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  • Foss Geisler posted an update 4 days ago

    05). Decreased first metatarsal and lateral forefoot motion, as well as positive peak power generation, were noted in the TAA group postoperative involved limb in comparison to the control group (all

    ≤ .01).

    The similarity of midfoot function across time, along with differences in midfoot function in comparison to controls, suggests that TAA does not change midfoot deficits by 6 months postoperation.

    Level II, prospective cohort study.

    Level II, prospective cohort study.Dislocation of the native knee represents a challenging injury, further complicated by the high rate of concurrent injury to the common peroneal nerve (CPN). Initial management of this injury requires a thorough neurovascular examination, given the prevalence of popliteal artery injury and limb-threatening ischemia. Further management of a knee dislocation with associated CPN palsy requires coordinated care involving the sports surgeon for ligamentous knee reconstruction and the peripheral nerve surgeon for staged or concurrent peroneal nerve decompression and/or reconstruction. Finally, the foot and ankle surgeon is often required to manage a foot drop with a distal tendon transfer to restore foot dorsiflexion. For instance, the Bridle Procedure-a modification of the anterior transfer of the posterior tibialis muscle, under the extensor retinaculum, with tri-tendon anastomosis to the anterior tibial and peroneus longus tendons at the anterior ankle-can successfully return patients to brace-free ambulation and athletic function following CPN palsy. Cross-discipline coordination and collaboration is essential to ensure appropriate timing of operative interventions and ensure maintenance of passive dorsiflexion prior to tendon transfer.

    To present the benefits of the addition of a conjunctival flap when correcting lower eyelid retraction using an auricular cartilage graft.

    An auricular cartilage graft was obtained either from the concha o the scaphoid fossa. click here When preparing the receiving bed, the conjunctival incision was made 2 mm below the inferior margin of the lower eyelid tarsus, therefore, a conjunctival flap arising from the inferior border of the tarsus was obtained. The cartilage graft was placed in the lower eyelid. The inferior border of the graft was sutured to the retractors and conjunctiva using absorbable sutures. The superior border was sutured to the inferior tarsus, so that de conjunctival flap covered the superior portion of the graft.

    Fourteen patients underwent the surgical technique. No corneal complications were observed in the early or late postoperative period. Donor site complications were not encountered.

    The confection of a conjunctival flap that lines the superior portion of an auricular cartilage graft in the lower eyelid provides protection against corneal postoperative complications until the graft is epithelized.

    The confection of a conjunctival flap that lines the superior portion of an auricular cartilage graft in the lower eyelid provides protection against corneal postoperative complications until the graft is epithelized.

    To review and discuss the clinical presentation and treatment of idiopathic intracranial hypertension.

    Visual alterations and headache are the two main symptoms of idiopathic intracranial hypertension, although additional features including cranial nerve palsies, cognitive deficits, olfactory deficits and tinnitus are not uncommon. The headache associated with idiopathic intracranial hypertension frequently has a migrainous phenotype. The underlying cause of the disorder has not yet been elucidated. Several hypotheses have been postulated but none of them can explain the full clinical picture. Therapeutic options remain limited, focusing mainly on reduction in body weight and the reduction of CSF production with carbonic anhydrase inhibitors.

    The accurate diagnosis of idiopathic intracranial hypertension is essential as visual deterioration due to papilledema may be irreversible. Given its phenotypic similarity and frequent overlap with chronic migraine it is essential to consider idiopathic intracranial hypertension in the diagnostic workup of chronic headache; in particular, when considering its increasing prevalence. Understanding in detail the pathophysiological mechanisms behind the associated headache would also allow study of current and future therapeutic options in a structured way.

    The accurate diagnosis of idiopathic intracranial hypertension is essential as visual deterioration due to papilledema may be irreversible. Given its phenotypic similarity and frequent overlap with chronic migraine it is essential to consider idiopathic intracranial hypertension in the diagnostic workup of chronic headache; in particular, when considering its increasing prevalence. Understanding in detail the pathophysiological mechanisms behind the associated headache would also allow study of current and future therapeutic options in a structured way.

    Intranasal high flow of dehumidified (dry) air results in evaporative cooling of nasal passages. In this randomized clinical trial, we investigated the effect of dry gas induced nasal cooling on migraine headaches.

    In this single-blind study, acute migraineurs were randomized to either nasal high-flow dry oxygen, dry air, humidified oxygen or humidified air (control) at 15 L/min for 15 min. All gases were delivered at 37°C. Severity of headache and other migraine associated symptoms (International Classification for Headache Disorders, 3rd edition criteria) were recorded before and after therapy. The primary endpoint was change in pain scores, while changes in nausea, photosensitivity and sound sensitivity scores served as secondary endpoints. A linear regression model was employed to estimate the impact of individual treatment components and their individual interactions.

    Fifty-one patients (48 ± 15 years of age, 82% women) were enrolled. When compared to the control arm (humidified air), all therapeutic arms showed a significantly greater reduction in pain scores (primary endpoint) at 2 h of therapy with dry oxygen (-1.6 [95% CI -2.3, -0.9]), dry air (-1.7 [95% CI -2.6, -0.7)]), and humidified oxygen (-2.3 [95% CI -3.5, -1.1]). A significantly greater reduction in 2-h photosensitivity scores was also noted in all therapeutic arms (-1.8 [95% CI -3.2, -0.4], dry oxygen; -1.7 [95% CI -2.9, -0.4], dry air; (-2.1 [95% CI -3.6, -0.6], humidified oxygen) as compared to controls. The presence of oxygen and dryness were independently associated with significant reductions in pain and photosensitivity scores. No adverse events were reported.

    Trans-nasal high-flow dry gas therapy may have a role in reducing migraine associated pain.


    Trans-nasal high-flow dry gas therapy may have a role in reducing migraine associated pain.Clinical Trial registration NCT04129567.

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