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  • Cormier Rosa posted an update 4 days ago

    The most common CHDs were atrial septal defect (37%), ventricular septal defect (32.6%), and hypoplastic left heart syndrome (18.8%). Univariate analyses demonstrated significantly greater length of stay, cost of admission, and mortality in those with peritoneal dialysis. Regression analyses demonstrated that peritoneal dialysis was independently associated with significant decrease in cost of admission (-$57,500) and significant increase in mortality (odds ratio 1.5). CONCLUSIONS Peritoneal dialysis appears to be used in specific patient subsets and is independently associated with decreased cost of stay, although it is associated with increased mortality. Further studies are needed to describe risks and benefit of peritoneal dialysis in this population.BACKGROUND Known as a rare disease, Kimura disease is a chronic, allergic and inflammatory process. It may overlap other allergic conditions, as well. CASE PRESENTATION This study is going to present a 36-year-old woman, with cough, dyspnea and bone pain. Other differential diagnoses were excluded during the investigations. Selleck Sovilnesib The definite diagnosis was made by excisional biopsy and pathological investigations. CONCLUSION This was a rare medical condition with remarkable diagnostic challenge. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at It is important to discard those practices that do not add value. As a result, several initiatives have emerged. All of them try to improve patient safety and the use of health resources. PURPOSE Present a compendium of ‘ do not do recommendations ‘ in the context of hemophilia. METHODS A review of the literature and current clinical guidelines has been made, based on the best evidence available to date. RESULTS The following 13 recommendations stand out 1) Do not delay the administration of factor after trauma; 2) do not use fresh frozen plasma or cryoprecipitate; 3) do not use desmopressin in case of hematuria; 4) do not change the product in the first 50 prophylaxis exposures; 5) do not interrupt immunotolerance; 6) do not administer aspirin or NSAIDs; 7) do not administer intramuscular injections; 8) do not do routine radiographs of the joint in case of acute hemarthrosis; 9) Do not apply closed casts for fractures; 10) do not discourage the performance of physical activities; 11) do not deny surgery to a patient with an inhibitor; 12) not perform instrumental deliveries in fetuses with hemophilia; 13) do not use factor IX (FIX) in patients with hemophilia B with inhibitor and a history of anaphylaxis after administration of FIX. CONCLUSIONS The information mentioned previously can be useful in the management of hemophilia, from different levels of care. As far as we know, this is the first initiative of this type in hemophilia. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at & OBJECTIVE Age-dependent organophosphates (OPs) toxicity is a controversial topic. The present study was designed to investigate the effect of the sub-acute exposure to diazinon (DZN), one of the main OPs insecticides, on the hematological alterations in adult and aged male rats. METHODS For approach to this aim, the adult and aged rats were received DZN (15 mg/kg, orally) for 4 weeks. Then, the blood samples were collected from the retro-orbital sinus for measuring red blood cell (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb), hematocrit (Hct), platelets (PLT), MCV (mean corpuscular volume), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH), and mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCHC). RESULTS The obtained results indicated that DZN significantly decreased RBCs (4.93 ± 0.41), Htc (28.12 ± 1.21), Hb (10.31 ± 0.36), MCHC (30.51 ± 2.04), MCV (62.86 ± 2.58), and PLT (265.6 ± 34.81) values in the adult and aged rats versus the age-matched control rats. Moreover, RBC, Hb, and Htc levels decreased significantly in the aged rats versus adult rats. However, no significant differences observed between MCHC, MCV, and PLT levels in adult and aged rats. Also, the MCH concentration did not change in any groups. Additionally, DZN did not deteriorate the hematological alterations in the aged rats versus adult rats. CONCLUSION The present study showed that toxicity of DZN is not associated to age. However, more studies should be done to confirm this finding. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at Hemorrhoidal disease is a widespread problem in healthy working patients. The traditional surgical approaches cause a loss of several working days related to the post-operative course that is often painful. To avoid these problems while offering a symptoms resolution in patients with low degrees hemorrhoids, the non-surgical treatments are nowadays largely proposed in proctological clinics. METHODS We resume the recent literature on the issue to offer a practical and easy to use guide for clinicians. RESULTS Rubber band ligation, injection sclerotherapy and infrared coagulation are cost effective, safe and effective treatments for patients with II- and III-degree hemorrhoids. Relapses are commons even if the procedures can be repeated until symptoms resolution. IV-degree hemorrhoids are not suitable of these treatments. CONCLUSION The proctological clinics must evaluate the quality of life offered to patients and discuss with them the appropriate treatment in order to select the most appropriate one for symptoms resolution and disease cure. Less is not always the best but can be an alternative to be offered. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at Diabetes is a disease which is on the rise, not only in the United States, but across the entire world. Of the many types of diabetes, diabetes mellitus is one of the most significant and common ones. There are two major types of diabetes mellitus, known as type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). In short, T1DM is non-insulin dependent and T2DM is insulin dependent. INTRODUCTION Diabetes mellitus has been shown to have potential negative implications on the gallbladder and the biliary tract. This includes gallbladder diseases including the formation of gallstones, gallbladder cancer, and cancer on the biliary tract. METHODS Through a literature review utilizing PubMed, past studies and reviews were retrieved, to write an up-to-date review on the role of diabetes mellitus in diseases of the gallbladder and biliary tract. RESULTS Diseases associated with diabetes were discussed in detail, treatment options were discussed, and several implications and associations with diabetes were mentioned.

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