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  • Cormier Rosa posted an update 3 days ago

    Williams syndrome (WS) is a rare neurodevelopmental disorder caused by the hemideletion of approximately 25-28 genes at 7q11.23. Its unusual social and cognitive phenotype is most strikingly characterized by the disinhibition of social behavior, in addition to reduced global IQ, with a relative sparing of language ability. Hypersociality and increased social approach behavior in WS may represent a unique inability to inhibit responses to specific social stimuli, which is likely associated with abnormalities of frontostriatal circuitry. The striatum is characterized by a diversity of interneuron subtypes, including inhibitory parvalbumin-positive interneurons (PV+) and excitatory cholinergic interneurons (Ch+). Animal model research has identified an important role for these specialized cells in regulating social approach behavior. Previous research in humans identified a depletion of interneuron subtypes associated with neuropsychiatric disorders. Here, we examined the density of PV+ and Ch+ interneurons in the striatum of 13 WS and neurotypical (NT) subjects. We found a significant reduction in the density of Ch+ interneurons in the medial caudate nucleus and nucleus accumbens, important regions receiving cortical afferents from the orbitofrontal and ventromedial prefrontal cortex, and circuitry involved in language and reward systems. No significant difference in the distribution of PV+ interneurons was found. The pattern of decreased Ch+ interneuron densities in WS differs from patterns of interneuron depletion found in other disorders.The positive effects of mild stress on ageing, lifespan and resistance to stress have been studied mainly in Drosophila melanogaster flies and in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. These studies now allow to know the effects of the strength of the mild stress and of the number of exposures, the duration of the positive effects, if mild stress is effective when applied at any age, and whether combining two or three mild stresses is more efficient than a single one. This article summarises these results.Human HSP27 is a small heat shock protein that modulates the ability of cells to respond to heat shock and oxidative stress, and also functions as a chaperone independent of ATP, participating in the proteasomal degradation of proteins. The expression of HSP27 is associated with survival in mammalian cells. In cancer cells, it confers resistance to chemotherapy; in neurons, HSP27 has a positive effect on neuronal viability in models of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. To better understand the mechanism by which HSP27 expression contributes to cell survival, we expressed human HSP27 in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae under control of different mutant TEF promoters, that conferred nine levels of graded basal expression, and showed that replicative lifespan and proteasomal activity increase as well as the resistance to oxidative and thermal stresses. The profile of these phenotypes display a dose-response effect characteristic of hormesis, an adaptive phenomenon that is observed when cells are exposed to increasing amounts of stress or toxic substances. The hormetic response correlates with changes in expression levels of HSP27 and also with its oligomeric states when correlated to survival assays. Our results indicate that fine tuning of HSP27 concentration could be used as a strategy for cancer therapy, and also for improving neuronal survival in neurodegenerative diseases.In this article, we present an X-ray tomographic imaging method that is well suited for pulmonary disease studies in animal models to resolve the full pathway from gas intake to gas exchange. Current state-of-the-art synchrotron-based tomographic phase-contrast imaging methods allow for three-dimensional microscopic imaging data to be acquired non-destructively in scan times of the order of seconds with good soft tissue contrast. C59 research buy However, when studying multi-scale hierarchically structured objects, such as the mammalian lung, the overall sample size typically exceeds the field of view illuminated by the X-rays in a single scan and the necessity for achieving a high spatial resolution conflicts with the need to image the whole sample. Several image stitching and calibration techniques to achieve extended high-resolution fields of view have been reported, but those approaches tend to fail when imaging non-stable samples, thus precluding tomographic measurements of large biological samples, which are prone to degradation and motion during extended scan times. In this work, we demonstrate a full-volume three-dimensional reconstruction of an intact rat lung under immediate post-mortem conditions and at an isotropic voxel size of (2.75 µm)3. We present the methodology for collecting multiple local tomographies with 360° extended field of view scans followed by locally non-rigid volumetric stitching. Applied to the lung, it allows to resolve the entire pulmonary structure from the trachea down to the parenchyma in a single dataset. The complete dataset is available online (https// influencing oocyte maturation may be valuable for predicting their developmental potential, as well as discerning the mechanistic pathways regulating oocyte development. In the presented research microarray gene expression analysis of immature and in vitro matured porcine oocytes was performed. Two groups of oocytes were compared in the study before (3 × n = 50) and after in vitro maturation (3 × n = 50). The selection of viable oocytes was performed using the brilliant cresyl blue (BCB) test. Furthermore, microarrays and RT-qPCR was used to analyze the transcriptome of the oocytes before and after IVM. The study focused on the genes undergoing differential expression in two gene-ontology groups “Cellular response to hormone stimulus” and “Cellular response to unfolded protein”, which contain genes that may directly or indirectly be involved in signal transduction during oocyte maturation. Examination of all the genes of interest showed a lower level of their expression after IVM. From the total number of genes in these gene ontologies ten of the highest change in expression were identified FOS, ID2, BTG2, CYR61, ESR1, AR, TACR3, CCND2, EGR2 and TGFBR3.

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