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  • Dohn Mattingly posted an update 3 days ago

    001). The immersion time in denture cleansers significantly affected all tested properties (

    < 0.001). INT-777 chemical structure Within denture cleansers, NaOCl showed the highest adverse effects (

    < 0.05) while Renew showed the least adverse effects.

    Denture cleansers can significantly result in color change and alter the surface roughness and hardness of denture base resin even with ZrO

    nanoparticles addition. Therefore, they should be carefully used.

    Denture cleansers can significantly result in color change and alter the surface roughness and hardness of denture base resin even with ZrO2 nanoparticles addition. Therefore, they should be carefully used.Wild Chi-Nan agarwood is regarded as the highest quality agarwood from Aquilaria spp. However, the comprehensive research on chemical composition of wild Chi-Nan agarwood is limited. An integrated strategy using SHS-GC-MS and UPLC-Q/Tof-MS was applied to explore the phytochemical characteristics of a kind of agarwood induced from a newly identified germplasm of Chi-Nan A. sinensis. Progenesis QI and MS-Dial were used to preprocess the UPLC-Q/Tof-MS and GC-MS raw data, respectively. Principle component analysis (PCA) and orthogonal partial least squares to latent structure-discriminant analysis (OPLS-DA) models were built to discriminate Chi-Nan agarwood from ordinary agarwood and to screen potential distinguishing components between them. In this study, we clarified the distinguishing differences between Chi-Nan agarwood and ordinary agarwood. The difference is mainly manifested in the average contents of 2-(2-phenylethyl)chromone and 2-[2-(4′-methoxybenzene)ethyl]chromone, which are 170 and 420 times higher garwood from A. sinensis for the first time; it is necessary to evaluate the agarwood from the new-found Chi-Nan germplasm.This study investigates the antibacterial effects of erbium chromium laser at 2780 nm, silver nanoparticles, and erbium chromium along with silver nanoparticles on Enterococcus faecalis in comparison with sodium hypochlorite. In the present study, 90 extracted human single-rooted teeth were selected and standardized to a length of 15 mm. The canals were prepared by V-taper Gold rotary files and then incubated with E. faecalis for 21 days. The samples were divided into four experimental groups including hypochlorite sodium, silver nanoparticle, erbium chromium laser, and erbium chromium laser along with silver nanoparticle groups. Results showed that there was a significant reduction in colony count for all groups after interventions. Moreover, there was a significant reduction in the colony count for sodium hypochlorite group in comparison with another groups, and this group showed the highest reduction of colony count. There was a significant difference between silver nanoparticles and erbium chromium laser groups in colony count. According to the results, the silver nanoparticles offered strong antibacterial effects on E. faecalis and therefore can decrease bacterial colonies, while the use of the laser, despite the reduction of the bacterial colony, could not be sufficiently used for disinfection of root canal system.Gingival recession (GR) can cause aesthetic and functional problems. Using connective tissue graft (CTG) and coronally advanced flap (CAF) is considered the technique of choice for treating GR. Considering the morbidity resulting from taking CTG, different alternative biomaterials have been described, including plasma-rich fibrin (PRF) membrane. Studies in lower teeth are few because of the complexity of the factors that can influence obtaining less predictable outcomes. Objective. To compare between CAF + PRF and CAF + CTG in the treatment of lower teeth Miller I gingival recession. Methodology. Split-mouth included 26 isolated GR (13 in each side of the mouth). The left side was treated with CAF + PRF and the right side with CAF + CTG. Clinical variables, probing depth (PD), GR, keratinized tissue (KT), vestibular soft tissue thickness (VSTT), and teeth sensitivity (TS), were assessed at the baseline. GR, KT, VSTT, extraoral inflammation (EI), and patient discomfort (PaD) were assessed at 45 days. Results. Statistically greater VSTT at 45 days was obtained using CAF + CTG (p  less then  0.05). Less EI and PaD were obtained using CAF + PRF (p  less then  0.05). No change was observed in GR, KT, and TS values in the intergroup or intragroup comparisons. Conclusion. Even with the limitations of this study, using PRF and CTG in lower teeth demonstrated an improvement in terms of root coverage, although it was without a total percentage of coverage. Regarding the VSTT, better results were obtained using the CTG + CAF, suggesting eventually long-term stable clinical results. We suggest a combined technique for future investigations.In order to plan and execute proper preventative measures against COVID-19, we need to understand how SARS-CoV-2 is transmitted. It has been shown to remain infectious on surfaces from hours to days depending on surface type and environmental factors. The possibility of transmission through fur animals and contaminated pelts, along with the safety of those working with them, is a major concern. SARS-CoV-2 can infect minks and raccoon dogs and has spread to mink farms in numerous countries. Here, we studied the stability of SARS-CoV-2 on blue fox, Finn raccoon, and American mink pelt, fake fur, cotton, plastic, faux leather, and polyester and tested its inactivation by UV light and heat treatment. We detected infectious virus up to 5 days on plastic, up to 1 day on fake fur, less than a day on cotton, polyester, and faux leather, and even 10 days on mink fur. UV light failed to inactivate SARS-CoV-2 on pelts, most likely due to the mechanical protection by the fur. Hence, it should not be used to inactivate the virus on fur products, and its use for other surfaces should also be considered carefully. Heat treatment at 60°C for 1 h inactivated the virus on all surfaces and is a promising method to be applied in practice. This study helps prevent further spread of COVID-19 by increasing our understanding about risks of SARS-CoV-2 spread through contaminated clothing materials and giving important information needed to improve safety of those working in the production line as well as people using the products.

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