Trolle Skaaning posted an update 5 days ago
Focal dystonia is a movement disorder characterized by involuntary muscle contractions that determine abnormal postures. The traditional hypothesis that the pathophysiology of focal dystonia entails a single structural dysfunction (i.e. basal ganglia) has recently come under scrutiny. The proposed network disorder model implies that focal dystonias arise from aberrant communication between various brain areas. Based on findings from animal studies, the role of the cerebellum has attracted increased interest in the last few years. Moreover, it has been increasingly reported that focal dystonias also include nonmotor disturbances, including sensory processing abnormalities, which have begun to attract attention. Current evidence from neurophysiological and neuroimaging investigations suggests that cerebellar involvement in the network and mechanisms underlying sensory abnormalities may have a role in determining the clinical heterogeneity of focal dystonias. Copyright © 2020 Conte A et al.Female mammals express the long noncoding X inactivation-specific transcript ( Xist) RNA to initiate X chromosome inactivation (XCI) that eventually results in the formation of the Barr body. Xist encompasses half a dozen repeated sequence stretches containing motifs for RNA-binding proteins that recruit effector complexes with functions for silencing genes and establishing a repressive chromatin configuration. Functional characterization of these effector proteins unveils the cooperation of a number of pathways to repress genes on the inactive X chromosome. Mechanistic insights can be extended to other noncoding RNAs with similar structure and open avenues for the design of new therapies to switch off gene expression. Here we review recent advances in the understanding of Xist and on this basis try to synthesize a model for the initiation of XCI. Copyright © 2020 Monfort A and Wutz A.The goal of mitosis is to form two daughter cells each containing one copy of each mother cell chromosome, replicated in the previous S phase. To achieve this, sister chromatids held together back-to-back at their primary constriction, the centromere, have to interact with microtubules of the mitotic spindle so that each chromatid takes connections with microtubules emanating from opposite spindle poles (we will refer to this condition as bipolar attachment). Only once all replicated chromosomes have reached bipolar attachments can sister chromatids lose cohesion with each other, at the onset of anaphase, and move toward opposite spindle poles, being segregated into what will soon become the daughter cell nucleus. Prevention of errors in chromosome segregation is granted by a safeguard mechanism called Spindle Assembly Checkpoint (SAC). Until all chromosomes are bipolarly oriented at the equator of the mitotic spindle, the SAC prevents loss of sister chromatid cohesion, thus anaphase onset, and maintains the mitotic state by inhibiting inactivation of the major M phase promoting kinase, the cyclin B-cdk1 complex (Cdk1). Here, we review recent mechanistic insights about the circuitry that links Cdk1 to the SAC to ensure correct achievement of the goal of mitosis. AZD9668 molecular weight Copyright © 2020 Serpico AF and Grieco D.Feeding schedules entrain circadian clocks in multiple brain regions and most peripheral organs and tissues, thereby synchronizing daily rhythms of foraging behavior and physiology with times of day when food is most likely to be found. Entrainment of peripheral clocks to mealtime is accomplished by multiple feeding-related signals, including absorbed nutrients and metabolic hormones, acting in parallel or in series in a tissue-specific fashion. Less is known about the signals that synchronize circadian clocks in the brain with feeding time, some of which are presumed to generate the circadian rhythms of food-anticipatory activity that emerge when food is restricted to a fixed daily mealtime. In this commentary, I consider the possibility that food-anticipatory activity rhythms are driven or entrained by circulating ghrelin, ketone bodies or insulin. While evidence supports the potential of these signals to participate in the induction or amount of food-anticipatory behavior, it falls short of establishing eicircadian clocks in this area. Copyright © 2020 Mistlberger RE.Fear is a response to impending threat that prepares a subject to make appropriate defensive responses, whether to freeze, fight, or flee to safety. The neural circuits that underpin how subjects learn about cues that signal threat, and make defensive responses, have been studied using Pavlovian fear conditioning in laboratory rodents as well as humans. These studies have established the amygdala as a key player in the circuits that process fear and led to a model where fear learning results from long-term potentiation of inputs that convey information about the conditioned stimulus to the amygdala. In this review, we describe the circuits in the basolateral amygdala that mediate fear learning and its expression as the conditioned response. We argue that while the evidence linking synaptic plasticity in the basolateral amygdala to fear learning is strong, there is still no mechanism that fully explains the changes that underpin fear conditioning. Copyright © 2020 Sun Y et al.The brain undergoes two aging programs chronological and endocrinological. This is particularly evident in the female brain, which undergoes programs of aging associated with reproductive competency. Comprehensive understanding of the dynamic metabolic and neuroinflammatory aging process in the female brain can illuminate windows of opportunities to promote healthy brain aging. Bioenergetic crisis and chronic low-grade inflammation are hallmarks of brain aging and menopause and have been implicated as a unifying factor causally connecting genetic risk factors for Alzheimer’s disease and other neurodegenerative diseases. In this review, we discuss metabolic phenotypes of pre-menopausal, peri-menopausal, and post-menopausal aging and their consequent impact on the neuroinflammatory profile during each transition state. A critical aspect of the aging process is the dynamic metabolic neuro-inflammatory profiles that emerge during chronological and endocrinological aging. These dynamic systems of biology are relevant to multiple age-associated neurodegenerative diseases and provide a therapeutic framework for prevention and delay of neurodegenerative diseases of aging.