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  • Boye Abildgaard posted an update 6 days ago

    Meanwhile, our experiments proved that BUCT549 has the ability to infect a strain of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. A coevolution experiment determined that three strains of tolerant V. alginolyticus evaded phage infestation by mutating the MSHA-related membrane protein expression genes, which caused the loss of flagellum. This research on novel phage identification and the mechanism of infestation will help phages to become an integral part of the strategy for biological control agents.Toxoplasma gondii microneme is a specialized secretory organelle that discharges its contents at the apical tip of this apicomplexan parasite in a sequential and regulated manner. Increasing number of studies on microneme proteins (MICs) have shown them as a predominant and important role in host cell attachment, invasion, motility and pathogenesis. In this review, we summarize the research advances in one of the most important MICs complexes, TgMIC1/4/6, which will contribute to improve the understanding of the molecular mechanism of T. gondii infection and provide a theoretical basis for the effective control against T. gondii.Soil autotrophic bacteria play a crucial role in regulating CO2 fixation and crop productivity. However, the information is limited to how fertilization amendments alter soil autotrophic bacterial community, crop yield, and carbon emission efficiency (CEE). Selleckchem NEM inhibitor Here, we estimated the impact of the structure and co-occurrence network of soil autotrophic bacterial community on maize yield and CEE. A long-term field experiment was conducted with five fertilization treatments in semiarid Loess Plateau, including no amendment (NA), chemical fertilizer (CF), chemical fertilizer plus commercial organic fertilizer (SC), commercial organic fertilizer (SM), and maize straw (MS). The results showed that fertilization amendments impacted the structure and network of soil Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) (cbbL) gene-carrying bacterial community via changing soil pH and NO3-N. Compared with no amendment, the cbbL-carrying bacterial diversity was increased under the SC, SM, and MS treatments but decreased under the CF treatment. Soil autotrophic bacterial network contained distinct microbial modules that consisted of closely associated microbial species. We detected the higher abundances of soil cbbL-carrying bacterial genus Xanthobacter, Bradyrhizobium, and Nitrosospira. Structural equation modeling further suggested that the diversity, composition, and network of autotrophic bacterial community had strongly positive relationships with CEE and maize yield. Taken together, our results suggest that soil autotrophic bacterial community may drive crop productivity and CEE, and mitigate the atmospheric greenhouse effect.Tigecycline is a tetracycline derivative that is being used as an antibiotic of last resort. Both tigecycline and tetracycline bind to the small (30S) ribosomal subunit and inhibit translation. Target mutations leading to resistance to these antibiotics have been identified both in the 16S ribosomal RNA and in ribosomal proteins S3 and S10 (encoded by the rpsJ gene). Several different mutations in the S10 flexible loop tip residue valine 57 (V57) have been observed in tigecycline-resistant Escherichia coli isolates. However, the role of these mutations in E. coli has not yet been characterized in a defined genetic background. In this study, we chromosomally integrated 10 different rpsJ mutations into E. coli, resulting in different exchanges or a deletion of S10 V57, and investigated the effects of the mutations on growth and tigecycline/tetracycline resistance. While one exchange, V57K, decreased the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) (Etest) to tetracycline to 0.75 μg/ml (compared to 2 μg/ml in the paree correct functioning of S10. Both the S10 flexible loop and tigecycline are in contact with helix h31 of the 16S rRNA. We speculate that exchanges or deletion of V57 alter the positioning of h31, thereby influencing both tigecycline binding and S10 function.The outbreaks of enterovirus 71 (EV71)-associated hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) have emerged as an emergency of global health due to its association with fatal encephalitis and subsequent neurogenic pulmonary edema; however, the molecular characteristics and pathological features underlying EV71-associated encephalitis and pulmonary edema remain largely unknown. In this study, we performed a proteomic analysis of fresh brain and lung tissues from EV71-infected mice at 7 days post infection. We detected a perturbed expression of 148 proteins in the brain and 78 proteins in the lung after EV71 expression. Further analysis showed that the dysregulated proteins in the brain are involved in a variety of fundamental biological pathways, including complement and coagulation cascades, innate and adaptive immune responses, platelet activation, and nitrogen metabolism, and those proteins in the lung participate in innate and adaptive immune responses, phagosome, arginine biosynthesis, and hypoxia-inducible factor 1 signaling pathway. Our results suggested that immune activation, complement and coagulation dysfunction, platelet activation, imbalance of nitrogen metabolism, and hypoxia could be involved in the pathogenesis of EV71, which explains the major clinical manifestation of hyperinflammatory status of severe HFMD cases. Our study provides further understanding of the molecular basis of EV71 pathogenesis.Due to concerns over the global increase of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, alternative antibacterial strategies, such as phage therapy, are increasingly being considered. However, evolution of bacterial resistance to new therapeutics is almost a certainty; indeed, it is possible that resistance to alternative treatments might result in an evolved trade-up such as enhanced antibiotic resistance. Here, we hypothesize that selection for Escherichia coli bacteria to resist phage T6, phage U115, or albicidin, a DNA gyrase inhibitor, should often result in a pleiotropic trade-up in the form of cross-resistance, because all three antibacterial agents interact with the Tsx porin. Selection imposed by any one of the antibacterials resulted in cross-resistance to all three of them, in each of the 29 spontaneous bacterial mutants examined in this study. Furthermore, cross-resistance did not cause measurable fitness (growth) deficiencies for any of the bacterial mutants, when competed against wild-type E. coli in both low-resource and high-resource environments.

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