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  • Boykin Frank posted an update 4 days ago

    Fused in sarcoma (FUS) is a RNA/DNA protein involved in multiple nuclear and cytoplasmic functions including transcription, splicing, mRNA trafficking, and stress granule formation. To accomplish these many functions, FUS must shuttle between cellular compartments in a highly regulated manner. When shuttling is disrupted, FUS abnormally accumulates into cytoplasmic inclusions that can be toxic. Disrupted shuttling of FUS into the nucleus is a hallmark of ~10% of frontotemporal lobar degeneration (FTLD) cases, the neuropathology that underlies frontotemporal dementia (FTD). Multiple pathways are known to disrupt nuclear/cytoplasmic shuttling of FUS. In earlier work, we discovered that double-strand DNA breaks (DSBs) trigger DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK) to phosphorylate FUS (p-FUS) at N-terminal residues leading to the cytoplasmic accumulation of FUS. Therefore, DNA damage may contribute to the development of FTLD pathology with FUS inclusions. In the present study, we examined how DSBs effect FUS phosphorylation in various primate and mouse cellular models. All cell lines derived from human and non-human primates exhibit N-terminal FUS phosphorylation following calicheamicin γ1 (CLM) induced DSBs. In contrast, we were unable to detect FUS phosphorylation in mouse-derived primary neurons or immortalized cell lines regardless of CLM treatment, duration, or concentration. Despite DNA damage induced by CLM treatment, we find that mouse cells do not phosphorylate FUS, likely due to reduced levels and activity of DNA-PK compared to human cells. Taken together, our work reveals that mouse-derived cellular models regulate FUS in an anomalous manner compared to primate cells. This raises the possibility that mouse models may not fully recapitulate the pathogenic cascades that lead to FTLD with FUS pathology.Comparative oncology is defined as the discipline that integrates naturally occurring cancers seen in veterinary medicine, into more general studies of cancer biology and therapy in humans, including the study of cancer-pathogenesis and new cancer treatments. While experimental studies in mice and rodents offer several advantages, including a wealth of genetic information, reduced variation and short generation intervals, their relevance in cancer biology is somewhat limited. Toward this end, as the biomedical research community works to make the promise of precision medicine a reality, more efficient animal cohort studies are critical. Like humans, companion animals such as cats and dogs living in family homes, are exposed to environmental factors that may influence the development of disease. Furthermore, it has been shown that the basic biochemical and physiological processes of companion animals more closely resemble humans compared to rodents. Research has demonstrated that female domestic cats (Felis catus) may represent a comparative model for investigation of mammary carcinogenesis, and in particular, Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC). TNBC is a subtype of breast cancer that typically lacks the expression of the oestrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and does not overexpress the human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2). An exciting and rapidly expanding area in cancer biology is the study of exosomes. Exosomes are nanoparticles released from cells and have been found in biological fluids of humans, domestic cats and dogs. In addition to their role as biomarkers, exosomes are implicated in the pathogenesis of certain diseases, including cancer. This review explores the current understanding of exosome biology in human TNBC, and of the potential benefits of comparative research in naturally-occurring mammary tumours in companion animals.Glucocorticoids are essential drugs in the treatment protocols of lymphoid malignancies. These steroidal hormones trigger apoptosis of the malignant cells by binding to the glucocorticoid receptor (GR), which is a member of the nuclear receptor superfamily. Long term glucocorticoid treatment is limited by two major problems the development of glucocorticoid-related side effects, which hampers patient quality of life, and the emergence of glucocorticoid resistance, which is a gradual process that is inevitable in many patients. This emphasizes the need to reevaluate and optimize the widespread use of glucocorticoids in lymphoid malignancies. Selleck PIN1 inhibitor API-1 To achieve this goal, a deep understanding of the mechanisms governing glucocorticoid responsiveness is required, yet, a recent comprehensive overview is currently lacking. In this review, we examine how glucocorticoids mediate apoptosis by detailing GR’s genomic and non-genomic action mechanisms in lymphoid malignancies. We continue with a discussion of the glucocorticoid-related problems and how these are intertwined with one another. We further zoom in on glucocorticoid resistance by critically analyzing the plethora of proposed mechanisms and highlighting therapeutic opportunities that emerge from these studies. In conclusion, early detection of glucocorticoid resistance in patients remains an important challenge as this would result in a timelier treatment reorientation and reduced glucocorticoid-instigated side effects.Even though many genetic risk loci for human diseases have been identified and comprehensively cataloged, strategies to guide clinical research by integrating the extensive results of genetic studies and biological resources are still limited. Moreover, integrative analyses that provide novel insights into disease biology are expected to be especially useful for drug discovery. Herein, we used text mining of genetic studies on colorectal cancer (CRC) and assigned biological annotations to identified risk genes in order to discover novel drug targets and potential drugs for repurposing. Risk genes for CRC were obtained from PubMed text mining, and for each gene, six functional and bioinformatic annotations were analyzed. The annotations include missense mutations, cis-expression quantitative trait loci (cis-eQTL), molecular pathway analyses, protein-protein interactions (PPIs), a genetic overlap with knockout mouse phenotypes, and primary immunodeficiency (PID). We then prioritized the biological risk candidate genes according to a scoring system of the six functional annotations.

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