Appel Foged posted an update 5 days ago
Sugammadex binds progesterone with high affinity and may interfere with hormonal contraceptive effectiveness. The clinical, economical, and ethical implications of unintended pregnancy should prompt anesthesiologists to actively consider and manage this pharmacologic interaction. We surveyed anesthesiology providers at our institution about knowledge of this potential adverse drug interaction, how they manage it clinically, and the extent to which they involve patients in shared decision-making regarding choice of neuromuscular blocker antagonist.
A survey instrument was distributed to anesthesiology providers at a large, tertiary-care medical center. The survey explored prior experience using neostigmine and sugammadex, knowledge about potential sugammadex interference with hormonal contraception, pre-/postoperative counseling practices, clinical management, and shared decision-making regarding potential use of neostigmine in lieu of sugammadex to avoid this drug-drug interaction.
Of 259 surveys distriaring for women of childbearing potential.
Prospective, single-center trials have shown that the implementation of the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) recommendations in high-risk patients significantly reduced the development of acute kidney injury (AKI) after surgery. We sought to evaluate the feasibility of implementing a bundle of supportive measures based on the KDIGO guideline in high-risk patients undergoing cardiac surgery in a multicenter setting in preparation for a large definitive trial.
In this multicenter, multinational, randomized controlled trial, we examined the adherence to the KDIGO bundle consisting of optimization of volume status and hemodynamics, functional hemodynamic monitoring, avoidance of nephrotoxic drugs, and prevention of hyperglycemia in high-risk patients identified by the urinary biomarkers tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2 [TIMP-2] and insulin growth factor-binding protein 7 [IGFBP7] after cardiac surgery. The primary end point was the adherence to the bundle protocol and was evaluated by tation of a KDIGO-derived treatment bundle is feasible in a multinational setting. Furthermore, moderate to severe AKI was significantly reduced in the intervention group.We report a case of an extremely low birth weight premature infant born at 27 weeks of gestation, transferred to our tertiary pediatric referral center for surgical repair of an esophageal atresia. Endoscopic evaluation before the start of surgery revealed a hypopharyngeal perforation, resulting in the false impression of esophageal atresia. If no tracheoesophageal fistula is found during tracheoscopy, esophagoscopy should be done before surgical intervention as the inability to pass a nasogastric tube into the stomach is not sufficiently reliable for a correct diagnosis of esophageal atresia.
Therapeutic Level IV. See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
Therapeutic Level IV. NFAT Inhibitor clinical trial See Instructions for Authors for a complete description of levels of evidence.
A 15-year-old boy with a right femur length discrepancy secondary to infection underwent hardware removal 1-year status-post right femur osteotomy with placement of an antegrade intramedullary magnetic lengthening nail after successful lengthening of 4.2 cm. During hardware removal, dissociation between the proximal (outer) and distal (inner) components of the device was observed. The distal component was removed using an endoscopic pituitary rongeur after considering multiple possible techniques.
In the event of nail disconnection during removal of an intramedullary implant, we recommend use of a long pituitary rongeur to retrieve the distal nail component.
In the event of nail disconnection during removal of an intramedullary implant, we recommend use of a long pituitary rongeur to retrieve the distal nail component.Subcutaneous fat necrosis of the newborn (SCFN) is an uncommon, self-limiting panniculitis generally diagnosed in the first few weeks of extrauterine life in term or postterm infants subjected to perinatal physiologic stress. Hallmarks of the process include dramatic hypercalcemia without identifiable cause that may be associated with renal disease, seizures, and death. Herein, we describe the anesthetic approach in an 11-week-old infant, including perioperative laboratory testing, management of hypercalcemia, and intraoperative considerations.Bronchospasm in children is common; however, due to its sudden nature, radiographic correlation is uncommon. We planned a computed tomography (CT) coronary angiogram for a 5-year-old child for evaluation of Kawasaki disease. The child started to desaturate during the CT scanning after intravenous contrast injection under conscious sedation. CT scan documented spasm of trachea and bronchi, as well as crowding of ribs and elevated diaphragm during the event. Repeat CT scan documented well-aerated lung fields. The development of acute bronchospasm under anesthesia results in definite changes in the CT scan of the thoracic cavity as evidenced by this incident.The risk of aerosol transmission has been a key factor for the rapid dissemination of the coronavirus pandemic. Transportation of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19)-infected patients with active air leaks could expose unprotected health care personnel and other patients to aerosolized viral particles. We devised a way to avoid aerosolization while the chest tube drain is on water seal. It involves placing an Ultipor100 viral filter on the suction port of the drain system as well as sealing off the safety valve. This mechanism allows positive pressure from an air leak to escape while on water seal while trapping viral particles.
A 4-month-old boy presented with a nontender swelling of the right proximal forearm of 2 months’ duration. Radiological evaluation showed lytic lesion surrounded by sclerotic bone in the ulna with soft-tissue extension. Histopathological examination showed tumor of round and epithelioid cells containing melanin, interpreted as melanotic neuroectodermal tumor. The patient underwent a wide excision of the shaft of the ulna with creation of radioulnar synostosis. There is no recurrence 6 years after surgery.
Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor is rare in the appendicular skeleton and has to be differentiated from other round cell tumors and osteomyelitis. As far as we know, this is the first reported case in the ulna.
Melanotic neuroectodermal tumor is rare in the appendicular skeleton and has to be differentiated from other round cell tumors and osteomyelitis. As far as we know, this is the first reported case in the ulna.