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  • Pham Filtenborg posted an update 5 days ago

    The homologous-recombination dominant condition caused by a defect in nonhomologous end joining observed in several types of ICF syndrome could facilitate the formation of multiradial chromosomes. RHO-15 Here, the latest knowledge regarding maintenance DNA methylation and chromosome stability provided by those studies is reviewed.Animal experiments indicate that the hypothalamus plays an essential role in regulating the sleep-wake cycle. A recent neuroimaging study conducted under resting wakefulness conditions suggested the presence of a wake-promoting region and a sleep-promoting region in the human posterior hypothalamus and anterior hypothalamus, respectively, and interpreted their anticorrelated organization in resting-state functional networks as evidence for their opposing roles in sleep-wake regulation. However, whether and how the functional networks of the two hypothalamic regions reorganize according to their wake- or sleep-promoting roles during sleep are unclear. Here, we constructed functional networks of the posterior and anterior hypothalamus during wakefulness and nonrapid eye movement (NREM) sleep using simultaneous electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging data collected from 62 healthy participants. The functional networks of the posterior and anterior hypothalamus exhibited inversely correlated organizations during both wakefulness and NREM sleep. The connectivity strength of the posterior hypothalamic functional network was stronger during wakefulness than during stable sleep. From wakefulness to sleep, the anterior cingulate gyrus, paracingulate gyrus, insular cortex, and fontal operculum cortex showed decreased positive connectivity, while the precentral gyrus and postcentral gyrus showed decreased negative connectivity with the posterior hypothalamus. Additionally, the insular cortex and frontal operculum cortex showed negative connectivity during wakefulness and positive connectivity during sleep with the anterior hypothalamus, exhibiting an increasing trend. These findings provide insights into the correspondence between the functional network organizations and hypothalamic sleep-wake regulation in humans.

    Little is known about hesitancy to receive the COVID-19 vaccines. The objectives of this study were (1) to assess the perceptions of healthcare workers (HCWs) and the general population regarding the COVID-19 vaccines, (2) to evaluate factors influencing the acceptance of vaccination using the health belief model (HBM), and (3) to qualitatively explore the suggested intervention strategies to promote the vaccination.

    This was a cross-sectional study based on electronic survey data that was collected in Iraq during December first-19th, 2020. The electronic survey was designed using Qualtrics. HBM was followed to develop the survey items. A regression analysis was used to identify factors influencing people accepting vaccination. Thematic analysis for participant comments to an open-ended question.

    A total of 1680 completed surveys were received. The mean age of 31.2 ± 9.9 years, 53.0% were female and 47.0% were male. The largest group was HCWs (45.7%), followed by general population (37.5%) and health coeir storage, effectiveness, and adverse events.

    Awareness campaign can focus on enhancing the vaccine perceived benefit, debunking misconceptions, and increasing the disease perceived severity. Additionally, the public health leaders need to minimize the perceived barriers by providing the vaccines and appeasing people concerns about their storage, effectiveness, and adverse events.How we perceive our bodies is fundamental to our self-consciousness and our experience in the world. There are two types of interrelated internal body representations-a subjective experience of the position of a limb in space (body schema) and the subjective experience of the shape and size of the limb (body image). Body schema has been extensively studied, but there is no evidence of the brain structure and network dynamics underpinning body image. Here, we provide the first evidence for the extrastriate body area (EBA), a multisensory brain area, as the structural and functional neural substrate for body shape and size. We performed a multisensory finger-stretch illusion that elongated the index finger. EBA volume and functional connectivity to the posterior parietal cortex are both related to the participants’ susceptibility to the illusion. Taken together, these data suggest that EBA structure and connectivity encode body representation and body perception disturbances.

    Little is known about how prepared the aged care system is to meet the specific needs of Care Leavers and Forgotten Australians. We explored service provider and advocate perspectives about the barriers and facilitators for appropriate and safe care for this group.

    Three focus groups with sixteen professional stakeholders examined the ways aged care support is accessible and inaccessible for Forgotten Australians.

    Participants noted structural and organisational features that act as barriers to best practice aged care. It was perceived that funding models and processes provide insufficient opportunity to develop trust with professionals and access tailored care. Once engaged with aged care services, the sector lacks the psychological literacy required to tailor care to manage the complex needs and preferences of Forgotten Australians.

    Systemic and organisational change that promotes increased flexibility, trauma-informed care and non-residential housing options will improve the safety and accessibility of aged care for Forgotten Australians.

    Systemic and organisational change that promotes increased flexibility, trauma-informed care and non-residential housing options will improve the safety and accessibility of aged care for Forgotten Australians.Functional brain networks have been shown to undergo fundamental changes associated with aging or schizophrenia. However, the mechanism of how these factors exert influences jointly or interactively on brain networks remains elusive. A unified recognition of connectomic alteration patterns was also hampered by heterogeneities in network construction and thresholding methods. Recently, an unbiased network representation method regardless of network thresholding, so called minimal spanning tree algorithm, has been applied to study the critical skeleton of the brain network. In this study, we aimed to use minimum spanning tree (MST) as an unbiased network reconstruction and employed structural equation modeling (SEM) to unravel intertwined relationships among multiple phenotypic and connectomic variables in schizophrenia. First, we examined global and local brain network properties in 40 healthy subjects and 40 schizophrenic patients aged 21-55 using resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging (rs-fMRI).

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