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  • Frandsen Bossen posted an update 3 days ago

    Abscisic acid (ABA) is a key hormone that promotes dormancy during seed development on the mother plant and after seed dispersal participates in the control of dormancy release and germination in response to environmental signals. The modulation of ABA endogenous levels is largely achieved by fine-tuning, in the different seed tissues, hormone synthesis by cleavage of carotenoid precursors and inactivation by 8′-hydroxylation. In this review, we provide an overview of the current knowledge on ABA metabolism in developing and germinating seeds; notably, how environmental signals such as light, temperature and nitrate control seed dormancy through the adjustment of hormone levels. A number of regulatory factors have been recently identified which functional relationships with major transcription factors, such as ABA INSENSITIVE3 (ABI3), ABI4 and ABI5, have an essential role in the control of seed ABA levels. The increasing importance of epigenetic mechanisms in the regulation of ABA metabolism gene expression is also described. In the last section, we give an overview of natural variations of ABA metabolism genes and their effects on seed germination, which could be useful both in future studies to better understand the regulation of ABA metabolism and to identify candidates as breeding materials for improving germination properties.Th17 cells are recognized as indispensable in inducing protective immunity against bacteria and fungi, as they promote the integrity of mucosal epithelial barriers. It is believed that Th17 cells also play a central role in the induction of autoimmune diseases. Recent advances have evaluated Th17 effector functions during viral infections, including their critical role in the production and induction of pro-inflammatory cytokines and in the recruitment and activation of other immune cells. Thus, Th17 is involved in the induction both of pathogenicity and immunoprotective mechanisms seen in the host’s immune response against viruses. However, certain Th17 cells can also modulate immune responses, since they can secrete immunosuppressive factors, such as IL-10; these cells are called non-pathogenic Th17 cells. Here, we present a brief review of Th17 cells and highlight their involvement in some virus infections. We cover these notions by highlighting the role of Th17 cells in regulating the protective and pathogenic immune response in the context of viral infections. In addition, we will be describing myocarditis and multiple sclerosis as examples of immune diseases triggered by viral infections, in which we will discuss further the roles of Th17 cells in the induction of tissue damage.Human oncogenic viruses account for at least 12% of total cancer cases worldwide. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is the first identified human oncogenic virus and it alone causes ~200,000 cancer cases and ~1.8% of total cancer-related death annually. Over the past 40 years, increasing lines of evidence have supported a causal link between EBV infection and a subgroup of lung cancers (LCs). In this article, we review the current understanding of the EBV-LC association and the etiological role of EBV in lung carcinogenesis. We also discuss the clinical impact of the knowledge gained from previous research, challenges, and future directions in this field. Given the high clinical relevance of EBV-LC association, there is an urgent need for further investigation on this topic.There has been a continuous underrepresentation of minorities in healthcare research and vaccine trials, along with long-standing systemic racism and discrimination that have been fueling the distrust of the healthcare system among these communities for decades. The history and legacy of racial injustices and negative experiences within a culturally insensitive healthcare system have greatly contributed to vaccine hesitancy among ethnic minorities. COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy will impact vaccine uptake in the US, subsequently hindering the establishment of herd immunity (75-85% of the population vaccinated) to mitigate SARS-CoV-2 infection and transmission. Information targeting underserved racial/ethnic minorities in the US in a culturally competent manner has been lacking. This information is crucial for educating these communities about COVID-19 vaccines and their distribution as well as dispelling misinformation regarding vaccine trials, safety, and efficacy. This lack of education has greatly contributed to COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and will increase disparities in vaccine uptake. Moreover, timely vaccinations are also essential to curtailing virus transmission and the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants that may evade the immune response produced by the three existing COVID-19 vaccines.Currently, there are more than 1.55 million cases of SARS-CoV-2 infection in Spain. Of these, it is estimated that around 45% will present respiratory complications, which represents approximately 620,000 patients who will need respiratory rehabilitation. Proteases inhibitor The health system has no resources for this huge quantity of patients after the hospital discharge to finish the complete recovery and avoid the chronicity of the symptoms. We propose an application named RespiraConNosotros. The application has been created and designed to guide users in performing respiratory rehabilitation exercises, especially for COVID-19 patients, and it also facilitates patient-physiotherapist contact via chat or video calling to help patients. It is accessible for all users and on all devices. All exercises would be guided and supervised by a specialized physiotherapist who suggests, adapts, and guides the exercise according to the function level of each patient. Data obtained was satisfactory; all patients pointed out the easy access, the intuitive format, and the advantage of communicating with an expert. Concerning functional assessment, all participants improved their score on the Borg scale after performing the intervention with the application.This platform would help respiratory patients to make rehabilitation treatments to recover their pulmonary function and to decrease or eliminate the possible complications they have. It never substitutes any prescribed treatment. In conclusion, RespiraConNosotros is a simple, viable, and safe alternative for the improvement and maintenance of respiratory capacity and patient’s functionality affected by COVID-19. It could be used as a complement to face-to-face treatment when the situation allows it.

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