due to bruising, suggesting that visual assessment is not able to capture all of the carcass loss associated with bruising. Furthermore, bruises that appeared small visually were often indicators of larger, subsurface bruising, creating an “iceberg effect” of trim loss due to bruising.Ultrasound technology provides cattle breeders with a quick, noninvasive, and inexpensive way to measure carcass data on live animals. Ultrasound data are used as indicator traits in cattle genetic evaluations for economically relevant carcass traits. Ultrasound cattle genetic evaluations assume homogeneous additive genetic and residual variance. Thus, the objective was to partition phenotypic variance in ultrasound carcass measurements into components for additive genetic effects, technicians, contemporary groups within technicians, and residual and to examine the homogeneity of these variances among image interpretation laboratories. Records of longissimus muscle area (LMA), percentage of intramuscular fat (IMF), and subcutaneous fat depth (SFD), measured using ultrasound, were provided by the American Angus Association (n = 65,967), American Hereford Association (n = 43,182), and American Simmental Association (n = 48,298). The data also included contemporary group, technician, imaging lab, and a three-genor LMA, SFD, and IMF differed among laboratories by 43.4%, 22.9%, and 43.3% (Angus); 24.9%, 15.2%, and 79.2% (Hereford); and 26.4%, 32.5%, and 46.2% (Simmental), respectively. Genetic correlations between labs across breeds ranged from 0.79 to 0.95 for IMF, 0.26 to 0.94 for SFD, and 0.78 to 0.98 for LMA. The impact of the observed heterogeneity of variance between labs on genetic evaluation requires further study.Caregivers of persons with dementia (PWD) experience higher rates of stress, social isolation, and poor mental and physical health compared to non-caregiving populations. There is a vital need for engaging, sustainable, and scalable resources to support social, physical, and emotional wellbeing amongst caregivers of PWD. To explore this open design space, we designed and conducted a 6-week mixed-method evaluation of Go&Grow, a pervasive social exergame in which flowers grow as users increase physical activity and interact with other caregivers of PWD. Our findings showed that using Go&Grow helped participants relieve stress, increase physical activity, and develop empathy for and patience towards the loved one with dementia that they cared for. At the same time, tension arose as some caregivers desired to learn about the life challenges that Go&Grow users faced, while others hesitated to share such content. We discuss our findings and recommendations for future technology that promotes caregivers’ time for themselves, understanding of PWD, and connections with other caregivers.Background Performance Monitoring for Action Ethiopia (PMA-Ethiopia) is a survey project that builds on the PMA2020 and PMA Maternal and Newborn Health projects to generate timely and actionable data on a range of reproductive, maternal, and newborn health (RMNH) indicators using a combination of cross-sectional and longitudinal data collection. Objectives This manuscript 1) describes the protocol for PMA- Ethiopia, and 2) describes the measures included in PMA Ethiopia and research areas that may be of interest to RMNH stakeholders. Methods Annual data on family planning are gathered from a nationally representative, cross-sectional survey of women age 15-49. Data on maternal and newborn health are gathered from a cohort of women who were pregnant or recently postpartum at the time of enrollment. Women are followed at 6-weeks, 6-months, and 1-year to understand health seeking behavior, utilization, and quality. Data from service delivery points (SDPs) are gathered annually to assess service quality and availability. Households and SDPs can be linked at the enumeration area level to improve estimates of effective coverage. Discussion Data from PMA-Ethiopia will be available at PMA-Ethiopia is a unique data source that includes multiple, simultaneously fielded data collection activities. Data are available partner dynamics, experience with contraceptive use, unintended pregnancy, empowerment, and detailed information on components of services that are not available from other large-scale surveys. Additionally, we highlight the unique contribution of PMA Ethiopia data in assessing the impact of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on RMNH.

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